Use the form linked here to request the following for your student organization:
Additional guidelines:
Click here to register your student organization.
Student Organization - OU Trademark & Licensing Use Policy & Request Form
This form is to request permission to use OU trademarks on merchandise and promotional items (i.e. shirts, cups, pens, etc.). Whether items will be resold as a fundraiser or just given away to students/faculty/staff in a program, the student organization must receive official final approval from the OU Athletics Licensing department before moving forward.
Registration fees for conferences are a permitted and allowable use of OUTSGA professional development funds, so long as a student submits this form. After submitting the form, please await registration confirmation or further instruction from a Student Affairs staff member. As a reminder, each Tulsa student in a Norman degree program has access to a maximum of $250 per academic year, provided adequate funding remains available in your respective degree program.