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Randy Peppler

Randy Peppler

Randy Peppler.

Associate Director, CIWRO

Instructor, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

  • PhD, Geography, University of Oklahoma
  • MS, Atmospheric Science, Purdue University
  • MS, Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • BS with Honors, Atmospheric Science, Purdue University

Dr. Peppler is the Associate Director of CIWRO and has been with CIMMS/CIWRO in some capacity since August 1995. He was Interim Director of CIMMS from 2014-2017. Before that, he was a Research Scientist at the Illinois State Water Survey from 1982-1995. He has been involved in the US DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program since 1995 as Associate Site Scientist and then Manager of the Data Quality Office. He also is an Instructor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability since 2013.

  • Place-based tornado risk perception
  • Place attachment
  • Indigenous environmental knowledge
  • Environment-society relations
  • Environmental discourse

  • ARM Data Quality Office

  • Social and Socioeconomic Impacts of High-Impact Weather

  • Environmental Stewardship Award (OU Green Week), University of Oklahoma (2022)
  • Annual Award for Excellence in Research Grants (ARM Program Data Quality Office, with Kenneth Kehoe, CIWRO), University of Oklahoma (2021)
  • Environmental Stewardship Award (Environmental Sustainability Working Group, with Angela M. Person, College of Architecture), University of Oklahoma (2021)
  • OU Student Government Association -- Outstanding Faculty Member, University of Oklahoma (2017)
  • Dean’s Outstanding Service Award, University of Oklahoma College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences (2017)
  • Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences (2017)
  • Dean’s Outstanding Service Award, University of Oklahoma College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences (2011)
  • Ralph and Margaret Olson Scholarship, University of Oklahoma Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability (2010)
  • Savić, M., A. Person, R. Peppler, and M. Marquez, 2024: Insights from Transdisciplinary Socio-Emotional Undergraduate Research Mentoring. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, In Review.
  • Li, L., K. E. Kehoe, J. Hu, R. A. Peppler, A. J. Sockol, and C. A. Godine, 2024: Iterative Error-Driven Ensemble Labeling (IEDEL) Algorithm for Enhanced Data Quality Control for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program User Facility. Journal of Geophysical Research - Machine Learning and Computation, 1(3), e2024JH000192,
  • Foster, B. N., A. M. Person, and R. A. Peppler, 2024: Expressions of Place Attachment and Environmental Justice near the Tar Creek Superfund Site. The Chronicles of Oklahoma, 101(4), 384-398, Winter 2023-2024.
  • Wiley, A. K., A. E. Marshall, A. M. Person, and R. A. Peppler, 2023: Collegial or Contentious? Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion about an Oil Pipeline. Studies in Social Justice, 17(3), 527-537,
  • Peppler, R. A., 2022: Indigenous Discourses of Tornado Risk in Oklahoma. In Ecocriticism(s) and Natural Disasters: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Part 3 – Discourses, Figures, Meditations. C. Chaudet, A. Garralt-Bourrier, L. Lamrous, and G. Loisel, eds. Paris: Fabula/Les colloques,
  • Johnson, V. A., K. E. Klockow-McClain, R. A. Peppler, and A. M. Person, 2021: Tornado climatology and risk perception in central Oklahoma. Weather, Climate, and Society, 13, 743-751,
  • Wade, M., R. Peppler, and A. Person, 2021: Community education and perceptions of water reuse: A case study in Norman, Oklahoma. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences., 11,  266–273,
  • Merkel, S. H., A. M. Person, R. A. Peppler, and S. M. Melcher, 2020: Climate change communication: Examining the social and cognitive barriers to productive environmental communication. Social Science Quarterly, 105, 2085-2100,
  • Peppler, R. A., K. E. Klockow, and R. D. Smith, 2018:  Hazardscapes: Perceptions of tornado risk and the role of place attachment in central Oklahoma.  In Explorations in Place Attachment, J. S. Smith, ed. London: Routledge, pp. 33-45,
  • Peppler, R. A., and R. S. Ware, 2017: Commentary: Native American agriculturalist movements in Oklahoma. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 41, 73-86,
  • Peppler, R. A., 2017: “It’s not balancing out like it should be.” Perceptions of local climate variability in Native Oklahoma.  Weather, Climate, and Society, 9, 317-329,
  • Peppler, R. A., 2016: “They could tell what the weather was to be in advance.” Native Oklahoma weather and climate insights from the archive. The Chronicles of Oklahoma, 94-4, 414-431,
  • Peppler, R. A., K. E., Kehoe, J. W. Monroe, A. K. Theisen, and S. T. Moore, 2016: The ARM Data Quality Program. The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program: The First 20 Years.  Meteorological Monographs, No. 57, American Meteorological Society, 12.1-12.14,
  • Sisterson, D. L., R. A. Peppler, T. S. Cress, P. J. Lamb, and D. D. Turner, 2016: The ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) Site. The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program: The First 20 Years.  Meteorological Monographs, No. 57, American Meteorological Society, 6.1-6.14,
  • Klockow, K. E., R. A. Peppler, and R. A. McPherson, 2014:  Tornado folk science in Alabama and Mississippi in the 27 April 2011 tornado outbreak.  GeoJournal, 79, 791-804,
  • Peppler, R., 2012:  The call of the wild: Local weather insights in Native Oklahoma.  Weatherwise, 65(5), September/October, 33-39,
  • Peppler, R. A., 2010: “Old Indian Ways” of predicting the weather:  Senator Robert S. Kerr and the winter predictions of 1950-51 and 1951-52.  Weather, Climate and Society, 2, 200-209,
  • Peppler, R. A., C. N. Long, D. L. Sisterson, D. D. Turner, C. P. Bahrmann, S. W. Christensen, K. J. Doty, R. C. Eagan, T. D. Halter, M. D. Ivey, N. N. Keck, K. E. Kehoe, J.C. Liljegren, M. C. Macduff, J. H. Mather, R. A. McCord, J. W. Monroe, S. T. Moore, K. L. Nitschke, B. W. Orr, R. C. Perez, B. D. Perkins, S. J. Richardson, K. L. Sonntag, J. W. Voyles, and R. Wagener, 2008:  An overview of ARM Program Climate Research Facility data quality assurance.  The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 2, 192-216,
  • Foster, B. N., A. M. Person, and R. A. Peppler, 2024: Expressions of Place Attachment and Environmental Justice Near the Tar Creek Superfund Site. Hazards, Risks, and Disasters2: Environmental Justice and Risk Perception, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 16-20. Virtual Talk.
  • Peppler, R. A., T. R. Lee, S. Paleri, and G. M. McFarquhar, 2024: Key Research Findings from the Collaboration Between the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory and Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations (CIWRO) at the University of Oklahoma. 12th Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise, 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28-February 1, Paper 12A.4. Talk.
  • Li, M., R. A. Peppler, K. Kehoe, A. Sockol, and C. Godine, 2024: Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Enhanced Data Quality Control at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility. 40th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies, 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28-February 1, Paper 3A.3. Virtual Talk.
  • Marshall, A., and R. Peppler, 2023: The Greening of Evangelicals: Caring for Creation Instead of Subduing It? Understanding Sacred Space: Current Research & Future Directions 1, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 23-27. Talk.
  • Rosellini-Labombarde, A., S. Plassin, K. Mujeeb, M. Wilson, K. Ho, J. Koch, and R. Peppler, 2022: Water use conflicts in the Lower Pecos, Permian Basin: A spatio-temporal analysis of unconventional oil and gas development and agriculture under drought conditions. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Fayetteville, AR, October 27-29. Poster.
  • Peppler, R. A., 2022: Wolves in the news: Reintroduction, ecosystems, management, hunting, politics, protection. Animals and Conservation Efforts, 2022 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 25-March 1. Virtual Talk.
  • Plassin, S. S., J. A. M. Koch, R. A. Peppler, M. T. Wilson, and K. L. Ho, 2022: An exploratory analysis of unconventional energy development, agriculture, drought, and water resources in a semiarid region: the Permian Basin, New Mexico and Texas. 17th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice, 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, Paper 4B.4. Virtual Talk.
  • Brown, N., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2021: Campus sustainability programs on Big XII campuses. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, October 14-16. Poster.
  • Bittner, G., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2021: Greenwashing in the personal care industry. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, October 14-16. Virtual Talk.
  • Marshall, A., A. Wiley, A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2021:  Collegial of Contentious? Exploring a campus debate on an oil pipeline. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, October 14-16. Virtual Talk.
  • Dannewald, K., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2021: Oklahoma City park access and environmentalism within an environmental justice and equity context. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, October 14-16. Poster.
  • Plassin, S., J. Koch, R. Peppler, M. Wilson, and A. Kim, 2021:  An exploratory analysis of unconventional energy development, agriculture, drought and water resources in a semiarid region, the Permian Basin (Texas). State-of-the-Art on Discovering Actionable Information about Climate and Agriculture I, 2021 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 3-7. Virtual Talk.
  • Merkel, S. H., A. M. Person, R. A. Peppler, and S. M. Melcher, 2021: Climate Change Communication: Examining the Social and Cognitive Barriers to Productive Environmental Communication. 16th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice, 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (Virtual), New Orleans, LA, January 10-15, Paper 9.2, Virtual Talk.
  • Peppler, R. A., 2020: Indigenous Discourses of Tornado Risk in Oklahoma. International Colloquium – Ecocriticism(s) and Natural Catastrophes, Human Sciences and Natural Sciences: Comparative Perspectives (20th-21st Centuries), Clermont-Ferrand, France, November 26-27. Talk. **Cancelled due to COVID-19**
  • Plassin, S., J. Koch, R. Peppler, M. Wilson, and A. Kim, 2020: An exploratory analysis of unconventional energy development, agriculture, drought and water resources in a semiarid region, the Permian Basin (Texas). Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual Talk, November 17-19. Virtual Talk.
  • Wade, M., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2020: Public perceptions of water reuse in Norman, OK. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual, November 17-19. Virtual Talk.
  • Peppler, R., and S. Plassin, 2020: Climate Planning and Action in France: Fuel Taxes, Yellow Vests, and Grand Débat. Climate Action Planning and Justice(s) III, 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 6-10. Talk. **Cancelled due to COVID-19**
  • Wade, M., R. Peppler, and A. Person, 2020: Public Perceptions of Water Reuse in Norman, Oklahoma. Undergraduate Student Poster Session, 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 6-10. Poster. **Cancelled due to COVID-19**
  • Peppler, R. A., 2020: Social and environmental justice in cap-and-trade emissions programs: Connections back to research and policy? 15th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice, 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16, Paper 9B.1. Talk.
  • Peppler, R., 2019: The settler colonial narrative in Oklahoma: A bank’s concept of progress. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, October 10-12. Talk.
  • Wade, M., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2019: Public perceptions of water reuse in Norman, Oklahoma. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, October 10-12, Poster.
  • Bittner, G., A. Person, and R. Peppler, 2019: Greenwashing in the health and beauty industry. Southwest Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, October 10-12, Poster.
  • King, A., K. Kehoe, C. Godine, A. Sockol, R. Peppler, A. Theisen, and J. Monroe, 2019: Plotting tool updates – ARM Data Quality Office. Tenth Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, Bethesda, MD, June 10-13, U.S. Department of Energy. Poster.
  • Theisen, A., N. Hickmon, S. Collis, R. Jackson, K. Kehoe, A. King, C. Godine, A. Sockol, and R. Peppler, 2019: Development of a framework to allow for easy sharing of code.  Tenth Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, Bethesda, MD, June 10-13, U.S. Department of Energy. Poster.
  • Peppler, R., T. Gliedt, G. Gress, and A. Miller, 2019: Community connections at the University of Oklahoma: Green Week, Geography and Environmental Sustainability Club, and Geography Day. Geography Education Poster Competition: Making Connections to The Community, 2019 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 3-7. Poster.
  • Person, A., S. Melcher, and R. Peppler, 2019: Practical rural recycling: Intersections between municipalities, companies, and residents. Geographies of waste: dispositions, transformations, contradictions II, 2019 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 3-7. Talk.
  • Johnson, V. A., K. E. Klockow-McClain, and R. A. Peppler, 2019:  Place attachment, climatology, and tornado risk perception in central Oklahoma.  14th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice, 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 6-10, Paper 12.5, Talk.
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Association of Geographers
  • Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers