The Center for the Americas is dedicated to enhancing programming at the University of Oklahoma in several areas of the Western Hemisphere. Its major focus in Latin America, but it also promotes activities on the Caribbean, Canada, and global U.S. foreign policy. The Center for the Americas is sponsored by the ConocoPhillips Fund and the Canadian Studies Fund.
Among the Center for the Americas activities are monthly lunches for those in the OU community who are interested in Latin America; guest speakers; mini-conferences; film showings; musical concerts; the management of the oulatinamerica-L listserv at; a research essay competition; and more. Students or faculty interested in sponsorship from the Center for the Americas for their relevant activities should contact its director. For the moment, the Center does not offer research or travel grants to students or faculty.
The Socioeconomic US-China-Mexico Relationship: Conditions and Debates in 2025
Thursday, February 27th, 12 - 1:15 p.m.
LL118, Bizzell Memorial Library - Register Here
Join us for lunch and a talk by Dr. Enrique Dussel from The Centre for Chinese-Mexican Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico about the Socioeconomic US-China-Mexico Relationship and the current conditions and debates in 2025.
This talk is sponsored by the Center for the Americas, Center for Peace and Development and Security in Context.
The Breach Iran-Contra and the Assault on American Democracy
Alan McPherson Professor of History and Director, Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy (CENFAD) Temple University
Thursday, March 27 Noon to 1:15 PM LL118 (Lower Level 1),
Bizzell Memorial Library
Development as a form of violence: locals’ responses to touristification in El Zonte, El Salvador
Thursday, April 17 Noon to 1:15 PM Zarrow 145
Mexico-US Relations in the Current Context: A Conversation with Mexican Consul Edurne Pineda
Tuesday, March 4th, 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Community Room 145, Zarrow Hall - Register Here
Join the Center for the Americas and World Literature Today for lunch and a conversation with Mexican Consul Edurne Pineda. The conversation topic will be about the Mexico-US relationship in the current context.
Director, Center for the Americas
ConocoPhillips Chair in Latin American Studies
Research Fields: Politics in Latin America; Democracies and Democratization; History and Philosophy of Democracy; Political Institutions, Political Violence
Office: 222 Dale Hall Tower
Phone: (405) 325-3735
Lunch, Film Screening and Discussion of "Love in the Time of Migration"
Wednesday, November 20th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication Auditorium
Join us this Wednesday, November 10th at 11:30am lunch and a screening of “Love in the Time of Migration”, a film by Erin Semine Kökdil, Assistant Professor in OU’s Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication.
The lunch and screening will be Wednesday, November 20th at 11:30 a.m. in the reception area just south of the Gaylord Auditorium.
Please RSVP for lunch by 5pm today, November 18th -
*Please note that no food allowed inside the actual auditorium. Lunch will be at 11:30 a.m. in the reception area next to the auditorium, and the screening will begin at 12:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
Recent Research in Latin America
Thursday, September 12 at 12 p.m.
Farzaneh Hall 145
The Center for the Americas presents a lunch and panel discussion with Carol Rose Little and Paulo Moreira and their research "Mayan languages in the American courtroom: Perspectives on interpreting" and "Women in the Writing of Machado de Assis" respectively.
On March 24, 2023, the the OU Center for the Americas and the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) at Tulane University hosted this panel discussion with: José Miguel Cruz, Director of Research, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University Michael Paarlberg, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University Sonja Wolf Researcher, Drug Policy Programme, CIDE
On October 21, 2022, the OU Center for the Americas hosted a Latin American Lunch talk with IAS Professor Rachel Schwartz, "Why Do Corrupt Governments Invite International Anti-Corruption Commissions? Experiences from Central America." The event was held in person and also on Zoom.
On January 28, 2022, the OU Center for the Americas and OU Center for Brazil Studies hosted Ian Carrillo of the OU Department of Sociology for a talk, "Dislodging Authoritarianism: The Brazilian Labor Ministry’s Fight Against Neo-Slavery and Environmental Exploitation."
On October 15, 2021, the OU Center for the Americas welcomed Steven Gullberg, Associate Professor, OU Extended Campus School of Integrative and Cultural Studies, for this Zoom webinar.
A talk presented by the OU Center for the Americas as part of the OU Tulsa Race Massacre centennial commemoration on April 16, 2021, with guest speaker Luis Rodrigo Salvadó, Analyst for the Public Prosecutor for Human Rights of Guatemala and Professor of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, Universidad de Occidente de Guatemala.
On February 9, 2023, the OU Center for the Americas hosted a Latin American Lunch panel discussion, "Recent Political Protests in Peru and Brazil." Speakers included Víctor Maqque (LASI and History), Fabio Costa Morais de Sa e Silva (International and Area Studies), Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva (International and Area Studies) and Charlie Kenney (Political Science).
On March 25, 2022, the OU Center for the Americas hosted a talk, "Struggles for Autonomy in Bolivia and Peru at the Time of Independence from Spain," with Victor Maqque, Managing Director for the Latin American Sustainability Initiative (LASI) and Affiliate Faculty, OU Department of History.
On November 12, 2021, the OU Center for the Americas hosted this panel discussion on Caribbean Studies at the University of Oklahoma, with panelists Jennifer Davis Cline (history), Greg Graham (AFAM), Rita Keresztesi (English), and Lewis Eliot (history).
A conversation with Krista Brune, Assistant Professor of Portuguese and Spanish, Penn State University. Presented by the OU Center for the Americas, Center for Brazil Studies and Department of Modern Languages, Literature and Linguistics on April 30, 2021. Respondent is Paulo Moreira, MLLL.
On February 5, 2021, The OU Center for the Americas welcomed Sarah Hines from the OU Dept. of History, Diego Escobari from the Dept. of Economics and Finance at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Ainara Moreno Mejía from the OU Dept. of Economics for this Zoom webinar.