The Council of Fellows is composed of a cross-section of local and national scientists who have expertise relevant to the research themes of CIWRO and are actively involved in the programs and projects of CIWRO. The Council will review and suggest modifications of bylaws, participate in reviews of CIWRO activities, and elect two of their members to serve on the Executive Board.
More specifically, the council is comprised of a cross-section of University of Oklahoma (OU) faculty, federal scientists in the NOAA units that collaborate with CIWRO, and national scientists who have expertise relevant to the research themes of CIWRO. Fellows are actively involved in the programs and projects of CIWRO. Appointment to the Council, by the CIWRO Executive Board, is normally for a two-year term, and reappointment is possible and usual. Appointments may be made for a shorter period of time or on a part-time basis with the concurrence of the appointee and the CIWRO Executive Board. The Council will participate in reviews of CIWRO activities and elect two of their number to serve on the CIWRO Executive Board, and additionally, the Council's advice is not viewed as binding on the CIWRO Director relative to any recommendations that might be carried forward to the Executive Board.