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Career Development | OU Polytechnic Institute

Career Development

OUPI faculty work with our students to prepare them for advanced technology positions focusing in their areas of expertise. In addition to academic experience, OUPI faculty have decades of industry experience and contacts which allows OUPI students access to industry leaders and opportunities.

Essential workplace skills development

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Highly integrated degree programs and courses are designed for students to achieve mastery in terminal/code proficiency, communications and collaboration.  

Over the course of the 2-year program, students will complete numerous projects and build out an impressive GitHub portfolio for use in resumes and job interviews. 

Students will become highly skilled in:  

  • Project management (including configuration management)
  • Project Delivery Strategies  
  • Continuous Delivery 
  • Continuous Integration

Colloquia Series

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The Colloquia Series offered at OUPI brings together students and employers once a week in discussion forums. Speakers from industry, government, academia and non-profits lead discussions on key topics in hi-tech jobs ranging from ethics, key workplace skills, technology trends, corporate activity, and legislation, to name a few. ​

The forum offers students the ability to start building a professional network with all the students of OUPI as well as future employers, faculty and staff and is a unique experience at OUPI. ​

The Colloquia Series is a 1-hour credit course that can be taken for 3 semesters to count for an elective. The Colloquia is part of the unique experience at OUPI where students are brought into and connected with the broader local and national community. ​