Operational Definitions
0000Value is defined as the commander's
understanding and appreciation of public based on "belief"
or facts that he or she has of the PAO mission (knowledge of fact
or policy regarding public affairs) and on opinion that he or
she has on PAO worth (degree of worth placed on PAO to help accomplish
unit mission. Integration is the degree of which the use of PA
corresponds to policy; coordinated efforts in support of unit
mission. Integration is dependent on the degree of value the commander
places on PA.
0000Public affairs officers and specialists
perform their PAO mission based on their understanding of DOD
and service-unique regulations and directives in conjunction with
commanders' guidance. One of the main problems perceived by PAOs
is when commanders lack the understanding and appreciation of
the PAO; they fail to incorporate them into the planning and execution
of the mission. But even more important is why the commanders
feel the way they do about public affairs. Is it because there
has been a lack of training, both formal and informal? Or is their
opinion based on bad experience from PA personnel or PA activities?
Perhaps it is based on a media interview that went bad and the
commander blames it on his PAO? Whatever the problems are, they
need to be identified and solved to allow PAOs more involvement
in the planning and execution phases of the overall mission. The
goal is that the findings of this study will allow PAOs to better
understand the mindset of commanders and why they feel positively
or negatively toward public affairs. Understanding this will allow
PAOs to use persuasion techniques to convince their commanders
of their worth both internally and externally to the overall mission.
0000Previous studies have looked
at either a commander's perception of a public affairs officer
or a public affairs officer's perception of the commander's perception.
This study proposes that both variables must be looked at in the
same study. Additionally, both variables should be from the same
command. For example, when surveying a commander, you should also
survey the corresponding public affairs officer to be able to
establish a more accurate correlation. Whereas previous studies
have only looked at a commander's perceptions or a PAO's perception
of a commander's perceptions of public affairs, this study will
do both and also look at why a commander has the perception he
or she has toward public affairs personnel and activities in relation
to education, experience, and examples. To determine levels of
value is important but falls short of getting to the root of why
those values are held. This study hopes to help determine why
commanders have a particular degree of level of value. In determining
why value is high or low, efforts can be made to increase or sustain
value levels. The following research questions are proposed.
0000RQ1: What level of value do
commanders have of public affairs?
0000RQ2: What is the correlation
between value of PA and the integration of PA by 0000the
0000RQ3: What are the reasons commanders
give for the degree of value they hold 0000for
0000RQ4: To what extent does education,
experience, and examples related to a 0000commander's
perceived value of PAO?
0000RQ5: To what extent do PAOs perceive
internal resistance from commanders in 0000integrating
public affairs work and counsel into
their unit's operations?