Congratulations to Heather Lepper-Pappan, who recently received the Alice Mary Robertson Award (2021) from the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. The Alice Mary Robertson Award was established to honor the memory of Alice Mary Robertson, Oklahoma's first female representative to the United States Congress. The purpose of the award is to stimulate an interest among graduate students in the study and interpretation of the contributions made by women to the culture and society of Oklahoma. The award is for a project that she is working on with Dr. Erin Maher, Sociology, and Dr. Angela Pharris, Social Work, to examine adversity and hope among LGB youth in foster care in Oklahoma. The Alice Mary Robertson Award is a one-time award to a graduate student whose creative activity and/or scholarly or archival research focuses on women in Oklahoma. Heather is also a recipient of one of this year’s Grasmick-Riddle Summer Fellowship for this same project.

May 2021
Heather Lepper-Pappan receives the 2021 Alice Mary Robertson Award