Ever since March 12, when the University asked all faculty to move classes online, staff to telecommute from home, and students to participate in an electronic, distanced way, our daily operations have pushed us into new frontiers of learning and processes. Although there have been immediate and continuing challenges, I am continually impressed and inspired by the dedication of our faculty and staff to provide students with the best opportunities to learn and grow. Many of our faculty, staff and students have gone above and beyond to help their communities, and I am excited to share some of these stories with you.
At this point, the University has a multi-phase plan for returning to normal operations, including a new Clean and Green initiative for keeping the campus clean, plus a Safe and Resilient plan for students on campus for classes by this fall. If you have any questions about how the University of Oklahoma is addressing the COVID-19 crisis, please check the University’s coronavirus website, a resource that is updated regularly with the latest information available for the OU community.
What follows, in this special edition e-Newsletter, are just a handful of the many ways members of the Price College family have stepped up to the challenges presented by the pandemic this spring. To say that I am proud of every student, faculty and staff member who has risen up during these challenging times is an understatement. These examples illustrate how our community continues to come together to rise above the current challenges we’re facing in order to shine.