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DART Data Dictionary Subteam Projects

Ongoing Projects

  • Create data dictionary entries for all tables that currently have no entries
  • Develop and post Admissions and Financial Aid data dictionary entries to the data dictionary web app
  • Examine software that can be used to capture data dictionary entries, reporting rules, business rules, etc., in a collaborative fashion while allowing access across the university.
  • Continue to add to Cognos Consumer and Cognos Author FAQs recently placed on Cognos SharePoint
  • Continue to add to the on-line Data Dictionary
  • Create guidance documents for GPA usage and student curriculum changes over time
  • Explore ways to improve documentation and delivery, maximizing usefulness to the reporting community

Completed Projects

The DART Data Dictionary Subteam has continued the work of the ODS Metadata Team (see below), with the most recently-completed projects being:

  • Created 942 column data dictionary entries within 18 tables/objects and 3 table data dictionary entries (completed October 2019)
  • Created a 39-page user-friendly overview of the eight most-used objects for student data with embedded links within the document for easy navigation, and links to web app metadata and other Cognos/ODS support resources.
  • Created 33 Data FAQs: 15 designed for Cognos Authors and 18 designed for Cognos Consumers
  • Created documentation on how curriculum changes are entered in Banner, and offered two specialized trainings on proper use of the relevant data for reporting
  • Created table metadata entries for OUCustom objects that had been lacking entries (96 tables--completed October, 2017)
  • Created column metadata entries for often-used OUCustom student objects for which metadata had previously been created but subsequently new columns had been added which lacked metadata (158 columns, completed March 2018)

Prior to be renamed to the DART Data Dictionary Subteam in Spring, 2016, this group was formerly known as the ODS Metadata Team.

The ODS Metadata Team began meeting in 2013, and some of its completed projects were:

  • Create detailed data dictionary entries for select Cognos Package objects
  • Assist with Cognos User Group meetings
  • Create support documentation for Cognos Sharepoint
  • Begin Cognos Office Hours