Walter R. "Waddy" Young Chapter
Arnold Air Society Arnold Air Society is a professional, honorary service organization advocating the support of aerospace power.
Air Force ROTC The Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps trains individuals to become officers in the United States Air Force. AFROTC Detachments are located on many college campuses throughout the United States.
University of Oklahoma The University of Oklahoma is a doctoral degree-granting research university serving the educational, cultural and economic needs of the state, region and nation.
Air Force Association The AFA is an independent, nonprofit, civilian organization primarily concerned with public understanding and acceptance of the pivotal role a well-manned, well-equipped and well-trained Air Force plays in the security of the nation and its allies and the relevance of overall American military strength to global peace.
Aerospace Education Foundation Aerospace Education Foundation's Silver Wings Scholarship program provides $1,000 grants to rising juniors and seniors who are active members of Silver Wings.
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