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OU Travel

Travel Resources for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Book Travel & Manage Expenses

Submit travel authorization requests, book flights or hotels, and create expense reports by logging into Concur.

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Travel Policies & Procedures

Find the latest university travel policy, quick guides, checklists, travel card application and other training material.

Policies & Procedures

Register International Travel

You are required to register your international travel to help us provide a safe, secure, and accountable process.

Register International Travel

Travel Information

Travel Resources, Guides and Policy

Travel Card


Concur Help:

Prepare for Travel

Travel Checklist & Quick Guide

Travel Health (Oklahoma State Department of Health)

Travel Insurance 

International Traveler Registration

International Traveler Registration

The International Traveler Registration policy sets protocols for the registration and support processes for international travel, information, and devices by stakeholder offices, such as Enterprise Risk Management and Export Controls. The policy promotes a safe, secure, and accountable environment that is conducive to the free exchange of ideas, protective of controlled government-regulated and proprietary information, and compliant with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. This registration will allow OU to ensure insurance is in place as appropriate and determine the need for export licenses or additional documents that enable faculty to travel with or access OU data and equipment.

For more information involving instructional travel (either international or domestic) please see §4.24 of the OU Faculty Handbook (for Norman Campus programs), the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development (for HSC programs) or contact the College of International Studies. 

To register an international trip, you will need to provide the following:

  1. your relevant personnel information, such as your department, office phone number and email address,
  2. trip details, such as dates of departure and return, destination(s),
  3. the purpose of your travel, such as conducting research, conference attendance, etc. along with any entities (universities, companies, etc.) you’ll be meeting or working with while aboard,
  4. list of travelers both affiliated and unaffiliated with OU,
  5. type of transportation,
  6. information pertaining to any OU equipment, software, materials, systems, samples, information, etc., that you will be traveling with,
  7. cell phone information including make, model, operating systems,*
  8. information involving any technology control plan that is currently in place.

Note: Some of the information you will be asked is technical involving VPN, operating systems, etc. There is an “I don’t know” option on technologically-oriented items. If you select the “I don’t know” option, an IT representative will be in contact with you to provide support.

* Cell phone information is requested as cell phones are often used to access university systems, such as email, while off-campus.