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Frost wins 3MT

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February 2024

Ami Frost Wins OU's 2024 Three Minute Thesis Competition

Congratulations to OU Sociology PhD student Ami Frost (pictured left) who won first place in the 2024 campus-wide Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The 3MT challenges graduate students to explain their research to a general audience using one static slide in less than three minutes. Ami won for her research, entitled “Different by Degrees: Relationship Quality Differences by Level of Education.”  She recieved mentorship on this project from Drs. Ann Beutel, Dan Wang, and Cyrus Schleifer. The Sociology department has widely encouraged students to participate in 3MT and Ami recieved feedback and support  from her fellow sociology graduate students, the wider sociology faculty, and some of her other 3MT competitors from the department including PhD canidate Rin Ferraro and PhD student Wendy Dedmond (pictured center and right). Ami’s first place finish includes a $2000 prize, along with the honor of representing the University of Oklahoma at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT competition in St. Louis in April. Out of the large number of students competing in the preliminary rounds, three Sociology students were among the ten students who advanced to the finals, which look place at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History on February 23rd. This is the third year in a row that multiple Sociology students have been finalists, and it is the second year in a row that a sociologist has claimed first prize! Rin Ferraro presented their research entitled, “With Our Own Eyes: Future Expectations among Teens in Oklahoma Group Homes,” and Wendy Dedmond presented her research, “How Human Capital and Social Ties Shape Migration.”

Great Job Ami and way to Represent Sociology!