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Awards and Fellowships

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Awards and Fellowships

The Department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma recognizes its outstanding graduate students with two awards and fellowship funding for summer research. 


Each year, the Sociology faculty will nominate sociology masters students for the outstanding MA student award. This is to acknowledge outstanding achievements in research, coursework, TA responsibilities, and departmental service. Winners are voted on by the Graduate Assement Committee and are imortalized in the plaques in the main sociology office. 

Each year, the Sociology faculty will nominate sociology doctoral students for the outstanding MA student award. This is to acknowledge outstanding achievements in research, coursework, teaching responsibilities, and departmental service. Winners are voted on by the Graduate Assement Committee and are imortalized in the plaques in the main sociology office.

Summer Research Fellowships

Each summer the Sociology Department grants 4-6 $2500 summer research fellowships. The funds for these fellowships come from two sources. The Grasmick award was established in honor of Harold Grasmick, a former professor in the Sociology department. The Riddle award was created through an endowment from a graduate of the former home economics department, Helen Riddle, and supports research in the area of human ecology, broadly defined. Examples of fundable topics include research on family formation, structure and influences on behavior, individual development, physical and mental health, and human interaction with the environment. These fellowships give our graduate students an opportunity to work on a research project, supervised by a member of the faculty, with the final product being a published journal article in a peer-reviewed journal.