About Oklahoma COBRE in Structural Biology
The overall objectives of the OCSB for the Phase 3 award period are to:
- Sustain and enhance the scientific cores established and developed in Phases 1 and 2 and facilitate their transition to self-sustaining cores.
- Increase the critical mass of investigators in the field of structural biology in the State of Oklahoma by supporting researchers through a competitive pilot project program.
These objectives are expected to build on the momentum and success achieved during our Phase 1 and 2 grant periods and strengthen structural biology research in the State of Oklahoma as well as support the cores to become independent service research facilities.
Ann West, Program Director, OU-Norman
Gillian Air, Associate Program Director, OUHSC
Funded by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (Awards P20GM103640 and P30GM145423).