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400 MHz JEOL NMR instrument with a 24-Autosampler unit

400 MHz JEOL NMR instrument with a 24-Autosampler unit

The 400 MHz JNM-ECZL JEOL NMR narrow-bore (54 mm) spectrometer (9.4 Tesla) is equipped with a 24-sample autosampler. This automatic sample changer (removable carousel) has 24 slots and is located on the top magnet. Additional NMR samples can be preloaded into empty slots on the removable carousel. This NMR spectrometer is capable of automatically performing multiple experiments on different samples.

The JEOL NMR host computer is a Dell Precision Workstation / Windows 10 64-Bit, I5-11500, 16GB mem, 2 GB graphics. The system is running under Windows 10 (operation system) with DELTA software, version 6.3.

It is equipped with a digital auto-tuning broadband HFX Royal Probe and JEOL Autotune accessory unit respectively and is the best NMR spectrometer for acquiring direct and indirect detection 1D and 2D NMR spectra. This spectrometer can perform experiments at variable temperature (VT) range from -100°C to +150°C. Low VT measurements require a 10-liter liquid nitrogen dewar attached to the probe. In turn, a heating cable connected to the console supplies power to a liquid nitrogen Dewar to make the cold nitrogen gas needed to cool the sample.

The probe has two channels - high-band (HF) and low-band channel (LF) and a dedicated Lock channel (2H) The LF coil can be tuned to observe any nucleus from 31P to 15N, plus 39K and 109Ag. The HF coil can be tuned to 1H or 19F and to both 1H and 19F simultaneously.

The Royal probe (ROHFX/FGSQ) probe is fitted with an actively shielded single Z-axis gradient coil capable of 30G/cm with 10A current.

400 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

The 400 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR narrow-bore (54 mm) spectrometer (9.4 Tesla) is a two-channel system equipped with broadband 5 mm Probes and Autotune accessory unit:

Probes: X(H-F) PFG and DB AUTO X PFG (Auto X Dual Broadband Probe)

Auto-tuning range: The X channel of the probe can be tuned from 15N to 31P

Both Probes have variable temperature capabilities (-80oC  to +130oC), FTS cooling unit, z-axis pulsed field gradients (PFG), and automated deuterium (2H) gradient module.

This instrument is the most used for routine detection of 1D NMR spectra such as 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 11B, APT, DEPT, 1DNOESY, zTOCSY1D, as well as gradient selected 2D NMR spectra - COSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC and HMBC.

The NMR host computer is a HP Z4 workstation with Intel Corp. Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2223 CPU @ 3.60 GHz. The system is running under Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS with OpenVNMRJ 3.1 software, version 3.1, Revision A.

400 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

500 MHz JEOL NMR instrument with a 24-Autosampler unit

500 MHz JEOL NMR instrument with a 24-Autosampler unit

The 500 MHz JNM-ECZL JEOL NMR narrow-bore (54 mm) spectrometer (11.7 Tesla) is equipped with a 24-sample autosampler. This automatic sample changer (removable carousel) has 24 slots and is located on the top magnet. Additional NMR samples can be preloaded into empty slots on the removable carousel. This NMR spectrometer is capable of automatically performing multiple experiments on different samples.

It is equipped with a digital auto-tuning broadband Royal Probe (RO5AT/FGSQ) and JEOL Autotune accessory unit respectively and is also the best NMR spectrometer for acquiring direct and indirect detection 1D and 2D NMR spectra.

The JEOL NMR host computer is a Dell Precision Workstation / Windows 10 64-Bit, I5-11500, 16GB mem, 2 GB graphics.  The system is running under Windows 10 (operation system) with DELTA software, version 6.3.

This spectrometer can perform experiments at variable temperature (VT) range from -100°C to +150°C.  Low VT measurements require a 10-liter liquid nitrogen dewar attached to the probe.  In turn, a heating cable connected to the console supplies power to a liquid nitrogen Dewar to make the cold nitrogen gas needed to cool the sample.

The probe has two channels - high-band (HF) and low-band channel (LF) and a dedicated Lock channel (2H).  The LF coil can be tuned to observe any nucleus from 31P to 15N, plus 39K and 109Ag. The HF coil can be tuned to 1H or 19F.

The Royal probe (RO5AT/FGSQ) probe is fitted with an actively shielded single Z-axis gradient coil capable of 30G/cm with 10A current.

500 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

The Varian VNMRS 500 MHz narrow-bore (51 mm) spectrometer (9.4 Tesla) NMR spectrometer is equipped with three RF channels with waveform generators, variable temperature (VT) capabilities,  FTS cooling unit, z-axis pulsed field gradients (PFG), and automated deuterium (2H) gradient module and has two Probes: triple-resonance TR/PFG Probe; VT: -20oC to + 80oC and indirect detection ID PFG Probe; VT: -100oC to +130oC.

The ID PFG Probe has a two channel: 1H and X-Channel; the X broad band channel can be tuned from nitrogen (15N) to phosphorus (31P) frequency from (15N - 31P)

The triple resonance TR /PFG Probe has three dedicated channels: 1H, 13C, and 15N. In normal configuration, the Proton (1H) channel is tuned to proton, Carbon channel is tuned to carbon (13C), Nitrogen channel tuned is tuned to nitrogen (15N). This probe is designed for detection triple resonance experiments and requires a three-channel NMR console configuration. At the same time, the proton and carbon channels can be used for 1D (1H and 13C) and inverse detection 2D NMR experiments (1H-13C HSQC and 1H-13C HMBC). Likewise, proton and nitrogen channels can be used for indirect 2D NMR detection experiments such as 1H-15N HSQC and 1H-15N HMBC, 1H-15N CIGARAD, etc.).

In general, selecting this probe will be an excellent choice for performing gradient   selected 2D NMR experiments due to the high sensitivity of the proton channel.

The NMR host computer is a HP Z4 workstation with Intel Corp. Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2223 CPU @ 3.60 GHz. The system is running under Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS with OpenVNMRJ 3.1 software, version 3.1, Revision A.

500 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

500 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

500 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR instrument

The Varian VNMRS 500 MHz narrow-bore (51 mm) spectrometer (9.4 Tesla) NMR spectrometer is equipped with three RF channels with waveform generators, variable temperature (VT) capabilities,  FTS cooling unit, z-axis pulsed field gradients (PFG), and automated deuterium (2H) gradient module and has two Probes: triple-resonance TR/PFG Probe; VT: -20oC to + 80oC and indirect detection ID PFG Probe; VT: -100oC to +130oC.

The ID PFG Probe has a two channel: 1H and X-Channel; the X broad band channel can be tuned from nitrogen (15N) to phosphorus (31P) frequency from (15N - 31P)

The triple resonance TR /PFG Probe has three dedicated channels: 1H, 13C, and 15N. In normal configuration, the Proton (1H) channel is tuned to proton, Carbon channel is tuned to carbon (13C), Nitrogen channel tuned is tuned to nitrogen (15N). This probe is designed for detection triple resonance experiments and requires a three-channel NMR console configuration. At the same time, the proton and carbon channels can be used for 1D (1H and 13C) and inverse detection 2D NMR experiments (1H-13C HSQC and 1H-13C HMBC). Likewise, proton and nitrogen channels can be used for indirect 2D NMR detection experiments such as 1H-15N HSQC and 1H-15N HMBC, 1H-15N CIGARAD, etc.).

In general, selecting this probe will be an excellent choice for performing gradient   selected 2D NMR experiments due to the high sensitivity of the proton channel.

The NMR host computer is a HP Z4 workstation with Intel Corp. Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2223 CPU @ 3.60 GHz. The system is running under Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS with OpenVNMRJ 3.1 software, version 3.1, Revision A.

600 MHz Varian INOVA NMR instrument

The 600 MHz Varian VNMRS NMR narrow-bore (Oxford magnet, 51 mm-bore size) spectrometer (14.2 Tesla) is a two-bands RF channels system equipped with two 5 mm Probes: Auto X DB PFG Probe (Auto X Dual Broadband Probe) and Indirect detection ID Probe (H {13C/X} PFG. This instrument was originally installed with a 4-channel console configuration. However, due to the obsolescence of this instrument, particularly the console, only two channels (proton and X channel) are now often used for 1D and 2D NMR experiments.

This NMR system has temperature control capability (FTS chiller) over a temperature range of

 -40°C to +60°C, z-axis pulsed field gradients (PFG), and automated deuterium gradient shimming module.  However, it does not have auto-tuning capabilities and requires manual tuning.

This instrument is capable of performing a full range of 1D and 2D NMR, Diffusion-Ordered (DOSY) experiments as well as this Probe (Auto X DB PFG Probe) appropriate for acquiring NMR spectrum various NMR active nuclei such as  1H and 2H (deuterium), 13C, 19F, 11B, 31P, 29Si, 77Se, 113Cd, 119Sn, 133Cs, 195Pt, etc.

The high band channel of this Probe may tuned to 1H and 19F, the X channel can be tuned also from nitrogen (15N) to phosphorus frequency (31P), and the Lock (2H) channel is tuned to deuterium.

The NMR host computer is a HP Z4 workstation with Intel Corp. Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2223 CPU @ 3.60GHz. The system is running under Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS with OpenVNMRJ 3.1 software, version 3.1, Revision A.

600 MHz Varian INOVA NMR instrument

MNOVA NMR Processing software

The University of Oklahoma has an unlimited license for the MestReNova NMR Processing software and is freely available to all researchers (students, Faculty and staff) at the OU.

Mnova NMR, the most popular software tool to visualize, process, analyze and report any 1D and 2D NMR data and is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux platforms.

When running the MNOVA software you must be on campus, the license server will only respond to these addresses.

Download MNOVA software (Version 15 or newer) and use the license key files for activation.

To get a license files contact Dr. Novruz Akhmedov (

Lab equipment with a ladder.

The 500 NMR spectrometer was originally purchased as a VXR model in 1987 and was completely upgraded to a VNMRS model by the University in 2006 with the addition of Dr. Susan Schroeder and Dr. Robert Cichewicz to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty.

The spectrometer is a three channel, 28 shims Varian VNMRS-500 equipped with two probes: triplet resonance H{13C/15N} PFG probe, and a tunable indirect detection 1H{15N-31P} PFG probe.

Daisuke Abe

The 400 MHz NMR was originally purchased as a Varian Unity/Inova model in 1994 and was completely upgraded to the Varian VNMRS model in October, 2007 under the NSF Multi-user Grant # 0639199.

The system is complete with robotic sample insertion, automatic tuning and variable temperature accessories. The system is equipped with two probes: a auto-tunable indirect detection 1H{15N-31P} PFG probe and a auto-tunable Dual Broadband 15N-31P {1H} PFG probe optimized for broadband detection.

Daisuke Abe

The 300 MHz NMR was purchased in 2000 under a NSF multi-user grant.  It operates with a 4-nuclei autoswitchable PFG probe. It can collect 1H/19F/13C/P31 without retuning the probe.

This instrument is designed for walk-up use and is primarily used by the synthetic chemistry groups.  Mornings, Evenings and Overnight time can be reserved in advance in large blocks, but daytime can only be reserved in 15 minute blocks.