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[2024] -[2023] -[2022]-[2021]-[2020]- [2019] - [2018] - [2017] - [2016] - [2015] - [2014] - [2013] - [2012] - [2011] - [2010] - [2008] - [2007]

[ 2024 ]

  1. B. Weng, "The road to climate change mitigation via methane emissions monitoring", Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, 1, 69-70 (2024)

[ 2023 ]

[ 2022 ]

  1. C. Mi; M. Atteberry; V. Mapara; L. Hidayatova; G. Gee; M. Furis; W. Yip; B. Weng; Y. Dong, "Biexciton-Like Auger Blinking in Strongly Confined CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots", Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 5466-5474 (2023)

  1. P. Zhou; Y. Wu; W. Wan; B. Weng*; Z. Yi*, "Perturbation influence of a parity-time optical resonator pair", AIP Advances 12, 085230  (2022)

  1. N. Bathaei; B. Weng; H. Sigmarsson*, "Crystallization kinetics of GeTe Phase Change Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Electron-Beam Deposition", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing148, 106781 (2022)

  1. T. Hemati, Y. Zou, B. Weng*; "High-Q surface light emission from active parity-time-symmetric gratings", Physical Review Applied 17, 044023 (2022)

  1. Q.He, W. Yang, W. Luo, S. Wilhelm, B. Weng*, "Lable-Free Differentiation of Cancer and Healthy Cells based on Machine Learning Algorithms Assisted Fast Raman Imaging" MDPI Biosensors12 (4), 250 (2022)

  1. J. Yang, Z. Pei, E. C. Leon, C. Wickizer, B. Weng, Y. Mao, Q. OU, and Y. Shao, "Cavity quantum-electrodynamical time-dependent density functional theory within Gaussian atomic basis. II. Analytic energy gradient", Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 124104 (2022)

  1. J. Wang, P. Marashizadeh, B. Weng, P. Larson, M. C. Altan, Y Liu, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling of Aligned ZnO Nanowires Enhanced Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites," MDPI Materials15(7), 2618 (2022)

  1. Lance L. McDowell*, Jijun Qiu, Milad Rastkar Mirzaei, Binbin Weng, and Zhisheng Shi*,"Integration of Epitaxial IV–VI Pb-Chalcogenide on Group IV Vicinal Ge Substrate to Form p–n Heterogeneous Structures "Crystal Growth & Design, 22, 461-468 (2022)

[ 2021 ]

  1. J. Yang, Q. OU, Z. Pei, H. Wang, B. Weng, Z. Shuai, K. Mullen, and Y. Shao, "Quantum-Electrodynamical Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Within Gaussian Atomic Basis," Journal of Chemical Physics155, 064107 (2021)

  1. K. Arledge,  B. Uchoa, Y. Zou, B. Weng,* "Chemical Sensing with Topological Photonic Arrays of Circular Waveguides "Physical Review Research, 3, 033106 (2021) (.PDF

[ 2020 ]

  1. E. Echeverria*, A.J. Austin, N. Dice, A.K. Kalkan, L. Zhang, B. Weng, D. Meyer, and D.N. Mcllroy, "Boron-Induced Metamorphosis on Graphitic Structures - A New Form of Mesoscopic Carbon," Carbon Trends, 2, 100012 (2020) (.PDF

  1. G. Yang, B. Weng,* "Reactive ion etching of PbSe thin films in CH4/H2/Ar plasma atmosphere," Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 124, 105596 (2020)(.PDF

  1. T. Hemati, X. Zhang and B. Weng*, "A Direct Oriented-Attachment Growth of Lead-Chalcogenide Mid-Infrared Nanocrystals Film on Amorphous Substrates," Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 13205-13212 (2020)(.PDF

  1. T. Hemati, and B. Weng*, "Experimental study of the size-dependent photoluminescence emission of CBD-grown PbSe nanocrystals on glass," Nano Express, 1, 010030 (2020)(.PDF

[ 2019 ]

  1. J. Salazar, Q. Zeshan, S. Saharokh, B. Weng, H. Sigmarsson, "Frequency Agile Microstrip Patch Antenna Using an Anisotropic Artificial Dielectric Layer (AADL): Modeling and Design," IEEE Access10, 1109 (2019)(.PDF

  1. J. Qiu, B. Weng, L. McDonwell, Z. Shi, "Low-cost Uncooled MWIR PbSe Quantum Dots Photodiodes," RSC Advances9, 42516-42523 (2019) (.PDF

  1. L. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Jia, X. Liu, T. Liu, T. Fu, J. Li, B. Weng, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, "Manipulation of phase-transfer ligand exchange dynamics of PbS quantum dots for efficient infrared photovoltaics," Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 50, 30137-30144 (2019) (.PDF

  1. Y. Wang, M. An, Y. Jia, L. Wang, J. Li, B. Weng, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, "Pressure-enhanced electronic coupling of highly-passivated quantum dot films for the photovoltaic performance improvement," Applied Physics Letters115, 193902 (2019) (.PDF

  1. T. Hemati, and B. Weng,* “Theoretical Design of Coupled High Contrast Grating (CHCG) Waveguides to Enhanced CO2 Light-Absorption for Gas Sensing Applications,” Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 154502 (2019) (.PDF

  1. L. McDowell, J. Qiu, B. Weng, Z. Shi, “Growth Study of New Complex Oxide PbOxSe1-x Thin Films by Oxygen Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” ACS Crystal Growth and Design, 19(4), 2253-2258 (2019) (.PDF

  1. N. Bathaei, B. Weng,* and H. Sigmarsson, "Growth Study of GeTe Phase Change Material Using Pulsed Electron-Beam Deposition", Material Science in Semiconductor Processing, 96, 73-74 (2019)(.PDF

[ 2018 ]

  1. J. Wang, B. Weng, P. Larson, Y. Liu*, "Synthesis and characterization of self-assembled ZnO nanoarrays on hybrid structural fibers", Surfaces and Interfaces16, 188 (2018) (.PDF)

  1. T. Hemati and B. Weng,* "Theoretical Study of Leaky-Mode Resonant Gratings for Improving the Absorption Efficiency of the Uncooled Mid-Infrared Phtodetectors", Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 053105 (2018) (.PDF

  1. J. Wang, B. Weng*, P. Larson, Y. Liu*, "Synthesis of ZnO Nanoarrays on Carbon Fibers using Combined Atomic Layer Deposition and Hydrothermal Methods", Materials Research Express, 05, 065029 (2018) (.PDF)

  1. X. Shi, Q. Phan, B. Weng, L. McDowell, J. Qiu, Z. Cai, Z. Shi, "Study on the Theoretical Limitation of the Mid-Infrared PbSe Junction Detector at High Operation Temperature", Detection 6, 1-16 (2018) (.PDF)

[ 2017 ]

  1. B. Weng*, J. Qiu, W. Ge, J. Xu and Z. Shi, “Continuous-wave Mid-Infrared Photonic Crystal Light Emitters at Room Temperature,” Applied Physics: B 123, 29 (2017) (.PDF)

  1. J. Qiu, B. Weng, W. Ge, L. McDowell, Z. Cai, and Z. Shi, “A broadband Pb-chalcogenide/CdS Solar Cells with Tandem Quantum-Dots Embedded in the Bulk Matrix absorption layers by using Chemical Bath Deposition,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells172, 117-123 (2017) (.PDF)

[ 2016 ]

  1. B. Weng*, J. Wang, P. Larson and Y. Liu, “Growth Process Optimization of ZnO Thin Film using Atomic Layer Deposition”, Materials Research Express 3, 126402 (2016) (.PDF)

[ 2015 ]

  1. J. Qiu, B. Weng, L. Li, X. Li, and Z. Shi, “Large-scale self-assembled epitaxial growth of highly-ordered 3D micro/nano single-crystalline PbSe pyramid arrays by selective chemical bath deposition”, Materials Research Express 2, 055010 (2015) (.PDF)

[ 2014 ]

  1. B. Weng*, J. Qiu, L. Zhao, C. Chang, and Z. Shi, “CdS/PbSe Heterojunction for High Temperature Mid-infrared Photovoltaic Detector Applications”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 121111 (2014) (.PDF)

  1. J. Qiu, B. Weng, L. Zhao, C. Chang, Z. Shi, X. Li, H. Kim, and Y. Hwang, “Synthesis and Characterization of Flower-like Bundles of ZnO Nanosheets by a Surfactant-free Hydrothermal Process”, Journal of Nanomaterials 2014, 281461 (2014) (.PDF)

  1. B. Weng*, J. Qiu, Z. Yuan, P. R. Larson, G. W. Strout, and Z. Shi, “Responsivity Enhancement of Mid-infrared PbSe Detectors using CaF2 Nano-structured Antireflective Coatings”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 021109 (2014) (.PDF)

  1. L. Zhao, J. Qiu, B. Weng, C. Chang, Z. Yuan, and Z. Shi, “Understanding Sensitization Behavior of Lead Selenide Photoconductive Detectors by Charge Separation Model”, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 084502 (2014) (.PDF)

  1. B. Weng*, J. Qiu, L. Zhao, C. Chang, and Z. Shi, “Theoretical D* Optimization of N+-p Pb1-xSnxSe Long-Wavelength (8-11µm) Photovoltaic Detector at 77K”, Detection 2, 1-6 (2014) (.PDF)

[ 2013 ]

  1. J. Qiu, B. Weng, Z. Yuan, and Z. Shi, “Study of Sensitization Process on Mid-infrared Uncooled PbSe Photoconductive Detectors Leads to High Peak Detectivity”, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 103102 (2013) (.PDF)

[ 2012 ]

  1. L. li, J. Qiu, B. Weng, Z. Yuan, X. Li, X. Gan, I. R. Sellers, and Z. Shi, “Measurement of the Valence Band-offset in a PbSe/ZnO Heterojunction by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261601 (2012) (.PDF)

  1. J. Qiu, X. Li, X. Gao, X. Gan, B. Weng, L. Li, Z. Yuan, Z. Shi, and Y. Hwang, “Branched double-shelled TiO2 Nanotube Networks on Transparent Conducting Oxide Substrates for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 23411 (2012) (.PDF)

  1. J. Qiu, F. Zhuge, X. Li, X. Gao, X. Gan, L. Li, B. Weng, Z. Shi, and Y. Hwang, “Coaxial Multi-shelled TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 3549 (2012) (.PDF)

[ 2011 ]

  1. B. Weng*, J. Ma, L. Wei, L. Li, J. Qiu, J. Xu, and Z. Shi, “Room Temperature Mid-infrared Surface-emitting Photonic Crystal Laser on Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters 99, 221110 (2011) (.PDF)

[ 2010 ]

  1. B. Weng*, J. Ma, L. Wei, J.Xu, G. Bi, and Z. Shi, “Mid-infrared Surface-emitting Photonic crystal Microcavity Light Emitter on Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters 97, 231103 (2010) (.PDF)

  1. B. Weng*, F. Zhao, J. Ma, G. Yu, J. Xu, and Z. Shi, “Elimination of Threading Dislocations in As-grown PbSe Film on Patterned Si(111) Substrate using MBE”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 251911 (2010) (.PDF)

  1. F. Zhao, J. Ma, B. Weng, D. Li, G. Bi, A. Chen, J. Xu, and Z. Shi , “MBE Growth of PbSe Thin Film with a 9 x105 cm-2 Etch-pits Density on Patterned (1 1 1)-oriented Si”, Journal of Crystal Growth 312, 2695 (2010) (.PDF)

  1. J. Ma, M. Curtis, M. Zurbuchen, J. Keay, B. Weng, D. Li, F. Zhao, M. Johnson and Z. Shi, “Growth Mechanism of Cuboid Growth Pits in PbSe Epilayers Grown by MBE”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 455411 (2010) (.PDF)

[ 2008 ]

  1.  B. Weng, H. Wu, J. Si, and T. Xu, “Band Gap Energies and Reflective Indices of Epitaxial PbSrTe Thin Film”, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 3334 (2008) (.PDF)

[ 2007 ]

  1. B. Weng, L. Qin, J. Huang, Y. Yin, B. Liu, and B. Zhang, “GaN-based Blue Light-emitting Diodes with a Nano-roughened ITO Surface”, Semiconductor Optoelectronics 28, 774 (2007) (.PDF)