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Graduate Seminars
Go to Spring 2025
Course Title
PHIL 5023 Survey of Analytic Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
Graduate standing
PHIL 5143 Symbolic Logic I
Graduate standing
PHIL 5293 Ethical Theory
Graduate standing
PHIL 5313 Studies in Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 3313
PHIL 5333 Studies in Modern Philosophy
PHIL 5343 Early Chinese Philosophy
Eight hours of philosophy or permission
PHIL 5473 Philosophy of Religion
Graduate standing
PHIL 5513 Metaphysics
Graduate standing
PHIL 5523 Epistemology
Graduate standing
PHIL 5533 Philosophy of Language
Graudate standing
PHIL 5543 Philosophy of Mind
Graduate standing
PHIL 5623 Philosophy of The Social Sciences
Graduate standing
PHIL 5713 Survey of Social and Political Philosophy
Eight hours of philosophy or permission
PHIL 5813 Philosophy Proseminar
Graduate standing; majors only
PHIL 5823 Philosophy Graduate Writing Seminar
Graduate standing; majors only
PHIL 5960 Directed Readings
Graduate standing and permission of department
PHIL 5970 Special Topics/Seminar
Graduate standing
PHIL 5980 Research for Master's Thesis
PHIL 5990 Independent Study
Permission of instructor and advisor
PHIL 6023 Seminar in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
Graduate standing
PHIL 6203 Seminar in Ethics
PHIL 6383 Sermicar in Chinese Philosophy
Graduate standing
PHIL 6393 Seminar in the History of Philosophy
PHIL 6473 Seminar on Philosophy of Relgion
PHIL 5473 or permission
PHIL 6513 Seminar in Metaphysics
PHIL 5513 or permission
PHIL 6523 Serminar in Epistemology
PHIL 5523 or permission
PHIL 6593 Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 6793 Seminar in Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 5763 or permission
PHIL 6960 Directed Readings
Graduate standing or permission of instructor
PHIL 6970 Special Topics/Seminar
Graduate standing or permission of instructor
PHIL 6980 Research for Doctoral DIssertation
Graduate standing and permission of instructor
PHIL 6990 Independent Study
Graduate standing and permission of instructor
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