The MRE Model adds a previously missing quantitative value to a portion of the PA mission. This creates a common measure of success across the PA field, making measuring organizational and command goals more efficient and allowing organizations to measure the same basic elements. For example, a major command can now ask its subordinate commands for the evaluative data, and will receive the same data from all subordinate commands. Although this is a shift in paradigms -- moving from a less quantitative measure (or lack of measure) of success to a quantitative measure -- we suggest an immediate adoption of the MRE. Changes to the model at the local level are suggested and encouraged. It is also expected that the model can and will change as goals and messages change. This adds to its heuristic value, as changes can be made as units learn more about the effectiveness of what they are measuring. Limitations There are some limitations to the MRE. First, it does not consider qualitative distinctions to a degree to which many military PA practitioners are accustomed. Second, the survey and the model itself have not been tested for validity. Third, the use of the model would be contingent on strong support from Public Affairs Officers, who would have to allow some time for a shift in methods of measurement. Finally, success of this measurement method would depend on a commander who accepted this as an accurate statement of value or worth. Future research It is possible that with future research, the MRE model could become an internet-based database accessible across the services. This would allow each services to compile information on media relations around the world with a mouse click. The database could be linked to each major command, or kept local, depending on the needs and goals of the unit.