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How is OU Changing Lives? President Harroz Sits Down with University Business

How is OU Changing Lives? President Harroz Sits Down with University Business

Live On Univerisity Stategic Plan The Foundation for our Future text art

The “Lead On, University” Strategic Plan has sparked a new era of excellence at OU. In a recent interview with University Business, OU President Joseph Harroz Jr. shares how the Plan is generating growth and success across the board – progress that has flourished despite the pandemic.

Officially launched in July 2020, “Lead On, University” defines a clear plan for the Norman campus’ future and the comprehensive strategies to achieve it. Every goal outlined within the Strategic Plan is designed to uphold the university’s fundamental purpose – We Change Lives. But as Harroz explained to University Business, OU’s accomplishments are attributed to the work and dedication of the entire OU community.

“Hopefully, people feel the purpose and realize they are a material part of it,” Harroz said. “They can see themselves in the strategic plan, and they can see a trajectory. It’s hard not to be inspired when you’re working alongside other people that are all trying to do the same thing you’re doing.”

The full story by University Business can be accessed here.

Portrait of President Harroz

Article Published:  Wednesday, March 23, 2022