Thai night 2000. getting better by the year

Thai Night has been receiving greater publicity by the year as Thai Student continues to further expand our Thai culture. What was once a small event has turned itself into a magnificent agenda for both Thai Student and the surrounding community.

It is now 3 years since the first Thai Night and it has gotten better and better every year. Once again, thanks to all those who has spend their precious time to make Thai Night, another unforgettable night.

Welcoming presentation
Kone Dance

It was the Kone Dance that has given Thai Student  the First Place title at Eve of Nations

fan dance

Fan Dance is another new addition to the many of our variety of cultural performance.

Guys dancing

This performance isn’t new but it usually brings a lot of laughter.

China dolls

China Dolls is a modern dance quite popular with the new generation in Thailand. It’s a high impact and very thrilling to watch.


Isan Dance (coconut dance) originates from the northern part of Thailand.

To see more pictures, click here.

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