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Funding Sources

Funding Sources


The University of Oklahoma and the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences offers a variety of internal financial resources for faculty and research staff. Please click below for more information.

A generous and accomplished alumnus of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences made a gift to create an endowed lecture program to bring distinguished OU alumni back to the college. When fully funded, the endowment will provide more than $12,500 in available funds each year.

This program should be very valuable to departments in the college, both from the standpoint of bringing invigorating speakers who will enhance the intellectual and cultural life of the college, but also by providing departments with opportunities to recognize and involve their successful alumni.

doc T.W. Adams Funding Request form (docx)


All units of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to submit proposals to bring a distinguished speaker to campus. The speaker should be of sufficient stature or interest to attract a diverse audience to his/her public lecture.

There are two models to be used for the Adams Lecture Program:

  • Adams Professor for a Day – This model can be utilized for less formal presentations, where a speaker would speak in classes or to student groups.
  • Adams Lecturer – This model can be utilized for a formal presentation to students, faculty and the university community, in addition to speaking to classes.

The funds can be used to pay for travel expenses, local accommodations, publicity, receptions, meals, etc.

The fund will not pay for honoraria.

All publicity and other information regarding the programs should refer to the “Dr. T.W. Adams Distinguished Alumni Lecture Program.” When appropriate, the following biography should be utilized in publicity and introductions.

Dr. T.W. Adams earned two advanced degrees from the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma and was a noted author and expert on the country of Cyprus. He retired from the U.S. Foreign Service after a diverse career in government service and business. He resided in Washington, D.C. and in 2004, he funded an endowment to support the lecture program that carries his name.

Application Procedures

  1. Complete the T.W. Adams Funding Request Form.
  2. Check the boxes for either Professor for a Day or Lecturer.
  3. Attach a one-two page narrative stating the purpose and benefits of the funding to the applicant.
  4. Submit the printed T.W. Adams Funding Request Form and supporting documentation to the academic unit’s chair/director for approval.
  5. Submit the printed signed original of the TW Adams Funding Request Form and supporting documentation to:
    Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
    Ellison Hall, 633 Elm Avenue
    For more information, contact Heather Todd at


Applications must be submitted to the DFCAS Dean’s Office no later than 30 days prior to the event/project. No retroactive requests will be approved.

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences (DFCAS) provides a number of summer fellowships to tenure-track or term faculty to support excellence in research, scholarship and creative activity and as seed funding support to help our faculty compete successfully for major external awards e.g., from NSF, NIH, NEH, ACLS, Mellon Foundation, and W.T. Grant Foundation.


Any tenure-track or renewable term faculty member in the College is eligible to submit a proposal for the JFSF. However, if you are eligible for the Research Council’s Junior Faculty Fellowship (JFF), you must apply to that program first in order to be eligible for a DFCAS JFSF award. If you are not successful receiving an award from the Research Council’s JFF, you can forward your proposal to the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences to be entered in its review process for further consideration. If you are not eligible to apply for the VPR/Research Council grant, you may submit your application directly to the College. Note that, there is a limit of two such college awards per faculty member over their years of eligibility (i.e., during the probationary period) and the awards cannot be received in consecutive years.

A faculty member receiving this award is expected to commit to the research described in their proposal and refrain from teaching during the summer months or teaching overload courses during the academic year. In circumstances in which summer teaching cannot be avoided due to a documented departmental need, the faculty will not be able to receive the award as a salary stipend but only as a research and creative activity support fund (i.e., support for research travel, accommodations, and research-related materials, or research assistant support). 

The fellowship amount is currently $7,000 and can be used as summer stipend,  travel, supplies, equipment, student support, or as an exception to offset the cost of a course offload in the fall of the same calendar year. 

Application Procedures

The application is submitted directly to the college using the college application forms. Line spacing must not be smaller than 1.5 lines, font size must be at least 11 points, and 1” margins must be used. The following materials should be submitted:

  1. Application Cover Sheet.
  2. Abstract (250-word limit).
  3. Project Description (5-page limit) - a proposal should describe the plan for research, scholarship or creative activity including the intellectual merit and broader impact of the proposed work.
  4. Bibliography (no limit)
  5. Career Impact Statement (1/2 page limit).
  6. Budget and Justification (1-page limit).
  7. Current and pending grant support listing agency (or internal funding office), program, project title, award amount or requested amount, award period, submission date and status and past support from our DFCAS funding programs.
  8. Current Curriculum Vitae (2-page limit providing information on positions and titles, publications and related products (books, articles, presentations etc. relevant to the proposed activity) and related synergistic activities).
  9. Letter of endorsement from the department chair/director with special permission in case of a course offload request.
  10. Description of plans for review from IRB, IACUC, etc., if appropriate.

The cover sheet, budget template and application link can be found here:

docJunior Faculty Summer Fellowship Cover Sheet (doc) 

doc Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship Budget (doc)

Apply for  Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship Program


The Research Council competition application deadline is January 6, 2025.

The deadline for receipt of Junior Faculty Summer Research proposals in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office is March 12, 2025, at 12 p.m.

Awardees are required to provide a presentation within a year from the initial funding date.

Evaluation of Proposals

Proposals will be evaluated and rated by the CAS Support of Research Committee, which makes its recommendations to the Dean. Applications that are received without a letter of endorsement from the Department Chair will not be considered.

Examples of successful proposals are available in the Dean's office in Ellison Hall Room 310. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Associate Dean Georgia Kosmopoulou at or Laura Beth Woods  at (or via phone at 325-4645). 

It is important that proposals are written in clear language that can be understood by faculty and students across fields different fields of study within a broad area (Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, and Professional Programs). Please avoid field-specific terminology/jargon as much as possible.

The selection criteria used by the committee to evaluate these applications are as follows:

Basic criteria to consider regarding quality of proposals 

  • Intellectual merit of overall project  
    • potential to advance knowledge and understanding within a discipline or across disciplines 
    • Quality and appropriateness of the goals of the project 
    • Credibility and clarity of the methods described in the proposal 
  • Broader impact of the proposed activity 
    • Benefits to society 
    • Value to other scholars, general audiences or both. 
    • Potential for impact on the investigator(s) scholarly program (e.g. publications, programs, other scholarship)

Other criteria 

  • Preparedness of the investigator to do the proposed work 
  • Appropriateness of budget and justification of resources requested 
  • Quality of the proposal writing (spelling, clarity, level of jargon, organization, inclusion of required

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences provides a number of competitive summer fellowships to regular faculty holding positions at the level of associate professor or higher in support excellence in research, scholarship and creative activity and as seed funding support to help our faculty compete successfully for major external awards e.g., from NSF, NIH, NEH, ACLS, Guggenheim, Mellon Foundation and W.T Grant Foundation.


All faculty members in the College who are Associate or Full Professors at the time of the deadline (whether tenure-stream or rank renewable term) are eligible to apply for the Senior Faculty Summer Fellowship on a biannual basis. A faculty member receiving this award is expected to commit to the research described in their proposal and refrain from teaching during the summer months or teaching overload courses during the academic year. In circumstances in which summer teaching cannot be avoided due to a documented departmental need, the faculty will not be able to receive the award as a salary stipend but only as a research and creative activity support fund (i.e., support for research travel, accommodations, and research-related materials, or research assistant support). 

The fellowship amount is currently $8,000 and can be used as summer stipend,  travel, supplies, equipment, student support, or as an exception to offset the cost of a course offload in the fall of the same calendar year. 

Application Procedures

The application is submitted directly to the college using the college application forms. Line spacing must not be smaller than 1.5 lines, font size must be at least 11 points, and 1” margins must be used. The following materials should be submitted:

  1.  Application Cover Sheet.
  2. Abstract (250-word limit).
  3. Project Description (5-page limit) - a proposal should describe the plan for research, scholarship or creative activity including the intellectual merit and broader impact of the proposed work.
  4. Bibliography (no limit) 
  5. Career Impact Statement (1/2 page a limit).
  6. Budget and Justification (1-page limit).
  7. Current and pending grant support listing agency (or internal funding office), program, project title, award amount or requested amount, award period, submission date and status and past support from our DFCAS funding programs.
  8. Current Curriculum Vitae (2-page limit providing information on positions and titles, publications and related products (books, articles, presentations etc. relevant to the proposed activity) and related synergistic activities).
  9. Letter of endorsement from the department chair/director with special permission in case of a course offload request.
  10. Description of plans for review from IRB, IACUC, etc., if appropriate.

The cover sheet, budget template and application link can be found here:

docSenior Faculty Fellowship Cover Sheet (pdf.) 

doc Senior Faculty Summer Fellowship Budget (doc)

Apply for Senior Faculty Summer Fellowship


Awards will be announced by the first week of May.  Awardees are required to provide a presentation within a year from the initial funding date.

Evaluation of Proposals

Proposals will be evaluated and rated by the DFCAS Support of Research Committee, which makes its recommendations to the Dean. Applications that are received without a letter of endorsement from the Department Chair will not be considered.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Associate Dean Georgia Kosmopoulou at or Laura Beth Woods. (or via phone at 325-4645). 

It is important that proposals are written in clear language that can be understood by faculty and students across fields different fields of study within a broad area (Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, and Professional Programs). Please avoid field-specific terminology/jargon as much as possible.

The selection criteria used by the committee to evaluate these applications are as follows:

Basic criteria to consider regarding quality of proposals 

  • Intellectual merit of overall project  
    • potential to advance knowledge and understanding within a discipline or across disciplines 
    • Quality and appropriateness of the goals of the project 
    • Credibility and clarity of the methods described in the proposal 
  • Broader impact of the proposed activity 
    • Benefits to society 
    • Value to other scholars, general audiences or both. 
    • Potential for impact on the investigator(s) scholarly program (e.g. publications, programs, other scholarship)

Other criteria 

  • Preparedness of the investigator to do the proposed work 
  • Appropriateness of budget and justification of resources requested 
  • Quality of the proposal writing (spelling, clarity, level of jargon, organization, inclusion of required

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences aims to increase support for data scholarship, research, and creative activity in the College by supporting new or on-going scholarly activities that can lead to new external funding opportunities. This small grants program will support three to five awards of $8,000 to $12,000.

  • Larger amounts will be available to support new interdisciplinary data analysis or computing collaborations.
  • Smaller amounts will be granted to single-investigators.
  • At least one award could be offered to a faculty member to provide teaching relief and allow her/him to serve as a statistical and/or computing consultant within the Libraries’ DAVIS (Data Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Syndicate).
  • The applicant(s) must present a plan for using this seed funding to generate preliminary data or analysis and apply for funding.
  • The proposal guidelines are the same as those of the JFF and SFF programs. The selection committee will have technical expertise related to data science and will be recruited from the areas supported by the College. Please include in your application a CV and current and pending funding if available.
  • The awards will be made to support new dimensions of research and will not be provided as supplements to existing awards.

Awardees are required to provide a presentation within a year from the initial funding date.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Associate Dean Georgia Kosmopoulou at or Laura Beth Woods. (or via phone at 325-4645). 

The cover sheet, budget template and application link can be found here:

doc Data Scholarship Initiative Cover Sheet (doc)

doc Data Scholarship Initiative Budget (doc)

Apply for Data Scholarship Initiative Support

The selection criteria used by the committee to evaluate these applications are as follows:

Basic criteria to consider regarding quality of proposals 

  • Intellectual merit of overall project  
    • potential to advance knowledge and understanding within a discipline or across disciplines 
    • Quality and appropriateness of the goals of the project 
    • Credibility and clarity of the methods described in the proposal 
  • Broader impact of the proposed activity 
    • Benefits to society 
    • Value to other scholars, general audiences or both. 
    • Potential for impact on the investigator(s) scholarly program (e.g. publications, programs, other scholarship)

Other criteria 

  • Is this project describing new or on-going quantitative and computing-based research or scholarly activities that can lead to new external funding opportunities? 
  • Preparedness of the investigator (or team) to do the proposed work 
  • Appropriateness of budget and justification of resources requested 
  • Quality of the proposal writing (spelling, clarity, level of jargon, organization, inclusion of required

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences is inviting applications for a number of Collaborative Research Faculty Fellowships to incentivize research and creative activity in alignment with the University-wide strategic research framework established by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships based on the 5th Pillar of OU’s Lead On strategic plan.

We invite teams comprised of faculty from different departments in the College to propose transdisciplinary research projects that can help advance knowledge to address societal challenges, elevate OU's national reputation, and align its seed funding support with federal funding goals and priorities. The Collaborative Research Faculty Fellowship program will award up to $25,000 per research team over a maximum of two years. Each team should outline a plan to apply for major external funding support within a year of the close of the grant.

The grant can be used as summer supplemental pay, or buyout of a single course, or for travel, supplies, equipment, external professional grant writing and student support.

All regular, ranked renewable term, and research faculty members of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences on the OU Norman and Tulsa (Norman Campus programs) campuses are eligible as project PIs. Non-College faculty could be members of the collaborative teams as co-PIs. Co-PIs from other Colleges cannot request stipend or direct material support through this grant application process.

Application Process
The application packet should be prepared and submitted as a single PDF and should include:

  1. Application cover page with names of lead PI, co-PI(s), and contact information.
  2. Abstract (250-word limit)
  3. A brief project description (5-page limit) that includes the intellectual merit and broader impacts of the proposed activity, an outline of a plan to submit for a specific funding opportunity and the nature of that funding opportunity and fit for the project.
  4.  Bibliography (no limit) 
  5.  Budget and Budget Justification (1-page limit).
  6. A two-page CV per PI and co-PI providing information on positions and titles, publications and related products (books, articles, presentations etc. relevant to the proposed activity) and related synergistic activities (for a sample please visit:
  7. Letter of endorsement from the department chair/director providing formal support in the event of a course offload request.
  8. Provide letter(s) of support from any collaborator(s) outside of DFCAS with the following content: "If the proposal submitted by Dr. …. entitled “...” is selected for funding by DFCAS, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description of the proposal."
  9. Description of plans for review from IRB, IACUC, etc., if appropriate.

The cover sheet, budget template and application link can be found here:

doc Collaborative Research Faculty Fellowships Cover Sheet 2024 (doc)
doc Collaborative Research Faculty Fellowship Budget (doc)

Apply for Collaborative Research Faculty Fellowship

Awards will be announced by the first week of May. If college funding is awarded, the teams are expected to do a presentation of the work progress in the College’s Seminar series one year after the starting date of the project.

Evaluation of Proposals
Project evaluation will be made by an interdisciplinary panel of scholars representing the broad research and creative activity areas at OU. The panel will make recommendation to the Dean. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Associate Dean Georgia Kosmopoulou at or Laura Beth Woods. (or via phone at 325-4645). 

The selection criteria used by the committee to evaluate these applications are as follows:

Basic criteria to consider regarding quality of proposals 

  • Intellectual merit of overall project  
    • potential to advance knowledge and understanding within a discipline or across disciplines 
    • Quality and appropriateness of the goals of the project 
    • Credibility and clarity of the methods described in the proposal 
  • Broader impact of the proposed activity 
    • Benefits to society 
    • Value to other scholars, general audiences, or both. 
    • Potential for impact on the investigator(s) scholarly program (e.g. publications, programs, other scholarship)

Other criteria 

  • Is the vision motivating this proposal sufficiently compelling and ambitious to justify investment in developing a collaborative/convergent research community?  
  • Is there potential to sustain collaborative/convergence research beyond this project? 
  • Is the assembled team appropriate and essential for the planned project? Are the participants meaningfully integrated?
  • Appropriateness of budget and justification of resources requested 
  • Quality of the proposal writing (spelling, clarity, level of jargon, organization, inclusion of required materials) 

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Information Technology (CAS IT) Committee invites proposals from individual faculty or units for instructional technology needs. Funds for this program are drawn from the Arts and Sciences student technology fee. Proposed projects must be course or student oriented. Particular consideration will be given to those proposals that impact larger numbers of students, although this is not a requirement for funding.

All academic units and all regular full-time faculty in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to apply.

Application Procedures
Proposals should be addressed to Bruce Mason,, chair of the Information Technology Committee, and it is suggested that the projects be discussed with members of the committee before the submission of a proposal. We prefer that they be submitted electronically in MS Word, HTML, or PDF format, although others will be accepted.

We request that grant award recipients submit a report to the committee outlining how students have benefited from the grant during or after the completion of the project. These can also be emailed to Bruce Mason at

Proposals may be submitted at any time. The committee will review the proposals during each monthly meeting.

The Norman Campus has established a subvention funding program (for typesetting, printing, editing, translation, cover art, recording, mixing and distribution) that consists of an equal four-way split of costs among the Senior Vice President and Provost, the Vice President for Research (VPR), the associated academic department, and the associated college. This program is appropriate only when the publisher requires subvention funding and when the publication venue is of high stature/quality. The maximum funding provided is $6,000 (from all sources combined), and eligibility is limited to regular tenured or tenure track faculty of all ranks, as well as research faculty and ranked renewable term faculty. Instructors, lecturers, adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, research personnel funded from external grants and contracts, and students are not eligible for this particular program.

Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Procedures

Faculty members should forward their award notification to DFCAS Executive Director of Financial Administration, Heather Todd requesting confirmation of the DFCAS funding.  Please work with your Administrative/Finance Coordinator in your department to process the payment for the subvention. Once the subvention payment posts to the department’s financial statement, the financial staff member will request 25% funding from VPR, Provost and DFCAS Dean. To request funding from the dean’s office you may simply email a copy of your financial statement highlighting the subvention charge to Michael Keeter . The dean’s office will process a transfer of funding, sending the department a copy of the transfer form for their records.

Vice President for Research

  • Competitive College Investment Fund (CCIF) and University Strategic Organizations (USO) – interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects and programs
  • Research Equipment & Project Matching Program
  • Reprint Purchases / Page Charges
  • George Lynn Cross Research Professor Program
  • Sponsored Research Incentive (SRI) Program

Research Council

  • PI Research Investment Program
  • Arts & Humanities and Creative Activity Program
  • Over $1,200 Requests
  • Small Grant Program
  • Junior Faculty Research Program
  • Potentially Transformative Research Program
  • Book Publication Subvention Program
  • Funded Research Council Proposals

Vice President and Provost

  • President's Retired Faculty Funds
  • President's Undergraduate Dream Courses
  • Presidential International Travel Fellowships
  • Faculty Fellowship Program for Big 12 Universities

Faculty Senate – Faculty Development Awards


There are a number of external funding sources available. You may access federal funding opportunities by visiting 

You may browse over fellowship opportunities for the Humanities at: 

You may also subscribe to Federal Agency funding alerts and notices choosing specific areas of interest in STEM. These include:

Within the National Institute of Health there are tools available to identify which programs provide the best fit for your work. These are: