Lesson 2 Web Study Distance Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator Version 4+ 

Reloading and Refreshing

Whenever you go to a page, Netscape automatically loads a copy of the page into its memory cache. The next time you jump to a page instead of asking the server for the information (which is slower) it loads the page from its memory cache.

However, if the contents of the page have changed, the page is not loaded completely, or if it is not loaded properly you will want Netscape to reload the page from the server not from the cache memory.

To reload a page simply click the reload button at the top of the page. 

Another way of doing this is by clicking on the View button at the top of the page.
This is the menu that will appear when you click on View.

In this menu you can click Reload which reloads the page from the server or you can click Refresh, which reloads the page from memory cache.

You can force a Reload, no matter what the page is doing, by holding down the Alt key and selecting the Reload button.

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