Lesson 2 Web Study Distance Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator Version 4+ 

Surfing using Gopher, Ftp, Http

If you know the URL for a web page you want to visit you can click on File in the top right corner, that will give you this window. Click open page.

Then simply type the URL for the Web Page in the space and press the open button. Pay particular attention to upper and lower case letters. Also remember there are no spaces within a URL address.
For now make sure it is on Navigator instead of composer. Details about Composer will be covered in a later lesson.

However the fastest method for getting where you want to go is to simply type the location into the Netscape Location Field as shown below and press enter. This is how you would enter the URL for OU's web page.

Interesting information: If a URL begins with WWW.location.com then you do NOT need to type in the Protocol (Http:, Gopher:, or Ftp:) for that location.

For OU's home page simply type www.ou.edu as shown below.

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