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Bachelor of Science, Software Development and Integration | OU Polytechnic Institute

Bachelor of Science:
Software Development and Integration

Software Development and Integration Program Overview

At the OU Polytechnic Institute, our goal is to equip students with the skills they need to become proficient software developers. Our bachelor degree completion program integrates programming, data, and DevOps expertise with cutting-edge technologies in machine learning, Generative AI, embedded systems, and cloud computing. Our curriculum emphasizes practical skills directly applicable to today’s job market. OUPI’s SDI program prioritizes real-world applications and systems. This ensures our graduates are prepared to tackle a wide range of challenges, from interfacing with the latest AI system, to developing cutting edge mobile applications, to creating new ways to access the Internet of Things.

Why Study Software Development and Integration at OUPI?

In addition to coursework, the program helps students prepare for and complete relevant industry certifications. The Software Development Lifecycle and teamwork concepts in Agile Programming Workflow are emphasized throughout the curriculum. OU Polytechnic Institute programs are designed with local and state industry partners to develop programs, like the BS in Software Development and Integration, to meet the skyrocketing demand for these jobs.

Bachelor Degree Completion Program Requirements

  • Completed OUPI Application
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Minimum 24 credit hours earned at the time of application

This is a bachelor’s completion program. Students traditionally transfer to OUPI once they have earned an associate degree or taken at least 24 hours from an accredited institution, such as Tulsa Community College.

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Software Development and Integration Program Curriculum

This 60 hour bachelor degree completion program is designed to be completed in two years and developed with the needs of local, state and regional employers in mind. Upon graduation, students will hold a Bachelor of Science in Software Development and Integration from the University of Oklahoma. Your OU degree in Software Development and Integration will make you uniquely prepared to take advantage of a multitude of career opportunities. Combining hands-on learning with projects that span multiple relevant fields of study, you will make real-world connections, including internships and industry-sponsored senior design projects.

Courses in the curriculum will include:
  • Cloud Computing
  • Software Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Virtualization and Containerization
  • Real-time Systems
  • Electives in Cybersecurity and Applied Artificial Intelligence 
A group of students looking at a speaker.


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The University of Oklahoma offers various scholarships to admitted transfer students or those enrolled in the OU Polytechnic Institute based on criteria such as academics, leadership, and community involvement. OUPI students are eligible to receive any of these scholarships for which they qualify. In addition, a fund has been established to provide stipends necessary for technology purchases including laptops or software. Qualified OUPI students can receive stipends of up to $1,000 for technology purchases.

Career Paths

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Some typical career paths include:

  • Cloud Computing Specialist
  • Software Developer
  • Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Mobile App Developer
  • Machine Learning Specialist
  • And many more

The estimated annual starting salary in the software development and integration field is $75,000 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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OU Polytechnic Institute graduates will be qualified for job openings in industries such as:

  • State Agencies
  • Government
  • Insurance 
  • Utilities 
  • Manufacturing 

Take the Next Step

Your degree in Software Development and Integration from OUPI can open doors that set you off on a journey of a lifetime.

Applications open in August of 2024. Sign up to be notified when the application opens.

Student wearing OUPI shirt standing on campus in front of a mural.