Suzanne Moon
Luke N. Walker Presidential Professor

I specialize in the history of technology, with a focus on the modern history of Indonesia and Southeast Asia more broadly. My work has explored how technology has been entangled in debates about justice, equity, and national identity in Indonesia from the late colonial period to the present day. My current work explores food, climate change, and technological imagination. I ask how present-day projects to reshape agriculture and animal husbandry in response to climate change are inflected by longer histories of sociotechnical transformation in food provisioning, and explore the imaginaries, low-tech and high-tech, that inform visions of future food production.
Degrees Earned
B.S. Auburn University, Department of Computer Engineering, 1984
M.S. Duke University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1986
M.A. Cornell University, Department of Science and Technology Studies, 1996
Ph.D. Cornell University Department of Science and Technology Studies, 2000
Research Interests
History of technology; Indonesian history; history of agriculture and environment; climate change; technology, science, and colonialism; Southeast Asian history.
Selected Scholarly Activity
Technology in Southeast Asian History, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023.
“Sugar”, in Oxford Handbook of Agricultural History, edited by Jeannie Whayne. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.
“Moral Narratives of Technological Change in the Early Green Revolution”. In Thinking Through Science and Technology: Philosophy, Religion, and Politics in an Engineered World, edited by Glen Miller. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2023.
“A Sociotechnical Order for the Umma: Connecting Islam and High Technology in Suharto’s Indonesia”, History and Technology 36, no. 2 September 2020.
“Technology and Interconnection in Southeast Asia’s Longue Durée”. Hans Rausing Lecture in the History of Technology. Cambridge University, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge, UK, May 29, 2024.
“Writing Recent History: Food Security, Agriculture, and Climate Change”. Keynote for the Midwest Junto for the History of Science Annual Meeting, March 24, 2024.
“Expanded Geographies in the History of Technology: Da Vinci Medal Address”, Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, November 19, 2021. Virtual.
Contact Me
Suzanne Moon
Department of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
The University of Oklahoma
601 Elm, Room 625
Norman, OK 73019
Office Tel: 1-405-325-2213
Personal web: