History of

Kenah Nyanat
(04-05 IAC president)
and Isaiah Olateru
(05-06 IAC president) |
International Advisory Committee (IAC) at the University of Oklahoma
was established over 23 years ago with the with a primary purpose
of uniting all of the international cultural associations on campus.
IAC sponsors and organizes the fall International Bazaar and the
spring Eve of Nations Banquet. The International Advisory Committee
has a diverse executive committee with representatives from all
corners of the world. IAC works closely with the presidents of
all of the International student organizations in the planning
and implementation of culture and social programs that affect the
University's international community. IAC holds regular meetings,
and attendance by international students at these meetings is encouraged.
The meetings provide international students an opportunity to discuss
ideas and concerns. The committee elects its executive officers
toward the end of the spring semester for the following academic
The University
of Oklahoma offers many international student associations to provide
a broader spectrum of our great world. These organizations provide
socials events, cultural programs, and sports activities as well
as support to international students. International associations
promote cultural exchange between the campus and the community and
represent almost every area of the world.
Every academic school year there is a period of five weeks set-aside
during the middle of the spring semester for International associations
to provide a time to showcase their country or region for the university
and the surrounding community.
The International Bazaar is a special event held during the fall semester
for students to provide information and sell items brought from their
countries. This is another opportunity and unique way to promote global
awareness and enhance cultural exchange between international students
and University faculty, staff and students.
of Nations
The Eve of Nations is a culmination of your international experience
at OU, a grandiose extravaganza, with dignitaries, spicy foods, colorful
attires, exotic music and dance, and lots of awards that we compete
for all year long.