Welcome to the graduate program in Sociology at OU! Our program is built upon three pillars: excellence and rigor in cutting-edge research; creating a warm, collegial, and inclusive learning environment; and fostering dynamic connections with our local and national collaborators through community outreach and the development of strategic partnerships. We are building something special here in Norman and we are excited to share that with you!

OU Sociology's Graduate Program
The graduate program of the Department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma is nationally ranked. We provide rigorous training for our graduate students and cultivate a collaborative and collegial atmosphere. Our faculty members and graduate students work closely together to develop cutting-edge research.

Applications Due December 15th, 2024
Graduate Faculty
Our award-winning graduate faculty are active in research, demonstrating a clear adherence to our department’s mission of fostering state-of-the-art research. Our faculty have published in top sociology and criminology journals as well as books in top academic presses. The sociology/criminology faculty have also won numerous awards and honors at the university and national level, celebrating both our excellence in research and in teaching.
Research Published in:
- American Sociological Review
- Criminology
- Annual Review of Sociology
- Social Forces
- Social Problems
- Sociological Science
- Justice Quarterly
- Sociological Methods & Research
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology
- Journal of Marriage and Family
- Sociology of Education
- and many more
National Awards Received:
- Evelyn Gilbert Unsung Hero Award from Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
- NAS Jefferson Science Fellowship
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Distinguished Book Award
- William Foote Whyte Career Award in Sociological Practice and Public Sociology
- Cora Richey Mann Inconvenient Woman of the Year Award
Academic Book Published by:
- Oxford University Press
- Duke University Press
- New York University Press
- Routledge Press
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
University Awards Received:
- Distinguished Teaching Award
- Irene Rothbaum Award for Outstanding Assistant Professor
- General Education Teaching Award
- Kinney-Sugg Outstanding Professor Award
- President’s Outstanding Mentor Award
- Holden Teaching Faculty Award
- Longmire Prize for Innovative Teaching
- Regents Award for Superior Teaching
- Community Engagement Award for Research
- Scholarship and Creative Activity Award
- Award for Excellence in Research Grants
- Excellence in Social Science Research
- Outstanding Research Impact Award

Graduate Training
The program offers three-degree tracks:
- Accelerated Bachelors-Master’s degree
- Master’s Degree
- PhD Degree
We also offer a certificate in:
- Applied Research and Program Evaluation
Across all these degrees/certificates, we provide rigorous training in methods, statistics, and theory as well as advanced coursework in the substantive areas of inequality/stratification, criminology/deviance, global/environmental sociology, family, gender, race/ethnicity, sexualities, and sociology of religion. Our programs also offer numerous research opportunities through collaborative work with faculty.
Note from Graduate Liaison

Over the years, the department has placed its graduates in tenure-track jobs in universities and colleges including The University of New Hampshire, Brigham Young University, The University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, the University of Nevada – Las Vegas, The University of Wisconsin – River Falls, The University of Louisiana – Lafayette, to name some recent examples. We have also placed several graduates in postdoctorial positions at Indiana University and Purdue University. Our graduates have also achieved positions in a wide variety of public and private agencies including the Office of the US Census, Oklahoma Department of Corrections and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, to name some recent examples.

Learn More
To learn more about the specifics of a particular degree program that we offer, please check out the following links:
Degree Programs | ||
Accelerated BA/MA Degrees |
Masters Degree |
Doctoral Degree |
For more information about our Graduate Certificate please click on the following link:
- Applied Research and Program Evaluation Certificate
If you are interested in applying to our graduate program, please download our application packet.
To submit your application:
If you have any additional questions about the program or the application process, contact Dr. Cyrus Schleifer, the graduate director, at cyrus.schleifer@ou.edu or (405) 325-3647.