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Creating Impactful Publications & Presentations

Creating Impactful Publications & Presentations

Your creative and scholarly innovations need to be presented in a clear and persuasive manner if they are to be funded and have a broad impact.  CFE is here to help provide you tools to efficiently and effectively produce written and graphic representations of your work, whether that takes the form of writing, graphics, conference posters, or other modes of communication.

Fountain on south oval with greenery

CFE Events Calendar

Writing Workshop Catalogue & Resources

Building Short-Term Routines and Long-Term Strategies for Writing

Having a hard time finding time for writing in your busy schedule?  That's normal; teaching and service tasks are immediate, whereas writing deadlines (especially for long projects) are often nebulous.  This 90-minute workshop helps participants develop micro- and macro- strategies for making time for writing, from adjusting daily routines to applying for fellowships (internal and external) that offer time to write.  Participants will leave with a personalized weekly plan template, a tailored list of fellowships, and the tools to start preparing applications.

Let the Robots Help!  Smart Tools for Faculty Writers

From dishwashers to Roombas, we use machines every day that help us get work done.  Writing should be no different.  There are many new tools that can help you (for example) rethink your title for an article, come up with a tagline for you book proposal, and even keep you on track with your writing goals.  Furthermore, many tasks that used to only be possible with the help of another person (e.g. a colleague, editor, or proofreader) can now be carried out using different AI-driven apps, most of which are free to use.  This is a hands-on workshop that will invite participants to try out, in real time, the tools presented.  Participants will also be invited to share any tools that they may be using that wok for them.

From Dissertation to Book

Whether you are brand new faculty who has very recently turned in your dissertation, or not-so-new faculty with a dissertation that is begging to be brought to the world, this hands-on workshop is designed to set you on the road to submitting your doctoral work to a publisher.  Practical activities will help participants rethink and repurpose their dissertation, and will leave the workshop with a plan of action.  At the end of the workshop, faculty will also be invited to join a monograph writers group that can help them keep thier project on track.

3-Day Book Proposal Workshop

Are you planning to write a book proposal to send to potential publishers?  The book proposal is a high-stakes document that can influence academic publishers and set your scholarly book project into motion.  The Center for Faculty Excellence, in collaboration with the Arts and Humanities Forum, is offering a three-day workshop on writing your book proposal.  Facilitators will walk participants through the steps and elements of writing an effective book proposal, beginning with finding the right press, developing the proposal documents, and outlining the plan for writing the full manuscript.

Other Resources

Write your Journal Article in 10 Weeks

Do you have data collected that you are (nearly) ready to write up?  Do you have chapters from your dissertation you want to publish?  This hybrid course has two main aims: 

  1.  Maximize your chances of getting your work accepted.
  2.  Keep you on track once you have started writing.

By the end of the course, some participants may have a complete journal article and all participants will be able to face a blank screen with more confidence!

Writing Groups

The CFE works with faculty on their writing at any stage of development, including writing for research and creative activities, tenure and promotion dossiers, and various types of proposals and fellowships.  CFE also supports faculty efforts to integrate writing into their courses and departmental curricula through the Writing Enriched Curriculum program.

Clock tower with birds flying by