Lesson 3 Web Study Distance Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator Version 4+ 

Copying and Pasting Parts of a Page

When it isn't necessary to copy an entire page, Netscape will allow you to Copy and Paste portions of Web Pages.

In case you have never used Windows Copy (cut), and Paste functions here is how to do it!

    Hold down your Left Mouse Button and "wipe" the pointer across this line of text...!

When the "line of text in the example is highlighted....(as shown below)

Now release the Left mouse button, now choose edit from the top of the screen.
From this menu choose copy and it will copy that text.

Or when you highlight the text you want to copy you can simply Right Click with the Mouse button anywhere on the highlighted text and choose copy from the right click menu.

The text that you chose to copy will then be placed in your Windows Clipboard.

You can now Paste the text to any application that windows allows! (for example your email, or your word processor)

This is particularly useful, because you can "transfer" Internet information from the Internet to your word processor without re-typing any information!

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