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Summer Semester

Students on OU's campus in Norman, Oklahoma.

Summer Semester

The summer semester at the University of Oklahoma provides you with a unique opportunity to get ahead, stay on track or catch up while still enjoying some downtime.

Taking just one class every summer allows many students to graduate one semester sooner!


Students may enroll in up to 9 hours of summer courses (course restrictions may apply) to help ease fall and spring semester course loads. Many are able to get into that “always full” required course during the summer semester, while others appreciate being able to singularly focus on a difficult subject. You also can choose to pursue special topics during the summer — like Study Abroad, intensive study and practicum experiences — that may not easily fit into fall or spring course schedules.


Most summer classes are online or held on campus in smaller classrooms, allowing students and faculty to enjoy more informal interactions in a relaxed environment. In addition, during the summer months, all students may live on campus, where friendships are formed, programming and activities are provided, and easy parking is available. Understanding that you look forward to a slower pace during summertime, OU’s intensive accelerated summer course schedule allows you to earn quick credit hours while providing ample time for enjoying summer downtime and fun.

Schedule and Courses

May BlockSummer BlockJune Block2nd Summer BlockJuly Block

4 Weeks

8 Weeks

4 Weeks

8 Weeks

4 Weeks

May 12 - June 6

May 12 - July 3

June 9 - July 3

June 9 - Aug 1

July 7 - Aug 1

Look into one of our many course options this summer. Summer is a great time to focus on foreign language requirements or to concentrate on a difficult subject!

OU Summer Semester courses begin immediately following the Spring semester and offer 5 different blocks to choose from that are 4-weeks and 8-weeks long throughout the summer. The courses are shorter in comparison with the Fall and Spring schedule. Due to this, several courses meet Monday through Friday.  

Prepare for Summer Semester

If you have questions about which summer course options will best fit your degree requirements, set up a meeting with your advisor. visit iAdvise for more information on how to make an appointment.


Use to search over 1,000 courses offered in the summer! Course styles are traditional, online, video conference, and hybrid.


Students will use to enroll in OU summer courses. You will login with your OU 4x4 login and navigate to the "Academics" tab to enroll in courses.


Additional Opportunities

Summer Study Abroad

The summer semester offers an exciting opportunity for embarking on a transformative study abroad experience. Discover the enriching possibilities of studying abroad by exploring the comprehensive resources available on the OU Education Abroad website linked below.

Visit OU Education Abroad

Visiting Students Admissions

If you are a student from another institution interested in any courses offered during OU Summer Semester and would like to enroll, please visit the following application to be admitted. You will need to complete the non-degree admissions application and provide either a transcript or letter of good standing from your current institution to the admissions office.

Summer Admissions Application

Summer Support

A group of graduates in their regalia giving the 'one OU' sign.
Academic Support

OU provides outstanding academic support to students through its top ranked facilities and programs geared toward persistence and success, including free tutoring and online assistance.

A student sits at a table looking at her laptop.
Student Learning Center

Daily virtual tutoring throughout the summer in a variety of subjects: check the online schedule. Individual/Small group appointments are available on request, through

A student sits at a table while having a concersation with twho other people.
Study Skills Consultations

Study Skills Consultations for assistance with time management, reading and note-taking strategies, Canvas, and online coursework.