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Group Tour

Group Tour

Group tours are offered in September, October, November, February, March, and April on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Group tours are offered in June, July, and the beginning of August on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Group tour registration for Summer 2025 will tentatively open in May 2025.

To ensure a pleasant and informative visit, please review the FAQs and guidelines below before requesting your tour. If you have any additional questions or requests, contact us at (405) 325-2151 or

We can't wait to welcome you to campus!



Groups must register or make requests two weeks before an on-campus visit.

Parking & Drop Off

Only groups scheduled through our office will receive parking passes. All others will need to contact OU Parking Services

Maximum Group Size

A maximum of 60 students plus chaperones (one chaperone over 21 for every 12 students) per group. Please check our Youth Protection Policy.

These guidelines only apply to group tours for high school and transfer students. If you are a high school or transfer student interested in taking a general campus tour, schedule an individual campus tour.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students should be dropped off at the Aspen Avenue cul-de-sac (PDF map); buses should not drive on the Parrington Oval. Once students are dropped off, buses should proceed to Jenkins Avenue and park at the Lloyd Noble Center. Parking passes are not required to park at the Lloyd Noble Center.

Yes! We have multiple dining options for your day at OU. Your group can:

  • bring lunches and eat in the Union Food Court or Union Courtyard.
  • buy individual lunches from the Union Food Court
  • purchase passes to dine in Couch Restaurants*, OU’s all-you-care-to-eat dining facility. 

*If you would like to purchase passes to dine in Couch Restaurants, the cost is $11 per individual. Please contact Chase Wiens with OU Housing & Food at to pay and reserve your passes.

Yes, groups will need to provide one chaperone, 21 years or older, for every 12 minors on campus. For virtual visits, there will need to be at least one chaperone over 21 years of age present for the entirety of the virtual group tour. 

Visit our policy page to learn more.

OU Youth Protection Policy

The University of Oklahoma has numerous campus locations and a variety of events that attract minors, which may be sponsored by the University or by third parties. These guidelines are meant to serve as guidance for these valuable experiences. Please note, that these guidelines may not encompass each and every encounter with a minor and should be flexible depending on the circumstances and with the approval of either a supervisor in charge of the area or facility or the Office of Risk Management, in consultation with the Office of Legal Counsel. The safety of minors on campus is of utmost importance to the University and these guidelines have been approved in order to provide a safe, fun, and productive educational environment.

Visitor Guidelines for Bringing Minors to the University

The parent or guardian should provide line-of-sight supervision of minors at all times. A parent or guardian must ensure that minors are not disruptive to others.

Parents or guardians must not leave minors unattended, including at athletic events or other University activities.

Minors are not allowed in High-Risk Areas.

Additional Guidelines to Follow:

  1. You must ensure that you follow appropriate drop-off and pick-up schedules and locations.
  2. At no time may you leave a minor unattended or in the care of a person who is not a supervisor.
  3. Generally, there should be a supervision ratio of at least one adult supervisor (21 years or older) for every 12 minors. Please ask your head supervisor for proper ratios depending on the age of the minors and the nature of the activities. 
  4. Minor should use the buddy system for restroom breaks and should check in and out with the supervisor for restroom breaks.


On-campus group tours will have a 25-minute admissions presentation with a one-hour and 15-minute walking tour. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes as the tour is outdoors. The tour will include the North and South Oval of campus, and if time allows, housing and the Gaylord Family - Memorial Football Stadium.

The information provided allows us to connect and communicate with students about the college admissions process.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide additional accommodations beyond what has been scheduled. We hope your group will consider the Self-Guided Campus group tour or a Virtual Self-Guided Tour. Participants in your group can also register individually for an in-person or virtual tour.

To provide the best campus experience for visitors, we limit the size of each tour group. Due to student tour guide schedules and daily individual tours, we are unable to provide an adequate number of tour guides for groups larger than 60. 

Ninth to 12th graders are eligible for our group tour experiences. For K-8, a campus map, a self-guided tour, and a scavenger hunt are available. Regardless of grade, all groups are welcome to stop by the Office of Admissions and Recruitment for additional information from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

K-12 Experiences