
0000This CAPSTONE study proposes a research project that identifies the correlation between commanders' perceived value of public affairs and a public affairs directors' perception of a commanders' integration of public affairs in daily unit mission. This study will use open-ended questions to determine why a commander values PA personnel and activities based on education, experience and example variables.
0000DOD public affairs professionals and their relationship with their commanders have been researched and studied in the past two decades (Cannon, 1984). This study uses the following theories to explain and predict possible outcomes of this proposed study: co-orientation theory, predicted outcome value theory, social judgement theory, and leader-member exchange theory. Each theory helps explain the unique relationship challenges a public affairs officer may face with a commander. These theories also help explain and predict how a commander may act or react to certain positive or negative stimuli generated from public affairs functions such as community relations, command information, and media relations. Projected results of this study can help PAOs develop better training programs and use open persuasion techniques in gaining more commander-directed integration of public affairs within the daily mission of the unit.