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Classroom Management

Classroom Management

Long, crimson divider

Classroom Management (233 Buchanan Hall) is responsible for the scheduling of general purpose classrooms, event room scheduling, pertinent information for the class schedule (such as allocation guidelines, schedule changes, course grading and course cancellation), forms and class roll information. Contact the Office of Classroom Management at

Scheduling Forms

Course Cancelation or Schedule Change
Any course with 5 or more students enrolled must receive signature approval on the appropriate form before canceling or changing instructional methods in the class schedule. This applies to class times, days of the week, part of term, or instructional method changes.
4:12 Rescheduling Courses 
Courses may not be rescheduled from the published time/day (d) without the prior approval of the chair/director, the dean of the college offering the course, and the Senior Vice President and Provost.
Senior Vice President and Provost, 11-25-92.
Visit our Forms page for additional forms.

How to Get Your Course Added for Enrollment

  • Contact your department chair for approval
  • Your scheduling administrator will then email the following to
    • Semester
    • Course Name & Number & next available section number (ex. CAS 3091 001)
    • Title (if special topics, provide title 30 characters or less, including spaces)
    • Credit hours (if course number ends in 0 we need to know how many hours to lock course to)
    • Part of term – full semester, 1st 8 weeks, 2nd 8 weeks (Summer provide block dates, MAY, JUNE, JULY)
    • Instructional Method (Traditional, WEB-Online, SYNC-Zoom, Blended w/ WEB or Blended w/ SYNC)
    • Days & times for face-to-face meetings for Blended, Traditional or SYNC (required)
    • Max enrollment (must provide if classroom is needed, default is 0)
    • Instructor Name
    • Instructor Sooner ID#
  • All online courses offered by departments within the College of Arts & Sciences must also be approved by the CAS OATS.

Special Topics Limit

If a topic is offered under a special topics number, a specific topic can only be offered twice within a six-year period. A course cannot be offered a third time within that six-year period without being approved for a permanent number.

Deletion of Inactive Courses

In order to maintain a current and active course inventory, courses that haven’t been offered in five years will be subject to deletion from the course inventory during the annual audit by Academic Publications and Curriculum. In accordance with the policy recommended by the Academic Programs Council and approved by the Faculty Senate, a course can remain inactive for one additional year with a reasonable request.