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Lactation Rooms

Lactation Rooms


The purpose of the lactation rooms at the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa Schusterman Center is to provide a dedicated comfortable, private, quiet space for nursing mothers to pump their breast milk during their time on campus.  This space will be available to nursing mothers who are students, faculty, or staff members at OU-Tulsa.  Students must register for access through OU-Tulsa Student Affairs, room 1C76; faculty and staff should register for access through Human Resources. Users will be required to provide their own pump and supplies.



Feedback in the form of questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.  All feedback should be directed to or

Stylized crimson line.

Additional Information

Main Administration Building, Rm 1C105

  • south end of the building on the first floor, just across the 1C hallway from the Founders Student Center
  • available 24/7 once acess is established

Learning Center, Rm LC114

  • adjacent to main entrance and close proximity to restrooms
  • available only during operational hours of the Learning Center (hours currently vary based on scheduled building use during COVID-19)

Lactation rooms amenities include:

  • Comfortable chairs
  • Table
  • Multiple Electrical Outlets
  • Ceiling and floor lamp lighting options
  • Paper towel dispenser
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sink (Main Administration Building only)

*For the lactation room inside the Learning Center there are two stations within the room, separated by hospital curtains.  Sinks are located in the nearby restrooms.

*Users will be required to bring their own pump

Access to the lactation room in the Learning Center is approved jointly by the OU-Tulsa Student Affairs (for students) and the OU-Tulsa Human Resources (for faculty and staff).  

The Lactation Room Registration Form (pdf) must be completed and turned into the appropriate office, either in-person or electronically ( for students).

Access to both lactation rooms is restricted using OU-Tulsa building access control system and access badge. 

  • Those with OU-Tulsa building access badge: both lactation rooms will be added to your access badge
  • Those without an OU-Tulsa acess badge: You will need to have an access badge made by OU-Tulsa Operations Department, by visiting campus and having your picture taken on the specialized access control system. Further instructions will be provided when you submit your registration form. Both lactation rooms will then be added to your access badge.

OU-Tulsa Student Affairs will regularly review access to both lactation room spaces, in accordance with OU-Tulsa building access policies administered by the Operations Department.