At the University of Oklahoma social media is one of the primary ways we communicate and engage with our audience - building lasting relationships with prospective students, parents, visitors, fans and alumni to create a long-term relationship with OU.
The University of Oklahoma welcomes interaction (comments, wall posts, sharing fan photos, etc.) from users of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The University reminds its social media guests, however, that these sites are not private and, as with any Internet site, their security cannot be guaranteed.
Information guests choose to post on these sites is available to anyone else who visits them. Guests should take this into consideration and use discretion when deciding whether to post personal information about themselves or others on these sites. Use of these sites is voluntary, and any guest using them assumes the risk associated with the use of social networking sites and agrees to release and hold harmless the University for any claims, causes of action, or damages that may arise relating to the guest’s use of these sites.
The University reserves the right to remove any and all content and comments at its discretion. Any content or comments it deems to be unlawful, spam, and/or threatening against OU students, faculty, staff, guests, or others or to the University’s network or computing systems will be removed and reported to the site on which the content or comments appeared.
Content and comments intended to promote commercial products or services are not permitted under University policy and will be removed.
Content that violates any University policy will be removed.
The University encourages its guests to report infringing content to the appropriate site according to each site’s terms of service.
If you have questions about the University's social networks and/or this policy, please contact