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Placement Record

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Placement Record

The following list includes all of the PhDs in philosophy granted at the University of Oklahoma since 1992 and their initial appointments and employment histories. Non-tenure-track positions held prior to finishing the program are typically omitted, except for current students who are ABD. Students are listed by dissertation title. We have made every effort to provide complete and accurate information. If no end date is indicated, the last position listed is, to the best of our knowledge, the current position.

TT indicates a tenure-track position.
T indicates that the individual now has tenure.


Aesthetic Mechanisms of Dehumanization in the Prison Industrial Complex

  • 2024- Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC (TT)


Forgiveness, Revenge, and the Shape of a Life

  • 2024- Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI (Post Doc, Department of Philosophy)
  • 2023- Taylor University, Upland, IN (Instructor, Philosophy Department)


Protecting Artists' Moral Rights in the U.S. Legal Context   

  • 2022- Auburn University, Auburn, AL (Post Doc, Department of Philosophy)

Fat Justice: Mitigating Anti-Fat Bias Through Responsible Aesthetic Agency

  • 2022- Auburn University, Auburn, AL (Post Doc, Department of Philosophy)

Living Well with Worries, Humility, and Other People: Learning to Reflect on Life with Analects   

  • 2022- Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI (Visiting Associate Professor, 3-year renewable, Department of Philosophy)


Valuism: A New Theory of Knowledge

  • 2017- New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA (Adjunct Professor, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary)

Disagreement, Agreement, and the Consensus Gentium Argument   

  • 2021- Guaranty Bank & Trust, Addison, TX (Chief Information Security Officer/Vice President)

Recognition as an Orientation: Moral and Intellectual Implications

  • 2022- University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy)

Aristotle on the Metabolic Status of Perception

  • 2019- Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, OK (Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department)


New Directions in Religious Experience

  • 2022- Lee University, Cleveland, TN (Chair, Integration and Apologetics, Assistant Professor of Religion, Culture, and Philosophy, School of Theology & Ministry)


Essays on the Interpretation of Decision Theory

  • 2018- University of Auburn, Auburn, AL (Instructor, Department of Philosophy)

Character and Moral Judgement: Designing Right and Wrong  

  • 2019- Harvard University, Cambridge, MS (Lecturer and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Philosophy Department)

Intellectual Virtues and Reasonable Disagreement

  • 2022- Sacred Hart University, Greenwich, CT (Lecturer, Catholic Studies)

Fit, Faith, and Fear: Evidence and Evidentiaism

  • 2023- Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, MN (Treasury Services also Pursuing an online degree in Cybersecurity)


The Aesthetic Value of Videogames: An Analysis of Interactivity, Gameplay, and Player Performance

  • 2022- University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (Prospect Research Analyst)

Everyday Strategies of Aesthetic Resistance  

  • 2022- University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department)


On the Methodological and Normative Foundations of Probabilism

  • 2017- Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, PA. (Instructor - permanent position)

Parodies and Role of Medieval Ethical Concepts in the Ontological Argument

  • 2014-TT2017-T2022- Ft. Hays State University, Hays, KS (Assistant Professor)

Realism, Natural Kinds, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • 2022- Oklahoma City, OK (Psychotherapist)

Normativity, Human Nature and Practical Reason: A New Approach to an Old Problem

  • 2019- Fresno City College, Fresno, CA (Instructor, Humanities Division)


Friendship and the Cultivation of Virtue

  • 2006- Universisidad de Caldas, Manizalez Caldas, Colombia (Profesora, Department of Philosophy)

Skeptical Theism and Epistemic Propriety

  • 2022- John and Daria Barry postdoctoral fellow with the Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University
  • 2021-2022 Research Fellow, University of Notre Dame
  • 2018-2021 Research Fellow, University of St. Andrews
  • Previously, obtained second PhD in Analytic Theology at the University of St. Andrews

Emotions, Reasons, and Rationality

  • 2019- ASR Analytics, LLC, Washington, DC (Managing Consultant)

Essays on Discourse By and About the Divine

  • 2019- Lee University, Cleveland, TN (Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology, School of Theology & Ministry)

Trust: On Acts and Attitudes of Trust

  • 2023- University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK (Permanent Lecturer, Humanities and Philosophy Department)


Far From Value-Free: How a Value-Centered Scientific Pluralism Bolsters the Cognitive Credentials of Science

  • 2015- San Jacinto College (Professor - renewable)

Essays on Discourse By and About the Divine

  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Lee University
  • Previously, obtained second PhD in Analytic Theology at the University of St. Andrews

Waging Peace: A defense of Interpresonal Pacifism

  • Professor (TT), Rose State College


The Value of Aesthetic Experience

  • 2013- Walters State Community College (Adjunct Instructor)
  • 2014- East Tennessee State University (Adjunct Instructor)
  • 2015- Northeast Community College (Adjunct Instructor)
  • 2016- Fort Hays State University (Assistant Professor - renewable)
  • 2017- Tulsa Community College (Assistant Professor)

Disagreement and Skepticism: A Grecoian Response to the Skeptical Threat of Epistemic Superior Disagreement

  • 2016- Grand Canyon University, Phoenix (TT)


A Defense of Nonreductive Mental Causation

  • 2013- University of Central Oklahoma (Lecturer - renewable)


A Rational Problem of Evil: The Coherence of Christian Doctrine with a Broad Free Will Defense

  • 2008- Tyndale University College (TT)

Climate Change and Human Rights: Creating Norms to Govern Earth's Atmosphere

  • 2012- University of Tennessee (lecturer - full-time, renewable)

Heroes Great and Small: The Rebirth of Honor

  • 2007-9 Stephen F. Austin State University (instructor)


The Virtues of Bayesian Epistemology

  • 2006- Oklahoma State University (Visiting Assistant Professor)
  • 2016- San Diego Mesa College (TT)


Virtue and Happiness in Plato’s Euthydemus

  • 2019- University of Oklahoma (T; department chair)
  • 2010-2019 Harvard University (TT)

A Convergence Account of Ethics and Aesthetics Through a Composite Understanding of Evaluative Judgments

  • Hillsborough Community College (Associate Dean of Academic Affairs)
  • 2010 Barry University (T)

A Moral Evaluation of Terrorism

  • Red River Rehab, Pineville, LA (Personnel Director)
  • 2010-2011 Kansas State University (lecturer; did not seek further academic employment)

Aristotle's 'Genetic Account' and the Problem of Induction

  • 2016- University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC (Part-Time Faculty Department of Philosophy & Religion)
  • 2014-2015 Northeast Lakeview College, Universal City, TX (Adjunct Faculty)
  • 2010-2014 Texas State University, San Marcos, TX (Lecturer)
  • 2012 Ashford University, Clinton, IA (Online Associate Faculty)

Theism, Naturalism, and Narrative: A Linguistic and metaphysical Proposal on the Meaning of Life

  • 2020- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (Assistant Teaching Professor, Philosophy)
  • 2012-2023 Program Director/Grant Manager, Center for Philosophy of Religion University of Notre Dame
  • 2010-2012 Adjunct Professor, Philosophy University of Notre Dame
  • 2010-2013 Grant Administrator for The Character Project at Wake Forest University
  • 2009-2010 Program Administrator for the Templeton Research Fellows Program
  • 2010-2012 Adjunct Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University


In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being: Philosophical Theology in Nicolas Malebranche and George Berkeley

  • 2017- Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA (Adjunct Professor, Philosophy, School of Theology)
  • 2019- Chamberlain University (Adjunct Online Faculty)
  • 2022- Biola University (Adjunct Professor, Philosophy)
  • 2017-2019 Grantham University (Part Time Faculty, Philosophy)
  • 2016-2018 DeVry University (Visiting Online Professor, Philosophy)
  • 2016-2018 Southern New Hampshire University (Adjunct Online Professor, Philosophy)
  • 2009-2015 Biola University (TT)


Continuous Creation, Persistence, and Secondary Causation: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Theism

  • 2007-2008 Oklahoma Baptist University
  • 2008- Lee University (TT)

On Middle Knowledge

  • 2007- High school teacher

Socratic Definition in Plato’s Dialogues

  • 2007-2010 University of Maine, Farmington


Anselm’s Ontological Argument: Whole, Unified, and Complete

  • Did not pursue an academic appointment

Civic Education and Self-Knowledge in Higher Education

  • 2009- Staff member at OU
  • 2006-2009 Accepted a non-academic job instead of pursuing an academic career; adjunct instructor at the College of Santa Fe

Divine Omniscience and the Fatalist Dilemma

  • 2006- King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA (TT)

An Ethical Study of Genetic Intervention Based on Rawlsian Justice and on Buddhism

  • 2009- Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan (TT)

Rethinking Introspection: How We Know (and Fail to Know) Our Own Minds

  • University of Central Arkansas (TT)


The Emergence of Objects: A Study in Constitution

  • Point Loma Nazarene University (T)


Naturalized Virtue Ethics

  • 2003- Briar Cliff University (T)

Self-Governance in Aquinas and Pre-Modern Moral Philosophy

  • 2003- North Dakota State University (TT)

Socratic Dunameis: A Tapestry of Many Threads

  • 2003- California State University, Bakersfield (two-year renewable appointment)


Consciousness and Personhood in Split-Brain Patients

  • Southern Nazarene University (T)

The Epistemic Origins of Xenophanes' Natural Theology

  • 2003- Senior Pastor, Kirkwood Baptist Church

Democratic Virtues: Solidarity, Tolerance, and Legal Obedience

  • Fall 2002 University of Mobile
  • Spring 2003 Spring Hill College
  • 2006- St. Anthony’s High School


A Whiteheadian Critique of Jaegwon Kim's Analysis of the Mind-Body Problem

  • 2001-2005 Permanent position outside of academia
  • 2005-2010 Pastor, Cathedral of Hope, Oklahoma City
  • 2010- Senior Minister, First Central Congregational United Church of Christ, Omaha, NE

Kant and the Paradox of Self-Knowledge

  • 2002- Mugla Universitesi, Turkey (permanent; T equivalent)


An Essentialist Theory of Modality

  • 2000- Oklahoma Baptist University (T)

The Role of Metaphysics, Common-Sense, and Interpretations of Classical Greek Philosophy in Sidgwick's Utilitarianism and Whitehead's Virtue Ethics

  • 1999- Henderson State University (T)

Self Knowledge and Moral Virtue

  • 1999-2001 University of Maryland College Park
  • 2001-2007 George Washington University (3-year renewable appointment)
  • 2007- College of Notre Dame of Maryland (T; department chair)

Minds, Causes and the Exclusion Argument

  • 1999-2000 West Virginia University
  • 2000-2003 James Madison University (TT)
  • 2003-2008 Murray State University (TT)
  • 2008- Georgia State University (full-time lecturer, continuing position)


Social Explanation and Social Function: An Investigation of the Nature of Functional Explanation for the Social Sciences.

  • 1999- University of Central Oklahoma (TT)

Political Principles and Indian Sovereignty

  • 1996-1997 Lakehead University, Ontario
  • 1997-2000 Oklahoma City University
  • 2000- University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Associate Professor (T; Director of American Indian Studies; Director of the Meredith Indigenous Humanities Center; Chair of the Policy Council and the Johnson-O'Malley Committee of the Combined Tribes of the Shawnee Area)

The Unity of Virtue Revisited: A Resolution to a Socratic Enigma

  • 1996- Mesa Community College, Arizona (T)


Individuality in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce

  • 1995-? California State University at Pomona (TT); resigned
  • Principal of Resurrection Catholic School and Assistant Superintendent of Catholic Schools in Memphis

The Adjudication of Utilitarianism and Rights in the Sphere of Health Care

  • 1999- St. Gregory’s University (T; Chair of Philosophy/Humanities Division)

Horizons of the Self: An Essay in the Socio-Semiotic and Psychological Boundaries of Personal Autonomy

  • 1996- Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary and Cultural Studies, College of Liberal Studies, University of Oklahoma
  • 1999- Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
  • Retired in 2007 from a full-time position as Director of the Pharmaceutical Diversion Division, Oklahoma State Department of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control

Psychological Ecology

  • 1999-? Oklahoma State University
  • 2005- South Texas College (full-time ongoing position)

Social Identity and Ethnic Formation: Some Epistemological Questions for Political Philosophy

  • Did not seek academic employment; employed outside academia


Art, Autonomy, and Community

  • Utah Valley University (T)

Describing God

  • Did not seek academic employment; employed outside academia

Holistic Realism: A Marriage of Metaphysical Realism And Conceptual Relativity

  • 1997- San Joaquin Delta Community College, California (TT)

Issues Concerning Deception and Informed Consent in Psychology Experiments

  • 1997-1999 Minnesota Center for Biomedical Ethics (postdoc)
  • 1999- Montclair State University (T)

Kant and Religious Passion

  • Employed outside academia


The Philosophy of Rights of William Ernest Hocking

  • Baptist College of Health Sciences, Memphis (T) until death in September 2006


Power and Character: The Effects of Institutional Power on the Development of Responsibility for Character

  • 1994- Potsdam College, SUNY (T; department chair)

David Hume: A Skeptic, But Not a Pyrrhonist

  • 1995- Southeast Arkansas College (permanent position)

What is the Matter With Mind?

  • 1994- Elizabethtown College, PA (T)


Educational Theory as Political Theory

  • 1994-1996 Mesa Community College, Arizona (TT)
  • 1996-2000 Austin Peay State University (TT)
  • 2000-? Angelo State University (TT)
  • ? - American Military University (full-time faculty member)

Probable Cause: A Philosophical Inquiry

  • 1994 TT offer from Central Missouri State; declined for personal reasons
  • 1996- University of Central Oklahoma (T)


Ideas as Acts of Perception: A Direct Realist Interpretation of Descartes' Theory of Sense Perception

  • 1992-1994 University of Central Arkansas (TT; resigned)
  • Accepted into Columbia Law School, Fall 1994, J.D. 1997
  • Partner, Duval & Stachenfeld, Los Angeles