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Learn About the Minor in Environmental Studies

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Learn About the Minor in Environmental Studies

A group of Environmental Studies students stands at a table on the South Oval and speaks with prospective students on Sooner Saturday.

Like the major, the minor in Environmental Studies gives you an interdisciplinary skill set. This minor will enhance any major: it teaches you to apply skills from your major to environmental problems, and it exposes you to approaches beyond your main area of study.

The minor is 16 credit hours and includes these courses:

  • The Cornerstone: an overview of environmental research and teaching across the OU campus
  • The Research Project: independent study on a topic you choose
  • The Learning Community: an enrichment experience focused on professional development and a service project
  • Two interdisciplinary electives
  • One single-disciplinary elective outside of your major

For more details about the minor, visit the BA and Minor Requirements page.