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Fall 2023 Student Highlights

Fall 2023 Student Highlights

December 18, 2023

Museum Studies Student Lauren Brouileette to present at 2024 History Graduate Student Organization Conference

Master of Arts in Museum Studies student Lauren Brouillette has had a presentation accepted to the 2024 History Graduate Student Organization Conference on February 9th through 10th in College Station, Texas.

Brouillette’s presentation is from her master's thesis on the collective memory and the Holocaust in Europe and the United States. It is titled Curating the Holocaust and the Victims of Nazi Persecution: Collective Memory and the Impact on Exhibitions. A Site Survey of Holocaust Memorials and Museums.

Lauren Brouillette.

Ben Wang.

School of Library and Information Studies Ph.D. Student Ben Wang, and Computer Science Ph.D. Student Jinmiao Chen Received the Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC) Graduate Student Seed Fund, with Faculty Advisor, Dr. Jiqun Liu

Oklahoma Library and Information Studies Student Association (OLISSA) Semester in Review

OLISSA has been working hard on some projects they hope to see come through in the Spring semester. After a successful Tulsa meetup in November, there are further plans for a Tulsa meetup in March at the OLA 24 Conference as well as a Norman meetup in April.

With new members joining there is a plan for an upcoming workshop event through Bizzell Library that will help give students resources when applying for librarian jobs before and after graduation. Don’t forget that we are here to help offer a community for every MLIS student in the program near and far! 

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The OLISSA logo featuring an open book.