Measuring Success:
A Model for Evaluating the Success of Military Media Relations
As budgets get tighter and organizations look to make themselves more efficient, individual functions must prove their value to the organization to remain viable. This movement towards measurement does not stop at the commercial enterprise, but has found itself in the non-profit sector and particularly in the federal government. The government public affairs (PA) function is primarily to disseminate information both timely and accurately, following the Department of Defense policy of "maximum disclosure, minimum delay." However, to provide real value to the organization, public affairs must ensure that its image and reputation are positive. In addition, there may even be a requirement to change attitude and behavior. For example, in order to ensure an operating budget to fulfill its mandates, each military service must communicate to the public and key decision-makers the accomplishments and sound stewardship of the money it already has. The purpose of this
study is to examine a model for the measurement of effective media relations,
adapt that model using Frietag's (1998) seven approaches to measuring the
effectiveness of public relations programs, and propose a dissemination
plan to help evaluate and implement the model.