Elections of Members-in-Course
The Alpha of Oklahoma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa annually recognizes outstanding undergraduates by inviting them to membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
There is no application process for Phi Beta Kappa. Apart from a very small number of juniors, only those students who are graduating seniors in the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences, College of International Studies, Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication, and ConocoPhillips School of Geology & Geophysics who have a 3.60 GPA or better and who have applied for graduation are considered for membership. A chapter committee reviews the academic records of each student, focusing on the quality and distribution of coursework and the breadth of academic experience in the social sciences, humanities, language, mathematics, and natural science.
Each year in early April the final selected students are invited to chapter membership. Summer and December graduates are considered for membership in the spring semester along with the spring graduates. See Bylaws, Section III, Election and Admission of New Members.
As the national Phi Beta Kappa Society notes, by accepting an invitation to membership, "You will join the ranks of 17 U.S. Presidents, 39 Supreme Court Justices, and more than 130 Nobel Laureates." Why accept an invitation from Phi Beta Kappa?
Recently elected Members-in-Course are listed below
If your name appears on one of these lists but you were not initiated, you may still become a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Please contact the chapter secretary about accepting your invitation to join.
Students who were invited to membership this year are encouraged to participate in the initiation ceremony. Information packet including formal invitations and instructions on accepting membership were mailed to all newly elected members. If you did not receive this packet, or if you have any questions about joining Phi Beta Kappa, please contact the chapter secretary.

Colin Addison – Psychology, Music
Kyleigh Adkisson – Political Science, English
Jennifer Aguilar – International Security Studies
Elizabeth Ahmed – Spanish
Nathan Aker – Public Relations
Terzungwe Akumaga – Biochemistry
Issa Al Wazzi – Psychology
Drake Albert – Criminology
Ahmed Ali – Biology
Aayah Alnabhan – Microbiology
Abigail Amish – Creative Media Production
Gabriela Arambula – International Studies, Economics
Sivadarshan Aravindan – Mathematics, Engineering, Physics
Abigail Arkwright – Psychology
Anuhya Ba – Psychology
Natalie Bair – Community Health
Megan Barclay – Information Science and Technology
Connor Baroody – Chemical Biosciences
Corinne Bell – Biology
Saylor Berglund – Biology, Spanish
Caitlin Beson – Human Health and Biology
Madison Bissa – Psychology
Nathaniel Blasdel – Global Energy, Environment, & Resources
Samuel Blount – Community Health
Georgia Bomar – Creative Media Production
Leah Boskovich – Biology
Alaura Boyer – Professional Writing
Marli Brazell – Political Science
Anungoo Brown – Biology
Avery Brown – Biology
Kelis Brown – Political Science
Chloe Brown – Sociology
Molly Burch – Health and Exercise Science
Benjamin Bush – Biology
Airyel Calderon – Biology
Madison Caputo – Political Science
Maeve Carmody – Linguistics
Valerie Carter – Professional Writing
Evan Chamberlain – History, Philosophy
Ansley Chambers – Creative Media Production
Kissinger Ariel Charles – Mathematics, Accounting
Eva Chen Chemical – Biosciences, Spanish
Morgan Chen – International Studies, Mathematics
Srinivaas Chetlur – Biology
Brennan Clifton – Biology
Lucy Coleman – Biochemistry
Kylie Colombo – Psychology
Jackson Cornelius – Biology
Mackenzie Cozort – Linguistics, International Studies, Spanish
Natalee Creswell – Psychology, Sociology
Madeline Crocker – Chemical Biosciences
Katherine Cupp – Biology
Jaci Currie – Biology
Malehzja Curtis – Psychology, Computer Science
Macy Davenport – Health, Medicine, & Society
Julie Dawkins – Letters, Economics
Amiya Dehadrai – Women's and Gender Studies Biology
Benjamin Diep – Chemical Biosciences
Nikola Dragicevic – Spanish, International Studies
Mason Dronet – Mathematics
Irene Eckman – History of Science, Technology, & Medicine
Lale Edil – Anthropology
Lauren Egger – Public Relations
Ayla Eghbalpour – Biology
Nathan Ellsworth – Political Science
Samuel Emesiani – Biology
Cailey England – Biology
Allison England – Creative Media Production, Political Science
Estefania Epifanio – Health, Medicine, & Society
Elizabeth Felkner – Letters, Economics
Bryan Flores – Biology
Charis Forbes – Psychology
LaMauri Franklin – Planned Program
Kierra Franklin – Psychology
Lindsey Frick – Biology
Grace Gaffney – Health and Exercise Science
Daniela Garcia – Biology
Chloe Gardner – German, International Studies
Rishika Garg – Community Health
Lauren Gastineau – Religious Studies, Anthropology
Holly Gialketsis – Biology
Gabriel Gibson – Biology
India Gilbert – Biochemistry, Biology, Sociology
Molly Gilmartin – Human Health and Biology
Jennifer Glasco – Philosophy
Grace Glass – Biology
Destiny Glaude Robinson – Health and Exercise Science
John Robert Gomez – Mathematics
Bryan Gorman – Biology
Lynlee Graham – Planned Program
Megan Greathouse – Biology
Sean Green – Health and Exercise Science, Psychology
Andrew Groll – Political Science
Carsten Groos – Environmental Studies, Planned Program
Jordan Guerrero – Psychology
Greycen Gutierrez – Biology
Luke Hamilton - Economics, Mathematics
Madeline Hardage – Health and Exercise Science
Cortland Harlan – Economics
Jackson Hartgrave – Japanese, Public Health
Catherine Hartman – French, International Studies
Glenne Harvell – Letters, Modern Dance Performance
Hudson Haskins – Professional Writing
Kelsey Hayes – Community Health
Tatum Hayes – Sociology
Jasmine Heidary – Microbiology
Riley Henderson – Biology, Modern Dance Performance
Benjamin Henderson – Chemical Biosciences
Emiline Henderson – Community Health
Isabella Hensley – Biology
Gina Herring – Psychology
Derek Herrman – Biology
Arian Hesami – Biology
Kevin Hiedari – Chemical Biosciences, Spanish
Seth Higbee – Biology
Megan Hill – Psychology
Andrew Hojjat – Biology
Kyle Hook – Psychology
Zlatina Hristova – Biology
Azhar Hussan – Microbiology
Preslie Hutcherson – Psychology
Alex Irwin – Psychology, Music Composition
Raven Ivory – Chemical Biosciences
Haley Jackson – Microbiology
Sophia Jackson – Political Science, Economics
Amal Jamshed – Spanish, Public Health
Melissa Jeffrey – Japanese
Elin Johnson – Biology
Isabella Johnston – Public Relations
Taylor Jones – Journalism
Trevor Jones – Letters, Economics
Ethan Kararo – Meteorology
Shrey Kathuria – Community Health
Natalie Keller – Microbiology, Music
Imran Khan – Biology, Economics
Ho Seop Kim – Chemical Biosciences
Aidan Koehler – Psychology
JaneMarie Koutahi – Sociology
Jason Krasnopolskiy – Chemistry, Biochemistry
Mitchell Laman – English
Amelia Landry – Environmental Studies, International Studies
Luke Latham – International Studies
Colin Lau – Spanish, Finance
Tran Anh Duong Le – Biochemistry
Braxton Legg – Psychology
Maggie Lehnherr – Biology
Brooke Leonard – Meteorology
Matthew Lettow – Biochemistry
Julianne Li – Biology
Lauren Lipford – Letters
Mary Ann Livingood – Linguistics
Angela Lowe – Biochemistry
Christopher Loyd – Mathematics
James Lu - Biology, Spanish
Jennifer Lubwama – International Development
Da'Mya Lyle - Political Science
Jack MacKay – Letters
Joseph Manfredo – Chemical Biosciences
Julia Manipella – Creative Media Production, Environmental Sustainability
Zachary Marckx – Health and Exercise Science
Jessi Martin – Biology
Hannah Martin – Political Science, International Security Studies
Cailin Masters – Biology
Sidney May – Economics, Political Science
Samantha McBride – Psychology
Colleen McCleish – Meteorology
Madeline McClurg – Biology
Lane McCoy – Microbiology
Amanda McCumber – International Studies
Mary McDaniel – Letters
Katherine McLain – Biology
Noah McLaughlin – Psychology
Ian McMasters – Psychology
Thomas Melone – Criminology
Allison Mikita – Health and Exercise Science
Lauren Miles – Biology
Ginger Miller – History, Music
Jessica Miller – Political Science
Alexandra Milligan – Mathematics
McCauley Misuraca – Chemical Biosciences
Francesca Morell – Health and Exercise Science
Hannah Morris-Voth – English
Kamalpreet Multani – Microbiology
Saadia Nazir – Microbiology
Gabrielle Newlin – Microbiology
Nam Nguyen – Chemical Biosciences, Community Health
Anthony Nguyen – Mathematics, Computer Engineering
Amber Nicholson – Religious Studies
Srija Nuguri – Planned Program
Ebubechukwu Nwafor – African and African American Studies
Elle Olson – Biology
Shelby Ortiz – Creative Media Production
Diane Gloria Pamen Ngangoua – Creative Media Production
Ziyun Pan – Biology
Sawyer Paris – Biology
Katrina Parker – Psychology
Amber Patrick – Psychology
Taylor Pearce – Psychology
Brett Petersen – Microbiology
Kaly Phan – Journalism
Evelyn Pintor Ortiz – Community Health
Olivia Porter – Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Spanish
Isabella Portis – English, Criminology
Madison Powell – Planned Program
Alina Prabhu – Economics, Community Health
Catherine Price – Political Science
Autumn Pritchett – Native American Studies, Social Studies Education
Ivan Ramirez – Psychology
Xavier Rhone – Journalism, African and African American Studies
Olivia Robertson – Professional Writing
Ella Rucker – Public Relations
Olivia Sadler – Biology
Ryan Santos – Russian
Jason Scharoun – Petroleum Engineering
Corbin Shaffer – English
Claire Silk – International Security Studies
Anjali Singh – Sociology
Matthew Sipes – History, Political Science
Arden Skrine – History
Jaden Smicklas – Psychology
Madeline Smith – Psychology
Ana Spradley – Letters
Caroline Sprague – Public Relations
Jayden Sprigg – Biology
Quinn Stokes – Psychology
Emma Stone – Advertising, Multidisciplinary Studies
Hunter Strickland – Biology
Noah Swink – International Studies
Macintyre Syrett – Meteorology, Mathematics
Grant Talkington – Meteorology
Kendall Terry – Human Health and Biology
Madison Terry – Psychology
Brennan Teutsch – Russian
Mason Thomas – Psychology, Biology
Olivia Townsend – Psychology
Isabella Toye – Advertising
Bailey Trautman – Health, Medicine, & Society Psychology
Donna Vaghefikia – Human Health and Biology
Cal Watson – Mathematics, Meteorology
Lukas Weigand – Biology
Jackson Weldon – Physics, Science Education
Addison Wiklund – Biology
Heather Willmott – Mathematics
Jazz Wolfe – Journalism, History of Science, Technology, & Medicine
Sydney Wong – Psychology
Kady Wood – Human Health and Biology
Oliver Wu – Chemistry and Biochemistry History
Avery Wurzberger – Communication
Stuart Yamashita – Mathematics, Economics
Michael Yu – Mathematics, Computer Science, Music
Amine Zebri – Biology
Jessica Zimmerman – Public Relations
Parker Adams-Political Science
Shaharyar Ahmad-Psychology
Marcus Ake-Meteorology, German, Mathematics
Ty Aldridge-Biology
Chiamaka Amechi-Planned Program
Malina Anderson-English
Sri Nitya Arekatla-Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies
David Asche-Journalism
Abigail Averitte-Psychology, Anthropology
Saramarie Azzun-Planned Program
Natalie Balcezak-Advertising
Eylena Barbosa-Psychology
Rachel Barrett-Biology
Madison Barron-Community Health
Dylan Becker-Biology
Chloe Bell-Public Relations
Libby Benedict -Psychology
Randy Bent Barker-Psychology
Daphne Bigelow-International Studies, Italian
Colleen Bloeser-Community Health
Mariya Boben-Biology
Mia Bockelman-Criminology, Psychology
Max Bouvette-Chemical Biosciences
Elizabeth Breece-Psychology
Sutton Bristol-Creative Media Production
Maria Brunner-Advertising
Raegan Buchanan-Biology
Gillian Burleson-Psychology
Maria Buscemi-Letters
Allison Byrd-Biochemistry
Alan Camillus-Biology
Julia Camp-Psychology
Abby Cardoza-Chemistry
Hannah Carey-Women's and Gender Studies
Angelora Castellano-Classics, International Studies
Graham Chapple-Biology, Mathematics
Brandon Chenevey-Biology
Ashtyn Cherrington-Biology
Grace Chesley Spanish-Anthropology
Isabelle Childs-Psychology
Josephine Clark-Political Science, Global Energy, Environment & Resources
Emma Clary-Biology, Psychology
Corinne Collet-Biology
Alyssa Conaway-Psychology
Alec Cooper-Biology
Harry Cooper-Environmental Studies, International Development
Chloe Cox-Psychology
Kaelen Cunnyngham-Biology
Dona Daison-Biology
Mia D'Armand de Chateauvieux-Biochemistry
Natalie Dear-Biology
Jessica Dees-Chemical Biosciences
Cora DeFrancesco-Mathematics, Astrophysics
Randall Dewees-Sociology
Gissele Duarte-Psychology
Madelynn Dudgeon-Sociology
Madison Duehning-Psychology
Hailey Dumont-Biology
Sydni Eagleton-Planned Program
Cailin Eby-Health and Exercise Science
Elaina Eddlemon-Professional Writing
London Faulkner-Political Science
Ryanne Felix-Psychology
Maya Ferrell-Biochemistry, Community Health
Katherine Fielder-Public Relations
Natalie Fleming-Linguistics
Chloe Franklin-Psychology
Rowan Fread-Spanish, Linguistics
Vail Freed-Health and Exercise Science
Lauren Freeman-Health and Exercise Science
Joseph Gabaldon-Environmental Sustainability, Political Science
Duozon Gaye-Biology
Logan Geiszler-Economics, Philosophy
Aarya Ghonasgi-Psychology
Noelle Gonzalez-Sociology
Grace Goodwin-Chemical Biosciences
Pramela Gottipati-Microbiology
Ka'Tani Gouch-Journalism
Elyse Graham-Psychology
Katherine Green-Psychology
Sheridan Grunsted-Health and Exercise Science
Brooke Haden-Community Health
Britney Ham-Biology
Alyssa Hargis-Chemical Biosciences
Victoria Harper-Biology
Karissa Heath-Biology
Vanessa Heath-Biology
Alexander Heiple-Philosophy, English
Alisha Hemani-Biology
Ruben Hernandez-History
Hilda Hill-Biochemistry
Jace Hill-Anthropology
Jeanette Hoang-Public Health
Carson Hockersmith-Advertising
Benjamin Houston-Biology
Sarah Howard-Health and Exercise Science
Kylie Hutchison-Microbiology
Emily Inzer-Biology
Brooklyn Jackson-Biology
Sara Jarjoura-Biology
Kayla Jenkins-Psychology, African and African American Studies
Morgan Johnson-Psychology
Ryan Johnson-Biology
Yadin Joseph-Chemical Biosciences
Caroline Judd-Psychology
Mandy Kaiser-Biochemistry
Luke Kaucic-Finance, Mathematics
Hanna Kevric-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Emily King-English
Kale Kitlowski-Biology
Kathryn Koch-Religious Studies
Rachel Koch-Environmental Sustainability
Liesel Korber-Chemical Biosciences
Brooklynn Krenn-Psychology
Cynthia Kroeger-Classics
Adarsh Kunnel-Chemical Biosciences
Alaina Kurt-Meteorology
Joel Lanners-Biology
Carmen Lessani-Biology, Community Health
Kasra Lessani-Biology
Sydney Lewis-Psychology, Anthropology
Kate Liao-Economics, Biology
Brian Limekiller-Political Science
Steven Lin-Biology
Cole Loretto-Psychology
Simon Lowry-Astrophysics, Mathematics
Alejandro Lozano De Aos-Biology
Tyler Luong-Biology
Jordan Mahaney-Biology
Aaron Malingu-Biology
Elisabeth Martin-Anthropology
Zoe Matacchiera-Biochemistry
Diya Mathew-Chemical Biosciences
Hagan Matlock-Microbiology
Aubrey Mayfield-Human Health and Biology
Ryan McCartney-Political Science
Allison McClung-English, Japanese
Susan McConn -Psychology
William McCoy-Biology
Sean McDaniel-Psychology
Katherine McDonough-Psychology
Alyssa McGlamery-Russian, History
Nathan McKenzie-Health and Exercise Science
Halle McMullen-Chemical Biosciences, Psychology
Mathew Meaders-Biology
Alexis Merchant-Biology
Makenzie Merkley-Biology
Leah Milestone-Psychology
Emily Miller-Biology, Psychology
Kaelie Miller-Psychology
Casey Minnick-Psychology
Rohit Mital-Biology
Marinne Morgan-Psychology
Lauren Mudd-Health and Exercise Science
Hannah Mullins-Psychology
Emily Murphy-Sociology, Criminology, Economics
Joshua Mury-Biology
Joy Nath-Linguistics, Economics
Micala Neu-Biology
Nhu Ngo-Microbiology
Vy Ngo-Biology
Jason Nguyen-Biology
Cameron Nixon-Biology
Amanda Nork-Psychology, Biology
Aspen Olson-Psychology
Amanda Owens-Human Health and Biology
Isha Patel-Psychology
Priya Patel-Biochemistry
Olivia Payson-Political Science, Musical Theatre
Kyle Peacock-Advertising
Isabelle Pence-Psychology
Zachary Perry-Biology
Anishka Peter-Mathematics
Chau Phan-Biology
Erin Phillips-Geography
Mary Popek-Psychology
John Powers-Microbiology
Kiley Price-Mathematics, Dance-Ballet Performance
Nathan Proctor-Public Relations
Jenna Purvis-Art History, Italian
Roshan Raj-Chemical Biosciences
Grayson Ramer-Biology
Tania Ramirez-Sociology
Nitin Rangu-Psychology
Kelly Reed-Linguistics, Spanish
Aaron Reid-Letters, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Aaron Richterkessing-Astrophysics
Jaden Robinson-History, German
Anna Rockwood-Microbiology
Brenda Rodarte-Psychology
Roberto Rodriguez Martinez-Microbiology
Hannah Roe-Biology, Psychology
Isaac Rosales-Microbiology
Joseph Rotondo-Mathematics, Meteorology
Grace Rushwin-Community Health
Mona Salem-Psychology, International Studies
Jordan Sam-Biology
Destiny Sanders-Political Science
Sarah Sanders-Biology
Aaron Santos-Biology
Ethan Schaefer-Meteorology
Katherine Schoeffler-English
Dana Searles-Journalism, Political Science
Samuel Shideler-Letters, Spanish
Jacob Sims-Physics
Gaurav Singh-Psychology
Christopher Sipols-Microbiology
Olivia Smedes-Biology
Elizabeth Smith-Psychology, German
Claire Sorensen-Biology
Laney Stearman-Biology
Kian Steppe-Human Health and Biology
Allison Stern-Biology
Margaret Sullivan-Health, Medicine, & Society
Faith Swan-Psychology
Christina Szybist-Russian
Megan Szymanski-Letters, Planned Program
Shannon Tewari-Chemical Biosciences
Ryan Thomas-Psychology
Marina Thornhill-International Studies
Jacob Tostado-Economics
Faith Townsend-Public Relations
Catherine Tramel-Human Health and Biology, Women's and Gender Studies
Christopher Tran-Biology
Emily Tucker-Letters
Landon Turner -Mathematics
Noah Turner-Linguistics
Jonathon Tvaryanas-International Security Studies, Russian
Madeline Unruh-English
Seth Upthegrove-Biology
Agnes Rebekah Ureta, Microbiology
Amber Vinson-Anthropology, Geographic Information Science
Kaelan Vu-Psychology
Mia Walker-Biology
Ashleigh Warner-Biology
Julia Weatherford-International Studies, Economics
Mariah Wheeler-Journalism
Martha Whitley-Professional Writing, Marketing
Alyssa Wiley-International Studies
Drake Williams-Chemical Biosciences
Rachel Williams-Arabic, International Studies
Joshua Willsey-Biology
Elena Wilson-Chemical Biosciences
Ariel Witt-Criminology, Chinese
Lauren Wulf-Biology
Gavin Yates-Political Science
Isabella Zaidle-Public Relations, Letters
Shaheer Aamir-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ashlee Abel-Public Relations
Julia Adkins-Advertising
Courtney Adler-Psychology
Jaime Ahpeatone-Biology
Sarah Alexander-History, Japanese, Microbiology
Coleman Allen-International Studies
Madeline Allen-Health and Exercise Science
Summer Anwar-Psychology, Biology
Brenna Arledge-Psychology
Kiernan Arledge-Physics
Samuel Atkinson-Community Health
Alison Barnett-Psychology
Erin Bassett-Biology
Jackson Bednarczyk-History, Sociology
Brock Bennett-Creative Media Production, German
Stephanie Beveridge-Biology
Ishan Bhanot-Biology, Letters
Vijay Bhupathiraju-Biology
Alyssa Biasatti-Sociology
Sarah Blay-Human Health and Biology
Elizabeth Blazek-Physics
Hansa Boddu-Biology
Benjamin Bottger-Political Science
Hannah Bowlin-Communication, Psychology
Jamie Boyd-French, Physics
Noah Bridges-Mathematics, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Devin Brown-Chemical Biosciences, Planned Program
Grace Brown-Human Health and Biology
Sarah Brown-Mathematics, Computer Engineering
Sydney Brown-Public Relations, Public and Nonprofit Admininstration
Elizabeth Bryan-English, Criminology
Maggie Bui-Biology
Jennifer Burrows-International Development
Olivia Bush-Planned Program
Jillian Butt-Public Relations
Daisy Butzer-Public Health
Christopher Candler-Biology
Taylor Carmen-Letters
Ismael Carmona Casado-International Studies, Supply Chain Management
Kaitlin Carpenter-Community Health
Kelly Chong-Psychology, Letters
Lettie Clifton-Biology
AnnaMarie Conly-Astrophysics
Sue Ellyn Corbett-Sociology
Ryan Cranna-Biology
Madelyn Cupp-Biology
Katherine Currey-Philosoph, Linguistics
Thien Dang-Microbiology
Jacob Dayon-Asian Studies
Kaitlyn de los Angeles-Psychology
Caeli Dedmon-Sociology
Kaitlyn Deggs-Journalism
Cassidy DeGroot-Letters
Eins Del Rosario-Biology
Luke Denton-Economics
Taryn Dia-Political Science, History
Logan Dickson-Paleontology
Martina Dimitrijevic-Anthropology
Jack Doan-Biology
Blake Douglas-Journalism
Madison Duehning-Psychology
Stephanie Dupuis-Microbiology
Stephanie Eggers-Biology, Dance-Ballet Performance
Blakelee Eggleston-Public Health
Marsela Eklund-Biology
Lauren Emerson-Professional Writing
Daniel Erickson-History Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kierstin Ferland-Psychology
Kendall Few-Public Relations
Marycruz Flores Reynoso-English
Eryn Fowler-Biology
Sydnee Fox-Psychology
Theodore Frantz-Meteorology
Tyler Freeman-Microbiology
Taylor Gardner-Biology
Kylie Garrett-Advertising
Claire Gilpin-Public Relations
Taylor Glissman-Public Relations
Anusha Gopalam-Biology
Jordan Grebe-Economics
Matthew Green-English, Health and Exercise Science
Melissa Green-Psychology
Jared Gregston-Microbiology
Chelsea Guo-Biology
Azaan Hafeez-Psychology
Megan Hallock-Chemical Biosciences
Kenneth Halstied-History
Megan Hanson-Psychology
Caitlyn Harman-Women's and Gender Studies, Psychology
Jonah Harman-Japanese, Planned Program
Lydia Hashemi-Biology
Chandler Haymore-Biochemistry
Alexandra Held-Psychology
Libby Helm-Planned Program
Hisham Helmy-Psychology
Michelle Hendrix-Psychology
Meredith Hendry-Microbiology
Catherine Hensley-Public Relations
Cierra Henson-Psychology
Holly Heon-Biology
Brantly Hightower-Creative Media Production
Ashton Hinsdale-International Studies Chinese
Charles Hojjat-Biology
Ryleigh Horst-International Studies Public and Nonprofit Admininstration
Joseph Howard-International Studies
Jason Hughes-International Studies History
Nikole Humphries-English Information Studies
Kylie Hushbeck-Public Relations, Political Science
Kamryn Jackson-Biology
Kayla Jackson-Health, Medicine, & Society, Human Health and Biology
Fardaan Jamil-Biology
Angela Jarjoura-Biology
Garrett Johnson-Political Science, History
Kobe Johnson-Chemical Biosciences
Emily Johnston-Public Relations
Kimberly Jones-Biology
Trevor Jones-Letters Economics
Elizabeth Jordan-Biology
Emma Kasahara-Microbiology, Letters
Cricket Kaya-International Development
Kathleen Kernal-Political Science
Saad Khan-Psychology
Andrew Kim-Sociology, Community Health
Rylee King-Biology
Sean King-Psychology
London Klechka-Biology
Daniela Kosnacova-Environmental Sustainability
Charlotte Kostecka-Mathematics, Physics
Vaishnavi Kumar-Community Health, Public Health
Elise LaGere-Advertising
John Lammons-Biology
Lauren Lancaster-Microbiology
Kayleigh Latimer-Biology
Lyvia Lauderdale-Psychology
Briana Lee-Microbiology
Joyce Lee-Psychology
Nathan Leiphart-Mathematics Astrophysics
Haley Lewsey-Community Health
Brooke Loveland-Biochemistry
Adam Maestas-Chemical Biosciences
Lauren Martis-Community Health
Alexis Marvin-Public Relations
Sidney May-Economics, Political Science
Jordyn McElyea-Community Health
Quincy McSpadden-Plant Biology
Madeline Medina-Biochemistry
Juliana Mejia-Meteorology
Mahak Merchant-Native American Studies, Letters
Jessie Merrifield-Biology
Quinn Meyer-Biochemistry
Jett Mickelson-Meteorology
Ian Miller-Economics, Anthropology
Riley Miller-Biology
Ryleigh Mills-Community Health
Jillian Mitchell-International Studies, Letters
Zach Monahan-Biology, Biochemistry
Thomas Mondry-Economics, Music
Skyler Moomey-Mathematics
Joshua Moore-Biology
Laura Moore-Advertising
Nicole Moore-Biology, Spanish
Amelia Murray-Mathematics, Dance-Ballet Performance
Madeleine Murray-Psychology
Ryan Murry-Planned Program
Michael Muzinich-Biology Japanese
Claire Nagel-Health and Exercise Science
Danny Nguyen-Psychology
Emily Nguyen-Microbiology
John Joseph-Nguyen-Paleontology
Lauren Nguyen-Chemical Biosciences
Brandon Nichols-Biology
Claire O'Meilia-Psychology
Paola Onate Colobon-Biochemistry, Biology
Rachel Orland-Public Relations
Madeleine Ozan-Anthropology, Spanish
Avani Patel-Biology
Allen Pau-Economics, Microbiology
Hannah Peeples-Biology
Ally Petering-Health and Exercise Science
Callie Pettigrew-Public Health, Community Health
Daniel Pfaff-Biochemistry, Linguistics
Lan Pham-Biology
Rachel Pham-Letters
Yen-Vy Pham-Psychology
Lanney Phillips-Biology Letters
Ryan Polk-Journalism
Leah Pomerantz-Mathematics, Economics
Samantha Powell-Public Relations
Molly Power-International Security Studies Chinese
Sarah Power-Economics, Psychology
Nathan Preuss-Economics, Computer Science
Parker Primrose-Journalism, Public and Nonprofit Admininstration
Bella Quan-Microbiology
Madison Quine-Public Relations
Mark Ramirez-Mathematics
Payson Ramirez-Political Science
Christ Ramos Sanchez-Geology
Sidhvi Reddy-Microbiology Community Health
Laithe Reiger-Letters International Studies
Anne Remondino-Psychology
Alondra Resendiz-International Studies, Latinx Studies
Talha Riaz-Biology
Gant Roberson-International Development, Spanish, History
Rachel Rogers-Planned Program
Joshua Romer-Creative Media Production
Landon Rosckes-Chemical Biosciences
Taylor Rosenquist-Psychology
Medeline Roy-Psychology, Spanish
Michaela Rumsey-Japanese, Communication
Andrea Salazar-Zegarra-International Development
Ameera Salous-Chemical Biosciences
Winston Scambler-Community Health, Public Health
Carson Schlittler-Economics, History
Peyton Schow -Psychology
Jessica See-Spanish
Andrew Seely-Microbiology
Aleksandr Semikopenko-Creative Media Production
Mariam Shakir-Biology
Valerie Sharp-Creative Media Production
Madison Simmons-Criminology
Reid Sindelar-Community Health, Microbiology
Jackson Singleton-Economics
Kayla Sitton-Biology
Claire Sitz-Psychology
Madison Smelser-Human Health and Biology
Annika Smith-Chemical Biosciences
Sydney Smith-Psychology
Caroline Sparks-Public Relations, Sociology
Paige Stanley-Political Science
Kevonte Steadman-Advertising
Kara Stiegler-Public Relations
Lauren Streeter-Spanish
Megan Talbot-Biology
Shu Juet Tan-Biology
Samuel Taverner-Biology, Japanese
Nolan Taylor-Professional Writing
Preston Taylo-Chemical Biosciences
Cameron ten Napel-Public Relations
Sworup Thapa-Biology
Alexander Thiemann-International Security Studies
Brian Thompson-Geographic Information Science
Jewe Thompson-Professional Writing
Michael Ting-Biochemistry
Olivia Tipton-Biology
Matthew Townsend-Linguistics, Arabic
Isaac Trachtenberg-Letters
Tien Tran-Mathematics
Aaron Turner-Political Science, Letters
Alyssa Turner-Psychology
Sara Vannoy-Psychology
Megan Varghese-Psychology
Julianna Voelker-Astrophysics, Music
August vonHartitzsch-Advertising
Sydney Vu-Psychology
Spence Wage-Psychology
Fily Wahidin-Biology, Psychology
Corrie Warmoth-Professional Writing
Jacob Weaver-Mathematics
Ashley Webster-Psychology
Wendy Weitzel-Journalism, Political Science
Elise Welch-Human Health and Biology
Mark Wendelboe-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kate Wheeler-Biology
Victoria White-International Studies Chinese, Political Science
Victoria Wierzchowski-Community Health, Environmental Studies
Audrey Williams-Public Relations
Te'a Williams-International Studies, Criminology
Brooke Willour-Psychology, Art
Grayson Wise-Art History, French
Hannah Wyatt-History, International Studies
Lina Xu-Biology
Kamryn Yanchick-Political Science, Native American Studies
Lucas Yocom-Biology
Megan Abraham-Psychology
Marcus Ake-Meteorology, German, Mathematics
Drake Allen-Chemical Biosciences
Esther Anderson-Chemical Biosciences
Carlee Apel-Planned Program
Allyssa Arens-Creative Media Production
Isabelle Ariail-Meteorology
Sydney Ashton-Health and Exercise Science
Rachel Averitt-Letters
Julie Bahr-English, Environmental Sustainability
Alex Baldridge-Biology
Caitlin Ball-Biology
Carson Ball-Political Science
Max Balla-Economics
Zsofia Balla Monjezi-Psychology, Biology
Abigail Barkley-International Studies, Public Relations
Justin Barnett-Biology
Emily Barton-Health, Medicine, & Society
Kelsey Basler-Marketing, Psychology
Natalie Bayer-English, Women's and Gender Studies
Mirza Beg-Microbiology
Grace Benham-Anthropology African and African Am Studies
Jack Bennett-Classics
Michael Betrus-Economics
Ananya Bhaktaram-Community Health, Letters
Shannan Bialek-Chemical Biosciences
Hannah Bigbee-Political Science
William Bixler-Letters
Mary Blank-Mathematics, Political Science
Martino Boggs-Mathematics
Sophie Bondurant-Biology
Sarah Bonitatibus-Mathematics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brevan Bonnet-Biology
Breanna Boor-Biology
Joseph Bouchard-Computer Science, Linguistics
Sharon Bouvette-Chemical Biosciences
Myah Bowen-Biology
Olivia Bowles-Microbiology
Troy Broussard-Criminology, Chemical Biosciences
Elena Brown-History
Erin Bullock-Professional Writing
Allana Caldwell-Biochemistry
Alec Camacho-Microbiology
Jenny Cano Pascual-Biology
Natalie Carlson-History
Brandon Carroll-Microbiology
Anna Caruso-Psychology, Music
Jed Casauay-Biology, Spanish
Robert Cascella-Microbiology
Catherine Cash-English
Taylor Casper-Biology
Conner Caughlin-Journalism
Akansha Chandrasekar-Planned Program, Psychology
Abigail Clarke-Planned Program
Cole Cloyd-Religious Studies
Alexandra Cobb-Spanish
Noah Coen-Russian, European Studies, Linguistics
Devon Colby-Chemistry and Biochemistry, Economics
Caleb Conaway-Biology
Natalie Cook-Spanish, Economics
Skye Liane Coronel-Health and Exercise Science
McKenzie Cowlbeck-Planned Program
Dustin Dang-Economics
Jacob Davis-Biochemistry, Ethics and Religion
Lee Davis-Biochemistry
Matthias Day-Economics
Zoie DeFehr-Letters
Brady Dehnert-Chemistry
Christian DeMaio-Biochemistry
Thomas Deppong-Public and Nonprofit Admininistration
Danielle Digoy-Biology
Emma Dillard-Psychology, Criminology
Hannah Dillenbeck-Modern Dance Performance, Biology
Christopher Dixon-Meteorology, Religious Studies
Christian Doan -Biology
Kathryn Donnell-Psychology
Madison Doyle-Linguistics, International Security Studies
Jason Draper-Chemical Biosciences
Elliott Druten-Biology
Madison Eaton-English
Donna Edwards-English
Zachary Edwards-Human Health and Biology
Kirsten Engelke-Health and Exercise Science
Allison Farhood-Psychology
Taraneh Fazel-Biology
Evan Feeley-Anthropology
Rachel Fisher-Planned Program
Brianna Fleshman-Biology
Elizabeth Fox-Letters, Linguistics
Nikolas Fraid-Political Science
Cassidy Gaddie-Psychology
Chase Gaddis-Biology
Benjamin Ganucheau-Chemical Biosciences
Jarret Garbrecht-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nishit Garg-Biology
Jacob Genuise-Meteorology
Gladvin George-Health and Exercise Science
Kaylee Gibbons-Biology
Hamza Gillan-Psychology
Kayla Gillespie-Political Science, Spanish
Carter Gillett-Psychology
Isaiah Gilley-Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mathematics
Emily Grace-English
Kiki Greene-Biology
Shauna Griffith-Biology
Daniel Groeneveld-Meteorology
Austin Gronewold-Biology
Jonathan Gushing-Psychology, Health and Exercise Science
Fawaaz Hameed-Planned Program
Mackenzie Hanna-Biology, English
Madison Haraway-Microbiology
Simran Hari-Psychology
Gillian Hasty-Classics
Dorothy He-Physics
Marti Heit-Mathematics
Mark Herdade-Biology
Kathryn Herklotz-Planned Program
Antonieta Hernandez-Psychology
Heidi Elisabeth Hesjevoll-Philosophy
Gregory Hesse-English, History
Gavin Hetzler-Chemical Biosciences, Letters
Bailey Hightower-Biology
Emma Hillermann-Mathematics
Jacob Hitchcock-Classics, Religious Studies
Sarah Hobson-Environmental Engineering, Global Energy
Megan Hsieh-Psychology, Chemical Biosciences
Nathan Hubler-Linguistics
Jessica Hurley-History, Professional Writing
Raja Jamal-Chemical Biosciences
Kada James-Mathematics, Management Info Systems
Madison Jarboe-Planned Program
Kaeli Johnson-Women's and Gender Studies, Psychology
Danielle Kaletta-Biology
Feross Karrit-Biology
Daniel Kavelman-Music, Letters
Susan Kerr-Microbiology
Adam Khan-Psychology
Olivia Kirklin-Psychology
Rajveer Korpe-Environmental Sustainability
Logan Krivanek-Psychology
Ritu Kulkarni-Microbiology, Psychology
Spencer Kunz-History
Bianca Kurien-Human Health and Biology
Hannah La Mack-Psychology
Jake Laubach-Professional Writing, Political Science
Benjamin Laurencig-History
Teresa Le-Biology
Thi Le-Psychology
Caleb Leach-Letters
Sophia Lee-Biology
Elizabeth Leibbrand-Political Science
Colin Leonard-Biology
Parsa Lessani-Biology
Megan Lloyd-Anthropology
Rachel Lobaugh-Advertising
Carlin Lockwood-Chemical Biosciences, Community Health
William Lorton -Economics
Matthew Lugibihl-Political Science, Mathematics
Sona Maan-Psychology
Sophie Machalec-Political Science
Trace Maddox-English
Mary Mason-International Studies
Munashe Mataranyika-International Studies
Ryan McAlister-Mathematics
Alexis McCalla-Biochemistry
Emily McCollum-Psychology
Samuel McDonald-English, Mathematic
Abby McKee-Letters
Clara McKinley-Psychology, Biology
William McNulty-Physics, Mathematics
Joseph McWhirter-Microbiology, Economics
Reid Meadows-Letters
Eleanor Mendelson-Environmental Studies
Emily Miller-History
Skyler Miller-Psychology
Chloe Mitchum-Biology
Jay Modi-Psychology
Erika Moen-Communication, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rohan Moghe-International Studies, Microbiology
Amelia Momtazzadeh-Biology
Jacob Moser-Mathematics, Spanish
Alexis Murray-Psychology
Karley Nadolski-Economics, Letters
Chinyere Neal-Psychology
Kaleb Neal-Mathematics
Andrew Neel-Microbiology
Long Ngo-Microbiology
Aivi Nguyen-Biology
Michelle Nguyen-Biology
Nancy Nguyen-Biochemistry, Economics
Vivian Nguyen-Biology
James Nightengale-Biochemistry
Brenna O'Hara-English, Biochemistry
Nicholas Oldham-Chemical Biosciences
Zachary Olsen-Economics
Sophia Parker-Biology
Mansiben Patel-Biology, Accounting, Finance
Savanah Patterson-Criminology
Leah Pearman-International Security Studies, Environmental Sustainability
Antonia Personette-Letters, Economics
Karaline Petty-Mathematics, Letters
Josie Phillips-International Studies, Economics
Veronica Piscitelli-Meteorology
Laura Pott-Human Health and Biology
Crimson Putman-Biology
Sara Raines-Community Health, Women's and Gender Studies
Gabriela Ramirez-Perez-International Studies
Neal Rangu-Psychology
Bradley Rann-Economics
Sana Raza-Psychology
Peter Reilly-Geophysics
Tyler Riat-Psychology
Adelaide Risberg-English, History
Kevin Robb-Engineering Physics, Mathematics
Olivia Robson-Letters, International Studies
Allison Rodrigues-Communication
Cooper Rogers-Biochemistry
Madison Rogers-Letters
Kaley Romero-Chemical Biosciences
Marjorie Rooney-Biology
Nickhil Rugnath-Biology
William Runion-Biologyl, Latin American Studies
Caitlin Russell-Biology
Colton Sandvik-Mathematics
Austin Satrio-Religious Studies
Ashlynn Schipper-Psychology
Brody Schomaker-Mathematics
Angelica Scribner-Spanish, Biology
Mya Sears-Meteorology
Chante Sexton-Public Relations
Lexie Shepard-Biology
Shane Skinner-Mathematics
Katherine Sloan-Music, Physics
Erin Stanley-Geography
Connor Steenbock-Microbiology
Allison Stern-Biology
Brianna Stotts-Economics, Music
Read Streller-Chemical Biosciences
Mary Tappel-Psychology
Jaycie Thaemert-Anthropology
Krista Thompson-Public Health
Kathrin Thorisch-Microbiology, German
Samantha Tonkins-English, History
Christian Trent-Biology
Julia Turner-English, Political Science
Landon Turner-Mathematics
Ian Turpin-English, Philosophy
Jackson Tyler-Sociology
Jacob Uhland-Political Science, History
Muhammad Usman-Biochemistry
Emma Van De Wiele-History
Madeline Wade-Psychology, Environmental Studies
Mckinney Waggoner-Psychology
Alexander Warner-Environmental Studies
Jason Webb-Psychology
Abigail Wegrzynski-Community Health
Hailey Welch-Chemical Biosciences
Victoria White-International Studies, Chinese, Political Science
Rachel Williams-International Studies, Arabic
Francis Winter-Linguistics
Lindsay Wiseman-Microbiology
Julia Woltjen-Art, Psychology
Cassandra Wouters-Chemistry and Biochemistry
J. Alexander Yates-Physics, Mathematics
Katherine Yut-Economics, Geographic Info Science
Elaine Zack-Psychology
Ryan Zhuang-Economics
Sevda Abolhassanpourmaleki-Psychology
Jaden Aland-Biology
Lucille Alpert-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Luis Ambrosio-Health and Exercise Science
Afruza Aminul-Sociology
Elizabeth Anderson Letters, Classics
Ann Andrews-Planned Program
C. Anjelo Anthony-Biology, Psychology
Nancy Archer-English
Neil Arora-Biology
Sarah Atkins-Microbiology
Jordyn Austin-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bliss Baird-Biochemistry
Logesvar Balaguru-Economics, Microbiology
Caitlin Ball-Biology
Samantha Barclay-Microbiology
Andrew Barton-Biochemistry
Andrea Batchev-Chemical Biosciences
Tabor Batug-Health and Exercise Science
Jackson Baugh-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Samuel Bayliff-Physics , Chemistry
Shelby Beasley-Chemistry
Imane Belhage-Psychology
Adelaide Bell-International Studies
Christa Bellack-Planned Program
Lydia Bono-Psychology
Ruby Borja-Political Science
Rachel Bornstein-Spanish
Matthew Bray-Meteorology, Mathematics
Matthew Bross-Letters, Biology
Jeremiah Buenger-Physics, Mathematics
Rachel Callister-Linguistics
Katherine Camp-Biology
Tanner Carlson-Religious Studies, History
Karina Carrillo Political Science
Thomas Cassidy-Political Science
Shandel Chang-Chemical Biosciences
Jenni Chang-Chemistry and Biochemistry
Carter Chapman-Biology
Brian Chew-Biology
Ryan Chimienti-Mathematics, Computer Science
Harisha Chinthalapally-Biology
Carly Christianson-Film and Media Studies
Payton Clark-Planned Program, French
Noah Collins-Anthropology
Jacob Conley-Spanish
Mackenzie Cordova-Psychology
Alexander Crayon-English
Ella Crenshaw-Anthropology
Kaegan Cullison-Microbiology
Eliot Cusick-English, Film and Media Studies
Leticia Da Silva Pamplona Corte Real-Chemistry
Collin Dabbieri -Astrophysics
Hannah Day-Mathematics, Physics
Emma DeAngeli-Music, Mathematics
Upuli DeSilva-Anthropology
Destinee Dickson-Political Science, Women's and Gender Studies
Brenna Dowell -Economics
Carly Downey-German
Kathleen Doyle-Spanish
Brett Drake-Public Relations
Addison Duck-Psychology
Reagan Edwards-Philosophy
Chloe Evans-Biology
Virginia Felkner-Letters, Computer Science
Max Ferguson-Planned Program
Liam Ferrer-Economics
Camille Fichera-Planned Program
Maria Fischer-Mathematics
Hayden Fisher-Health and Exercise Science
Sydney Folger-Biology
Emilie Folz-Psychology
Aurelius Francisco-Political Science, African and African American Studies
Ashlyn Frix-Philosophy
Bailey Gardner-Biology
Grayson Garmaker-Physics
McKenzie Garrard-Biology
Jacob Gill-Mathematics
Allison Gilliss-Biology
Noah Gordon-Psychology
Jena Graves-Biology
Abigail Hair-History
Sidney Hallak-Professional Writing, Visual Communication
Sarah Hanna-Planned Program
Abigail Hardin-Mathematics
Hannah Harris-Psychology
Mason Hayes-International Studies, Economics
Tanna Heddlesten-Biology
Yomna Helmy-Psychology
Ellie Hendrix-Public Relations
Nolan Henning-Biology, Latin American Studies
Reece Henry-Letters
Makenzie Hightower-Psychology
Marlee Hill-Planned Program
Adam Hines-Letters
Leanne Ho-English
Abigail Hoffman-Economics
Hannah Hoffman-Psychology, Religious Studies
Isabel Holcomb-Planned Program
Ellie Holder-Linguistics, Spanish
Meghan Hollingsworth-Chemistry
Megan Holmes-Biology
Richard Holt-Economics, Letters
Christian Holton-Economics
Audrey Hopewell-Economics, Political Science
Abbigail Huddleston-Public Relations
Sophia Huebler-Biology, Mathematics
Karissa Hughes-Health, Medicine, & Society
Stephanie Jansson-Economics, Mathematics
Isha Jhingan -Chemical Biosciences
Jenny Ji-Psychology
Zixiang Jiang-Chemistry
Jessica Johnson-Psychology
Elizabeth Jordan-Biology
Lauren Judd-Psychology
Lucy Kates-Letters Religious Studies
Sarah Kayali-International Studies
Collyn Kellogg-Biochemistry, Spanish
Jon Kilpinen-Mathematics
Katie King-Economics
Timmi Kline-History Letters
Jessica Knobbe-Biochemistry, French
Alexander Konieczny-Classics, Linguistics
Kyrah Kotary-Microbiology
Laura Kozloski-Classics
Joshua Krahn-Linguistics
Nicholas Kress-Biology
Thomas Lang-International Studies
Thomas Larkin-English, Political Science
Tuong-Phi Le-Economics, Environmental Sustainability
Britt Leake-International Studies, Arabic, French
Grace Lee-Psychology
Ibikari Legg-Jack-Biochemistry
Nicole Lehrmann-Biology, Economics
Joy Li-Biology
Rachael Lockhart-Microbiology
Lily Lohrey-International Studies, Russian
Lillie Loncar-Psychology
Luis Longoria-Biology
Sarah Lusk-Chemical Biosciences
Brenna Lyon-Biology Italian
Brooke Malherbe-Psychology
Gianni Manginelli-Chemistry, Mathematics
Shelby Mann-Letters Public and Nonprofit Administration
Sullivan Marks-Economics
Ryan Marsh-Political Science
Riley Martin-Psychology
Minori Matsuzawa-Economics
Mary McCall-French
Madeleine McClung-Political Science
Lindsay McClure-Biology
Jessica McConahey-Biochemistry Psychology
Parker McCutchen-Advertising
Julia McGillick-Biochemistry
Michelle McKinney-History of Science, Technology & Medicine Spanish
Collin McLeod-Mathematics, Astrophysics
Emily Mee-Political Science
Gregory Melsby-Philosophy, Mathematics
Jill Mencke-Political Science, Economics
Meagan Millier-Psychology
Tamah Minnis-Native American Studies
Andrew Mitchell-Mathematics
Maria Morales-Biology
Bailey Morris-Biology
Emma Morris-Women's and Gender Studies, Public and Nonprofit Administration
Allison Murphey-French
Julia Murray-Biology
Albert Musaelian-Mathematics
Elaine Mustain-Japanese
Erica Nadolski-Biology
Rob Nayfa-Planned Program
Jacob Neighbors-Chemical Biosciences
Anne Marie Nguyen-Chemical Biosciences
Tyler Nguyen-Microbiology
Matthew Nguyen-Psychology
Allyson Niblett-Psychology
Jacquelyn Nielson-Planned Program
Emily Nighbor-Biology
Jacqueline Nugent-Meteorology, Mathematics
Shreya Nuguri-Microbiology
Ekenedilichukwu Nwakoby-Biology
Sarah O'Neill-Biology
Lauren Olay-Biology
Katerina Ozment-History, Biology
Nicole Palmer-Professional Writing
Colton Papa-Psychology
Cameron Parker-Physics
Madeleine Patovisti-Psychology
Brittney Patton-English, Russian
Daniella Peters-Professional Writing, Spanish
Joseph Phillips-International Studies, Economics
Hannah Pike-Professional Writing, Economics
Jennifer Pusavat-Biochemistry
Madison Radasch-Biology
Brasen Raney-Biology
Colin Riggert-Physics
Claire Riggs-Astrophysics, Sociology
Kayla Riley-Biology
Tyler Rivera-Political Science, African and African American Studies, Spanish
Daana Roach-Chemical Biosciences, Psychology
Bethany Roberts-Psychology
Sawyer Robertson-Mathematics
Mary Rogers-Psychology
Rachel Rucker-Classics
Katie Sahlstrom-History
Amanda Sam-Biochemistry
Katelin Samaniego-Economics
Zainab Sandhu-Microbiology
Umar Sandhu-Psychology
Evelyn Scafe-Spanish
Alexa Scott-Communication
Laura Seitsinger-International Studies, Economics
Reid Selby-Plant Biology
Renat Sergazinov-Economics, Mathematics
Rachel Sharp-Psychology
Ranim Shawareb-Psychology
Yusef Shells-French
Kaitlyn Shepard-Psychology
Reese Simmons-Biology
Avery Simon-Creative Media Production
Krysta Smart-Psychology
Braeden Smith-Psychology
Anastasia Soreghan-Russian
Sheeva Sowdagar-Biology
Ciera Stafford-Psychology
Hunter Stephens-Biology
Elise Stephenson-Psychology
Cyrus Steppe-Psychology
Lukas Stone-Astrophysics
Ashley Strain-Letters
Adelle Sturgell-Human Relations, Psychology
Kyle Sutherland-Music Composition, Mathematics
Sarah Swiston-Biology, Mathematics
Brett Szymanski-Biology
Laura Taylor-Letters Criminology
Kooper Taylor-Spanish Accounting
Lance Thompson-Chemical Biosciences
Haley Traxler-Psychology
Anhthu Trinh-Biochemistry
Quyet-thang Van-Biochemistry
Taylor Vanderburg-Psychology
Emily Vaughan-Advertising
Simon Vigil Chemistry-Linguistics
Audrey Vu-Psychology
Jonathan Walls-Russian, French, Italian
Jessica Weiss-International Studies, Arabic, Women's and Gender Studies
Matthew Welty-Astrophysics
Rachel Wenger-Microbiology
Matthew Wennemann-Classics, Philosophy
Gina Werdel-Biology
Jonas Weygandt-Biology
Benjamin White-Creative Media Production
Andrew Wilburn-Health and Exercise Science
Gabrielle Williams-Psychology
Megan Wilson-Biochemistry, History
Taitum Wilson-Journalism, Political Science
Jack Wood-Microbiology
Amber Woolley-Biology
Isaac Young-Psychology
Onain Zahid-Psychology
Willie Zeng-Microbiology
Sairi Zhang-Biology
Wesley Zhang-Letters
Emily Zhou-Psychology
Margaret Zwick-Letters
Emily Allen-Planned Program
Kate Amin-Health and Exercise Science
Karina Arnold-Advertising
Annapoorani Asokan-History
Kathryn Banks-International Studies
Kenneth Barnett-Biology
Evan Barrett-Psychology
Jamalje Bassue-Biology
Anna Bauman-English
Tyler Beckum-Psychology
Cynthia Belardo-Environmental Studies
Andrew Bell-Political Science
Finnian Bender-Mathematics
Iain Bennett-Geography
Sierra Bennett-Political Science/International Security Studies
Abigail Bitterman-Journalism/Political Science
Lydia Brock-Spanish
Carol Brockmann-Classical Studies
Kara Brown-Psychology
Aaron Brown-Sociology/Russian
Sarah Bugg-Psychology
Casey Buller-Chemical Biosciences
Brooklynn Busse-Women's & Gender Studies/English/International Studies
Audrey Byrd-Microbiology
Joshua Cardosi-Economics
Andrew Carter-Linguistics/Japanese
Logan Cates-Spanish/International Studies
Conner Chadwick-Biology
Moriah Cheng-Chemistry
Rochelle Chukwuma-Professional Writing
Warren Chun-Psychology
Kayla Ciardi-English
Carla Clark-Biology
Shelby Conn-International Security Studies
Matthew Conrad-International Studies
Savannah Cottom-Biology
McKenzie Cowlbeck-Physics
Claire Crofford-Spanish
Emilee Cross-Psychology
Shaylin Daji-Microbiology
Tyler Dang-Political Science/Economics
Anne DeLong-International Studies
Simran Demla-Chemical Biosciences
Adrianna Demopulos-Communication/Spanish
Kendall Dobbins-Letters
Caroline Downing-Letters
Larissa Dutton Biology
Garrett Eakers-Microbiology/Planned Program
Emily Eix-Microbiology
Kyle Escobedo-History of Science
Alexander Evans-Microbiology
James Farner-English/Religious Studies
Sara Fisher-International Studies
William Flanagan-Political Science
Zephaniah Fleetwood-History/Letters
Madison Forman-Biology
Jamie Franzese-International Studies
Amy Freeman-Political Science/Russian
Natasha Freund-Biochemistry/Russian
Lance Frost-Chemistry
Winter Fryar-Psychology
John Fuchs-Creative Media Production
Ankitha Gangarapu-Letters
Hope Gardner-Letters/Music
Kendall Gehrke-History of Science
Krishna Gheewala-Biology
Armand Ghosh-Economics/Mathematics
Margo Giddens-Sociology/Latin
Joshua Gorton-Creative Media Production
Emma Greene-Chinese/Linguistics
Amy Griffin-Astrophysics/German
Amanda Hamilton-History
Jesse Hare-History/Political Science
Alana Harris-Political Science
Emily Harrison-Professional Writing
Katheryn Hawley-Political Science
Venus Heidari-Political Science
Brooke Hightower-Biology
Alexander Hinshaw-Economics
Jacquelyn Hooper-Political Science/Spanish
Keston Horst-Professional Writing
Emilee Houghton-Arabic/International Security Studies
Elisabeth Howell-International Studies/History
Caleb Huckriede-Film and Media Studies
Kelsey Hull-International Studies
Allyssa Hurt-English
Genevieve Ille-Psychology
Rebecca Jakopin-Social Work
Akriti Jalla-Psychology
Jessica James-Economics/Mathematics
Gavin Jergensen-Mathematics/Physics
Kathryn Jerome-Anthropology
Taylor Jipp-Letters/English
Taylor Jonckowski-Biology
Anne Jordan-Biology
Wendy Jordan-History
Vinay Kalvacherla-Religious Studies
Lara Keddissi-Biology
Emma Keith-Journalism
Dwaine Kenney-Mathematics
Matthew Keyzer-Chemical Biosciences/History
Ali Khan-Biology
Amy King-Biochemistry
Amelia Kinsinger-Advertising
Christoph Kinzel-Mathematics
Scott Kirker-Letters/Spanish
Bethany Knapp-Spanish
Katherine Koscelny-Health and Exercise Science
Taylor Krings-Psychology
Louise Kuehster-Chinese
Zacharie Kum- Letters
Jasmin Kurien-Psychology
Kayleigh Kuyon-Public & Nonprofit Admininstration/International Studies
Samantha Landreth-Microbiology
Madeleine Lange-Classics
Mary LaPorte-Plant Biology
Corbin Lee-Chemical Biosciences
Heather Legan-Economics/French
Emily Lenhardt-Meteorology/Mathematics
Alexander Leseney-Philosophy
Mandy Liu-Psychology
David Louden-Russian
Christian Loveland-Biochemistry
Nathaniel Loyd-Biochemistry
Lac Luong-History
Brenna Lyon-Italian/Biology
Ashlynne Macnee-Chinese/Microbiology
James Maher-Chemistry
Logan Maltz-Chemistry
Madeline Marshall-Psychology
Johanna Masterson-Mathematics/Chemistry
Jake Mazeitis-Letters/Women's & Gender Studies/International Studies
Amanda McCollum-Psychology
Joshua McDermett-Mathematics
Andrew McDowell-Biology
Tyler McElroy-English
Meghan McLeod-International Studies
Jake McNaughton-Philosophy
Hunter Melton-Mathematics
Mollie Merino-International Studies/Public & Nonprofit Administration
Megan Milan-Political Science
Tera Mills-Chinese/Linguistics
Rebecca Mitchell-History
Christian Moler-Psychology
Mariel Molke-Advertising
Sheila Mood-Creative Media Production
Gagan Moorthy-Political Science
Hannah Morgan-Anthropology/Geology
Caroline Morrison-Mathematics/Economics
Andrew Morse-Economics
Garret Morton Microbiology
Christine Murrain-Public Relations
Morgan Nash-Economics/Philosophy/Religious Studies
Ryleigh Navert-Political Science
Sophia Nottoli-Philosophy
Melissa Onyekuru-Psychology
McKenzi Ormsbee-Chemical Biosciences
Timothy Ortez-English/Letters
Roshin Papaly-Biology
Cameron Parker-Physics
Bridget Parrish-Biology
Ella Parsons-Anthropology
Han Pham-International Studies
Daniel Pham-Philosophy/Psychology
Thomas Pharis-Mathematics
Lydia Phillips-Japanese
Collin Pickens-Microbiology
Kendra Poarch-Biology
Thomas Portier-Biology
Aidan Powers-Physics/Mathematics
Haley Rader-Biology
Anushka Raj-Chemical Biosciences
Jordan Reid-Letters
Avraham Revah-Physics/Mathematics
Joshua Rhoades-Psychology
Sophie Richardson-Chemical Biosciences
Madeline Roberts-Journalism
Katelyn Robnett-Health and Exercise Science
Paul Roland-History/German
Shanna Rolfs-Psychology
Lauren Romero-Anthropology
Madeline Roper-Professional Writing
Avery Rosdahl-Letters
Ashley Roy-Letters/English
Vikas Rudrappa-Mathematics
John Sacco-Letters
Deborah Samkutty-Chemical Biosciences
Brian Schibler-Chemical Biosciences/Spanish
Morgan Schneider-Meteorology
Sophie Schwechheimer-Public Relations
Nicholas Shields-Mathematics/Chemisry/Spanish
Abigail Smith-Biochemistry
Sarah Smith-Biology
Lauren Smith-Chemical Biosciences
Aaron Snodell-International Studies/Psychology
David Soto-Microbiology
Kristen Speer-Biology
Christina Sprague-History
Kestrel St. Clair-Asian Studies
Linda Stack-Nelson-English/International Studies
Ciera Stafford-Psychology
Brennan Stephens-History
Katherine Stroh-Spanish/Biology
Alexander Stubblefield-Mathematics/Economics
Thomas Talbot-Chemical Biosciences
Bridgett Talley-History
Dylan Tedder-Biology
Nathan Thompson-International Studies
Gehrig Thurston-English/Sociology
Justin Tisdale-Classics
Frederick Torti -Letters
Cody Totten-Petroleum Geology
Kaitlyn Trail-Chemistry
Rachel Tran-Biology
Rosa Tran-Microbiology
Dat Truong-Microbiology
Anna Tucker-Advertising
John Unterschuetz-Plant Biology/Letters
Elizabeth Van Swearingen-Spanish
Elliott Vanderford-Biology
Amy Vanderveer-Political Science
Monica Venkatesha-Biology
Mai Vu-Chemical Biosciences
Austin Wade-Vicente-Political Science
Abraham Wallace-Geophysics
Matthew Walters-Russian/European Studies
Quincey Ward-Biology/French
Emily Wellham-Linguistics
Natalie Whisenant-Psychology
Dylan White-Letters
Rachel Whitfield-English
Ursula Wildfield-Arabic/International Studies
Joseph Williams-French/International Studies
Carlo Williams-History/Biology
Megan Wilson-Biochemistry/History
Zachary Windorf-Chemical Biosciences
Madison Witman-Sociology
Haotian Xue-Chemical Biosciences
Malia Zinn-Geology
Jocelyn Adkins—Linguistics
Chelsee Aguirre—Psychology
Amanda Ahadizadeh—Economics/French/Mathematics
Nyle Almeida—Planned Program
Elisabeth Antloger—Professional Writing
Hannah Asfeldt—Psychology/International Studies
Elizabeth Bagwell—Letters
Carolyn Baker—Psychology
Sarah Baker—Political Science
Ashlee Barker—Letters
Bradleigh Bell—Political Science
Robert Bellafiore—Economics/Philosophy
Victoria Bergman—English
Benjamin Bevilacqua—Letters
Kimberley Bishop—Political Science/Letters
Jake Boone—Biology
Alexandra Bradford—Environmental Sustainability
Rachel Brill—Biology/Psychology
Mackenzie Brim—Journalism
Tad Brimmer—Anthropology
Matthew Bross—Biology/Letters
Allison Brown—Anthropology
Audra Brulc—International Studies
Emily Brumfield—Biology
Sean Bruton—Astrophysics
Caroline Buckles—Astrophysics/Mathematics
Lynn Bui—Psychology/Biology
Jillian Buxton—Letters/French
Casey Cai—Biology/Mathematics
Katja Cannon—Psychology
Matthew Carman—Biology/Spanish
Gabrielle Carmichael—Planned Program
Andrew Chang—Biology
Ameel Chaudhary—Biology
Preston Choi—Biology
Sean Christiansen—Economics
Matthew Clark—History
Wynne Clark—Anthropology/History
Elizabeth Colston—Political Science/Italian
Jordan Combs—Psychology
Adrienne Coyle—Biology/French
Brooke Crow—Biology
Austin Darnell—International Studies/Russian
Chloe Denham—Biology
Daniela Diaz Marroquin—International Studies
Han Do—Mathematics
Abrianna Dolfi—English/Film and Media Studies
Erin Donnelly—International Studies/Journalism
Madeleine Duarte—Biology
Olivia Dubcak—Journalism
Taylor DuPont—Economics/Mathematics
Sarah Dykstra—Letters/Spanish
Ivey Dyson—International Development
Ryan Echavarren—History
Katherine Egger—Biology
Erin Eskew—International Studies/German
Danielle Eslick—Psychology
Jaisa Evanoff—Chemical Biosciences
Chelsea Evans—Biology
Andrew Fancher—Chemical Biosciences
Romy Fawaz—Biology
Kessa Fehring—Chemical Biosciences/Modern Dance
Ellen Fitzsimmons—Mathematics/Psychology
McKenzie Fowler—International Studies
Ryan Fritz—Economics
Ryan Frome—Anthropology
Arianna Fryer—International Studies
Ashlyn Gardner—Health and Exercise Science
Madison Garrett—Planned Program
Morgan Garrett—Planned Program
Megan Gentry—English
Dustin Gier—Physics
Kasey Gill—Biology
Madeline Goodman—Psychology
Ryan Grantham—Biology
Sally Grindstaff—Chemistry
Hannah Grip—English
Hailey Grippen—English
Kari Hall—Microbiology
Michael Hamilton—Biology
Miranda Hamilton—Microbiology
Chloe Harris—Health and Exercise Science
Noah Helsee—Letters
Christopher Hendrix—Biology
Carolyn Hewes—Anthropology
Averie Hicks—Biology
Ethan Hoagland—Professional Writing
Tomas Holy—Biology
Hannah Hover—Chemistry
Weslie Howard—Biology
Jane Hsi—Biochemistry/Letters/Art
Coral Hudson—Professional Writing
Stella Huynh—Microbiology
Andy Jarnevic—Mathematics
Christen Jarshaw—Biochemistry
Allison Johanningmeier—French
Alexandra Jovanovic—Letters/International Security Studies
Jessica Justus—Chemical Biosciences
Benjamin Kannenberg—Chemical Biosciences/International Studies
Johnathan Kendrick—Philosophy/Mathematics
Matthew Keyzer—Chemical Biosciences
Jonathan Kim—Economics/Mathematics
Carly Kirkland—Letters
Alexandra Klima—Political Science
Kristen Kluber—Biology
Uday Kohli—Biology
Jonathan Kunjummen—Physics/Mathematics
Michael Kutteh—Biology
Nicole Larsen—Psychology
Lauren Lason—Communication/International Studies
Logan Lawton—Psychology/Sociology
Tuong-Phi Le—Economics/Environmental Sustainability
Katherine Le —Biology
Christopher Leonard—Physics
Cameron Lewis—Biology
Yijin Liang—Biology
Cooper Little—Biology
Patrick Lockwood—History
Kathryn Lynn—Economics
Rhea Mahapatra—Microbiology/Psychology
Morgan Mann—Biochemistry/Mathematics
Adam Marrs—Astrophysics
Angelo Marshall—Physics
Paxton Martin—Mathematics/Psychology
Braden Mason—Philosophy
Jamison Maxwell—Biology
Mitchell McClain—Biology
Anna McNeil—Political Science
Coatney Mesa—Psychology
Shelby Meyer—International Studies
Austin Miller—Economics
Claire Mitchell—Planned Program
Yuriko Miyazaki—Mathematics
Andrew Moore—Psychology
Rebecca Moore—Sociology
Ali Morrison—Advertising
Macy Muirhead—Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Jessica Murphree—Biology
Andrea Nguyen—Biochemistry
Billy Nguyen—Biology
Taylor Nguyen—Microbiology
Savannah Nichols—Psychology
Robert Nightengale—Letters
Campbell Nilsen—Linguistics/Classical Languages
Alexander Nongard—Economics
William Norlin—Biology
Jeremy Nowak—International Security Studies
Jacqueline Nugent—Mathematics/Meterology
Parker Olmstead—Letters
Chandler Olson—English
Haylee Padgett—Economics/Chemistry
Brittany Panko—Public Relations
Joshua Pascoe—Biology
Visha Patel—Sociology
Michelle Penrod—Biology
Christiane Phillips—Chemical Biosciences
Toni Phillips—Public Relations
Kyndal Pistotnik—Biology
Sam Postma—Economics
Jesse Pound—Economics/Journalism
Cecilia Price—Health and Exercise Science
Melanie Purdy—Anthropology
Eliza Quiroga—Psychology
Andrew Rader—Political Science
Kaylee Rains—Political Science
Santos Ramirez—Microbiology
Husayn Ramji—Planned Program
James Ratcliff—International Security Studies/Arabic
Sarah Rathbun—Psychology
Katherine Rauch—Psychology
Michael Redzich—Letters/Spanish
Ashley Reeves—Chemical Biosciences
James Reeves—Biology
Elizabeth Reynolds—Human Relations
Colin Riggert—Physics/Music
Grace Ripperger—Psychology
Cole Roberts—Political Science
Madison Robins—Political Science
Dylan Rodolf—Letters
Jacob Rogers—Biochemistry
Madison Rogers—Letters
Jonathan Russell—Economics/Mathematics
Miranda Schene—Biochemistry
Evan Schleicher—International Studies
Kaylee Schrader—Biology
Caroline Shepard—French/Arabic/International Studies
Evan Shrestha—Biochemistry
Zachary Simpson—Psychology
Alexander Skipper—Economics
Abigail Smith—Biochemistry
Sarah Smith—Planned Program
Chelsea Smith-Antonides—History/Russian
Visal So—Physics
Matthew Solomon—Letters/Philosophy
Honieh Sowdagar—Psychology/Biology
Taylor Spencer—Journalism
Toryn Sperry—Sociology
Wyatt Stanford—Public Relations
Dakota Stewart—International Studies
Auston Stiefer—Planned Program/Spanish
Nickolas Stone—Chemical Biosciences
Parker Strubhar—Economics/Linguistics
John Surbeck—Chemical Biosciences
Kendra Sy—Microbiology
Chynna Terrell—English
Jeffrey Terry—Mathematics/English
Rachel Thatcher—Economics/History
Ashley Thompson—Women's and Gender Studies
Nathan Thompson—Political Science/International Studies
Brett Traxler—Health and Exercise Science
Thuc-Nghi Truong—Biology
Alex Tu—Philosophy
Hannah Tully—Chemical Biosciences
Jessica Tunnell—Anthropology
Henry Unterschuetz—Chemistry
Annie Van Keirsbilck—Journalism
Jonna Vanderslice Malone—Biology
Dakota Vaughan—Biology
Brandt Vernon—Political Science
Jocelyn Viviani—International Security Studies
Jacob Waugh—Political Science
Allison Weintraub—English/Professional Writing
Matthew Wennemann—Classics/Philosophy
Ethan White—Astrophysics
Andrew Whitham—International Security Studies
Brittney Williams—Biology
Evan Williamson—Classical Studies
Lauren Wilmes—Letters
Elizabeth Witter—Public Relations
Katherine Wolf—Psychology
Natalie Wolf—Health and Exercise Science
Carlee Wright—International Studies/Italian
Zhongliang Xing—Biochemistry
Aidan Young—Mathematics
Ryan Zagrzecki—Professional Writing
Valerie Zike—Microbiology
Fiorella Zoll—Psychology
Sean Abbott—Biochemistry/Microbiology
Bayan Abdallat—Health & Exercise Science
Jordan Abney—Letters
Travis Alford—Biology
Parker Allan—Biology
Jeremy Allen—Environmental Sustainability/Economics
Stephanie Allred—Chemical Biosciences
Savannah Ames —International Studies
Stephanie Amorim—Microbiology
Alexander Anderson—Political Science
Grayson Audette—Biochemistry
Amanda Awad—Psychology
Nicholas Balderas—Meteorology
Jacob Bardell—Religious Studies
Jared Barton—Political Science
Luke Bartz—Russian/International Studies
Julia Bauer—Public Relations
Mariel Bednarek—Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies
Alexa Beemer—Plant Biology/Environmental Studies
Morgan Behm—Spanish/Planned Program
Kelsey Belden—Psychology
Kate Bergum—Psychology/Professional Writing/English
Ryan Bird—Letters/Environmental Sustainability
Jeffrey Bogard—Psychology
Jared Bond—Mathematics/Computer Science
Jonathan Borsky—Health & Exercise Science
Breanna Boss—Letters/History
Brianna Bouterse—Biology
Caroline Breit—Biology
Christian Brewer—Biology
Lindsay Briggs—Sociology
Dante Brooks—International Studies
Hayden Bryan—Biology
Austin Budd—Biology
Nathan Bugg—Microbiology
Persua Bump—History
Kelsey Burd—Chemical Biosciences
Anthony Burrow—Astrophysics
Jessica Butler—Health & Exercise Science
Alex Buttram—Political Science/Communication
Madison Butzer—Health & Exercise Science
Parker Cain—Biology
Maricela Cardenas—Public Relations
Juan Cervantes—Biochemistry
Melissa Chanderban—Microbiology
Angela Chang—Advertising
Jason Clark—Economics
Jeremy Cleveland—History/Sociology
Mitchell Clough—Spanish
Akayna Cobbs—Psychology
Jesse Coker—Biochemistry/Economics
Connor Colclazier—History
Claire Collins—Biology
Natalie Collins—Anthropology
Alanna Courts—Microbiology
Gary Cox—Biology
Emily Curtis—Mathematics
Melissa Dang—Biology
Megan Daniel—Health & Exercise Science
Beau Deaver—Biology
Jacob Downs—Political Science
John Downs—Economics
David Dunlap—Microbiology
Amanda Duvall—Psychology
Jaden Edwards—Anthropology/Human Relations
Kayla Effinger—Sociology
Elizabeth Ennenga—International Studies
Weston Ernst —International Studies
Nicole Farha—Biology
Bailey Farmer—Advertising
Caleb Farris—History/Political Science
Sharleen Flowers—Microbiology
Cedar Floyd—English/Anthropology
Jacob Fox—Biology
Dalton Frazier—Biology
Megan Gage—Sociology
Rahul Gaikwad—Economics/Finance
Catlin Gardner—Public Relations
Rijutha Garimella—Economics
Jonah Gellman—Arabic/International Security Studies
Austin Gish—Japanese/Mathematicsematics
Kayla Gollihar—Communication
Roberto Gonzalez—Health & Exercise Science
Alexandra Goodman—Professional Writing
William Goree—Philosophy/Mathematics
Bridget Graham—International Studies
Monica Haddock—International Studies
Elizabeth Hadley—Human Relations
Cassidy Hall—History
Meagan Harden—Environmental Sustainability
Allison Harmon—Psychology
Hunter Harwood—Psychology/Religious Studies
Matthew Haught—Letters
Samantha Haverkamp—Psychology
Kelsey Hawk—Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies
Raven Hayworth—Planned Program
Hannah Henry—Biology
Sydney Higar—Journalism/Music Education
Kathryn Hill—Health & Exercise Science
Andrew Hiller—History
Candace Hinnergardt—Public Relations
Ethan Holaday—English/International Studies
James Howell—Biology
Garett Hueffed—Economics/European Studies
Nikita Hussain—Economics
Jena Jasman—Health & Exercise Science
Amy Jenkins—Human Relations
Merit Jennings—Biology/Psychology
Madison Jolly—Film and Media Studies
Sarah Judah—Linguistics
Gabrielle Kasner—Chemistry
Kathryn Kearns—Biochemistry
Gerald Kern—Chinese/Finance
Jacob Khoussine—Chemical Biosciences
Kate Kientz—Political Science/Letters
Michelle Klein—Letters
Parker Kneis—Biology
Marisa Kometas—Economics/Biology
Hannah Kraemer—Biology
David Kruger—Letters
Jacob Kruse—Microbiology
Koby Le—Chinese
Dasol Lee—Psychology
Jeongwoo Lee—Biochemistry
Rachel MacAskill—Psychology
Samuel Madaj—International Studies
Sydney Maes—Biology
Rosemary Mahaffey—Letters/Music
Mustafa Mahdi—Mathematics/Geology
Madison Malget—Public Relations
Jill Manning—English
Krishna Manohar—Microbiology/Psychology
Katherine Martin—Biochemistry
Reagan Martin—History
Tanner Martin—Chemical Biosciences
Christopher Masse—International Studies
Julie Mathis—Health & Exercise Science
Hunter Mattocks—Political Science
Kyle Mccauley—Biology
Elizabeth McCready—Advertising/Management
Kelsey McKee—Spanish
Kaitlin McMahan—Linguistics
Shelby Mcmillin—Biology
Olivia McNaughton—Chemical Biosciences
Shelby Meyer—International Studies
Landon Mignardi—Biochemistry
Mackenzie Mills—Psychology
Amy Mims—Film and Media Studies
Charlotte Mitchell—Communication/Political Science
Monique Mogilka—Sociology
Jackson Monroe—Political Science
Mason Moran—Biology
Cameron Morgan—Public Relations/Ballet Performance
Jenna Morris—Professional Writing
Michaela Moses—Communication
Danielle Mueth —International Studies
Kendall Munoz—Communication
Eszter Nagykaldi—Planned Program
Katherine Neal—International Studies
Sydney Newlin—Spanish
Lily Nguyen—Chemical Biosciences
Phoi Nguyen—Biology
Thien Nguyen—Microbiology
Ryan Nigh—Biology
Joseph Noble—Public Relations/Spanish
William Norlin—Biology
Rachel Norris—Meteorology/Electrical Engineering
Rachael Nunes—Human Relations
Jimmy Ogden—Biology
Kelly Jane Ompad—Japanese/Asian Studies
Johnson Ong—Planned Program
Aurianna Oricchio-Gilley—English
Jon Otto—History
Daniel Pae—Political Science/Economics
Kaitlin Peach—International Studies
Matthew Peters—Mathematics/Astrophysics
Brooke Pettibon—Public Relations
Alexander Petts—Biochemistry
Richard Pippin—Biology
Jessica Pope—Psychology
Taylor Porchey—Public Relations
Heather Postma—Economics
Michelle Poteet—Anthropology
Bianca Prentiss—Biology
Meherzad Rahimi—Biochemistry
Vijay Raj—Chemical Biosciences
Shelby Ranger—Russian/International Studies
Jacob Rapp—Biochemistry/Microbiology
Robin Rapp—Sociology
Kristen Rhoads—Native American Studies
Arianne Rick—Biology
Jason Riddle—Psychology
Alison Roeth—Physics/Chinese
Jonathan Rogers—Public Relations
Anna Sahlstrom—Letters
Olivia Salsbery—International Studies
Arshia Samandi—Health & Exercise Science
Amber Sams—Health & Exercise Science
Martin Satrio—Mathematics/Meteorology
Jack Schaefer—Economics/International Studies
Grant Schatzman—English/Letters
Gabriella Schneider—Anthropology
Joleen Scott—English
Afzal Shakir—Biochemistry
Mackenzie Skinner—Biology
Timothy Smith—Journalism
Sarah Stagg—Communication
Benjamin Stampfl—Spanish/German
John Stout—Biology
Christy Strauss—Psychology/Mathematics
Emma Sullivan—International Studies
Claire Switzer—Health & Exercise Science
Jeanie Ta—Chemical Biosciences/Chinese
Sean Templemore-Finlayson—Economics/Finance
Maria Thomas—Biology
Benjamin Thompson—Economics/Mathematicsematics
Elena Thompson—Political Science
Taylor Thurston—Advertising
Patrick Vallely—Astrophysics
Sarah Vaughan—German/Supply Chain Management
Rita Velasco—History
Gloria Vertin—Microbiology
Katherine Voss—Biology
Sierra Voss—Professional Writing
Alexis Walker—Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies
Samuel Wang—Biology
Sabrina Waugh—Microbiology
Emily Webb—Biochemistry
Devon Weidner—Biochemistry
Lisa White—Biology
Margaret White—Letters/Entrepreneurship
Rachel Wilkinson—Sociology/Russian
Audrey Wilson—Professional Writing
Claire Winfrey—Biology
Julia Ye—Microbiology
Nathaniel Yokell—Biology
Jessica Ackerman—Biology/Letters
Katherine Adams—English
Mian Ali—Microbiology
Erik Allison—Letters
Joseph Altermatt—Physics
Chris Anderson—Letters
Lauren Anto—Biology
Maxwell Appel—Psychology/Sociology
Heidi Babin—English
Christian Bailor—Anthropology
Courtney Balke—Linguistics
Christopher Baze—Health and Exercise Science
Christopher Bender—Physics
Madison Beneda-Bender—Psychology
Jack Bergum—Political Science/Intl Studies
Saba Bingabr—Biology
Lauren Black—Environmental Sustainability
Caroline Blakley—Biology
Adisson Bolles—Anthropology
Brett Borchardt—Meteorology
Chelsea Bowman—Chemical Biosciences
Jessica Brewer—Spanish
Adam Brobson—Chinese/Intl Studies/Mech Eng
Marisa Brumfield—Environmental Sustainability
Kendall Burchard—Journalism - Professional Writing
Jennie Burger—International Security Studies
Kari Burnett—Philosophy
Natasha Camacho—Psychology
Katie Cannon—Biochemistry
Sarah Capps—History /English
Keelan Cassidy—International Studies
Teah Caughlin—Russian/Intl Studies
Andrew Chandler—Arabic/Intl Studies
Christina Cheng—Chemical Biosciences
Jamie Christian—Human Relations
Coree Clinton—Linguistics
Emily Cole—Letters/History
Megan Conner—Political Science
Leslie Corbly—Journalism - Public Relations
Gregory Cox—Chemical Biosciences
Alexander Craig—Chemical Biosciences/Economics
Destiny Crowley—Russian
Brandon Curd—Astrophysics
Thomas Davis—Microbiology/Biochemistry
Joseph DeAngelis—Biology/Political Science
Nicole DeYear—BA Intl Stud/Master's Global Studies
Tawna Dickens—Sociology
Maegan Dilks—Letters
Arthur Dixon—History/Spanish
Melissa Doan—Biology
Storm Dowd-Lukesh—Economics
Graham Dudley—Journalism - Public Relations
Caleb Duggan—Microbiology
Ashten Duncan—Microbiology
Jason Dydynski—Linguistics
Nathan Edmonsond—Chemistry
Landon Eggleston—Health and Exercise Science
Lena Erickson—Math
Emily Estes—Biology
Elise Fast—Linguistics/Music
Lisa Fiedler—Environmental Sustainability
Priya Filinto—Psychology
Ashlyn Fouret—Biology
Meagan Frank—Communication
Rachel Frazier—Meteorology
Rahul Gaikwad—Economics/Finance
Katherine Garbarino—Russian/English
Brenna Gardell—Health and Exercise Science
Mohsain Gill—Biology
Daniella Glidewell—Zoology/Professional Writing
Sarah Grebennikov—Microbiology
Briana Hall—Economics/English
Molly Hall—Letters
Allyson Hamill—Sociology
Taylor Hamstra—Chemical Biosciences
Derek Hansen—Economics/Math
David Harrison—Meteorology
Alison Hausner—Journalism - Public Relations
Kendra Havens—French
Steven Hefner—Physics
Hayden Hefner—Journalism - CMP
Benjamin Hildebrandt—Geology & Geophysics
Michaela Hill —Russian/History/Intl Studies
Kathryn Hillis—Chinese/Economics
Hayley Hinsberger—Linguistics
Maggie Hogan—Psychology
Kaitlyn Holland—BA Intl Stud/Master's Global Studies
Holly Holmaas—Spanish
Amber Hubbard—Microbiology
Harmony Hughes—Biology
Saba Imani—Microbiology
Darby Jalbert—Microbiology
Aakash Jivan—Biology
Derrick Jones—Biology
Alexandra Jones—European Studies
Anthony Joyce—Letters/History
Thomas Joyce—Political Science/Letters
Tarryn Kahre—Astrophysics
Austin Keeton—Philosophy
Amber Kenworthy—Letters
Ali Khan—Biochemistry
Hanna Kimpel—International Studies
Laura Kincaide—Economics/Letters
Elizabeth Knapp—Classical Languages/Letters
JoAnne Kosta—Middle Eastern Studies/Arabic
Rachel Lampi—Journalism - Professional Writing
Nicole Lardner—Biology/Psychology
Micah Larsen—Chemical Biosciences
Austin Larue—Biochemistry
Stephanie Lee—Biochemistry/Psychology
Alexandra Len—Journalism - Advertising
Alissa Lindsey—Journalism - Professional Writing
Mary Littlefield—Biology
Holly Loeffler—Biology
Johnathon Loera—Political Science/Native Amer St
Jorgen Lund—Economics
Tran Luong—Biology
Sarah Lynch—Linguistics
Carlie Malone—Sociology
Elan Marche—English
Erika Marrs—Economics/Intl Studies
Conner Martin—Journalism - Professional Writing
Jake Martin—Arabic
Lauren McGraw—Geology & Geophysics
Allison Mee—International Studies
Reagan Metz—Environmental Sustainability
Marie Mihara—Biology
Sarah Miles—History
Reece Miller—Biology
Travis Miller—Biochemistry
Monique Mogilka—Sociology/Art History
Ana Mohammad-Zadeh—Economics
Megan Mont—Biology
Rachael Montgomery—German/Public Relations
Elena Morgan—Religious Studies
Daniel Moses—BA Intl Stud/Master's Global Studies
Taylor Murphy—Physics/Math
Thomas Murphy—Biology/Math
Alaina Nash—Linguistics
Katie Ngo—Health and Exercise Science
Jennifer Nguyen—Latin/Biochemistry
Derek Nguyen—International Studies
Tyler Nguyen—Chemistry
Alana Niblett—Human Relations
Jordan Nix—Psychology
Molly Oberstein-Allen—Letters/Philosophy
Emilee O'Hair—Journalism - Public Relations
Alyssa Orton—Linguistics
Franklin Otis—Economics/History
Hayley Parker—Journalism
Darshit Patel—Health and Exercise Science
Arianna Patton—Psychology
Brenna Paul—Psychology
Andrew Pham—Biology
John Pham—Psychology
Samantha Phillips—History
Susanna Pyatt—English/Anthropology/History
Hayley Raasch—Letters
Robin Rainey—International Studies
Chad Ratashak—Arabic/Intl Studies
Anne Reburn—Journalism - BEM
Alicia Reynolds—Psychology
Brittany Ribble—Chinese/Asian Studies
Jordan Rippetoe—Journalism - Professional Writing
Justin Robbins—Biology
Emily Roberts—Journalism - Advertising
Dillon Roberts—Physics
Brandon Robinson—Chemical Biosciences
Nicole Rodriguez—Microbiology
Monique Rodriguez—History/Anthropology
Nicholaus Rohleder—Political Science
Heath Rosenberger—Economics/Intl Studies
Ashlyn Rude—Planned Program
David Rudolph—Chemical Biosciences
Daniel Schexnayder—Political Science/Intl Studies
Hayley Severson—Biology
Kaitlyn Sheehy—Health and Exercise Science
Josie Simmons—Psychology
Margaret Sine—History
Kristin Smelser—Communication
Morgan Smith—Letters
Alexandra Smith—Economics
Danielle Snyder—English
Frank Speer—Biology
Frances Springer—Communication
Stephen Stacy—Chemical Biosciences
Sylvienne Staines—International Security Studies
Marta Stangl—Planned Program
Kelly Stephens—Environmental Studies
Kiersten Strachan—History/Chinese/Intl Studies
Stoffel Strange—Biochemistry
Kaitlyn Streight—Biology
Samantha Stroup—English/French
Cassandra Swatek—Linguistics
Kathleen Taylor—Psychology
Angela Thoman—Biology
Clara Thomson—Microbiology
Alicia Tomlin—Biology
Amanda Tomlinson—Arabic
Autena Torbati—Psychology
Cole Townsend—Biochemistry
Stephen Tran—Biology
Daniel Tritz—Chemical Biosciences
Chandlar Vazquez—Biochemistry
Melody Vidmar—Anthropology/Spanish
Taylor Warta—Planned Program
Elizabeth Wells—Psychology
Sarah Whitson—Microbiology
Brooke Wiederkehr—Health and Exercise Science
Brady Williams—Sociology/Philosophy
Hannah Wilson—Health and Exercise Science
Maureen Wolf—Math
Courtney Woltjen—Journalism - CMP
Angel Worth—English
Alan Xing—Psychology
Jiyoun Yoo—Arabic/Intl Studies
Samuel York—Political Science/Sociology
Ashley Young—Math
Andrew Young—Biochemistry
Matthew Young—History
Yanjia Zhou—Chemical Biosciences
Sydney Abdallah—International Security Studies
Sofia Abdulaziz—Psychology
Brittany Adams—Health and Exercise Science
Mary Allen—English
Madison Argo—Biology
Hunter Ash—Physics/Mathematics
Chau Banh—Psychology
Caitlyn Baukal—Health and Exercise Science
Christopher Bender—Physics
Kelly Bergin—Psychology/Sociology
Emily Bibens—Sociology
Danielle Branesky—Biology
Kaitlin Brewer—Microbiology
Shelby Brown—Psychology
Mitchell Bryant—Public Affairs and Administration
Tegan Burkhard—Journalism
Katherine Burlas—Biology
Taylor Burt—Chemical Biosciences
Anna Butcher—Zoology/German
Robert Byrd—Zoology
Erin Byrne—Public Affairs and Administration
Angela Cai—Economics
John Campbell-Classical Languages
Sam Campbell—Biology
Benjamin Carlson—International Studies/Economics/Chinese
Taylor Caswell—Biology
Iman Chaudhry—Chemical Biosciences
Brittany Christensen—History
Catherine Ciampa—Physics
Sagen Cocklin—Physics/Mathematics
Siera Colasuonno-Collins—International Studies/Arabic
Chad Cole-Chemical Biosciences
Laura Combs—Environmental Sustainability
Cassidy Cope—Advertising
Sarah Coulson—Mathematics
Daniel Cressman—Planned Program
Tyler Darlington—Planned Program
Taylor Dees—Classics/Music Education
James Depp—Biochemistry
Matthew Deruyter—Biology
Travis Donohue-Sociology
Collin Douglas—International Security Studies
Chelsea Elam—Psychology
Adam Elisalde—History
Matthew Epting—Political Science/Public Relations
Weston Ernst—International Studies/Arabic
Molly Evans—Journalism
Laura Figueroa—Biology
Dylan Finley—Environmental Sustainability
Kreg Flowers—Mathematics/Petroleum Engineering
Lindsay Floyd—Letters
Kiley Foster—Economics/Arabic
Benjamin Friedlander—Health and Exercise Science/Economics
Macy Frye—Biochemistry
Arash Ghazanfari—Chemical Biosciences
Evan Gibbs—Planned Program
Randi Gill—International Studies/Spanish/Journalism
Andrea Gimondo-Economics
Braxton Godfrey—Planned Program
Monica Goodwin—French
Ivonne Grabow—Chemical Biosciences
Michael Grassi—Microbiology/Spanish
Leah Gray—Linguistics
Lauran Green-Letters/Spanish
Andrea Grice—English
Elaine Griffeth—Spanish/Health and Exercise Science
Taylor Haddad—Chemical Biosciences
Delaram Hajimirasadeghi—Chemical Biosciences/Spanish
Abigail Halmes—Chemistry
Paighten Harkins—Journalism
Elizabeth Harper—English
Gregory Heigle—Letters
Nathan Heineman—Economics
Alicia Hendricks—Psychology
Jacob Henry—French/Linguistics
Leigh Hibbard—English
Macy Hinds—International Studies
Kristen Hoelscher—Chemical Biosciences
Filip Holy—Zoology
Krisa Humphries—International Studies
Jennifer Hunter—International Studies
Lindsey Hurtle—Anthropology
Emily Irvin—Professional Writing
Craig Jackson—English
Ivana Jaworski—English
Abigail Jebaraj—Planned Program
Julie Jenner—Health and Exercise Science
Emily Johnson—Biochemistry
Jennifer Johnson-Letters
Savannah Jolly—Political Science
Jessica Jones—Russian
Victoria Jones—Microbiology
Christopher Julius—Political Science/Economics
Jacob Kallsen—Zoology
Valerie Kastens—Biochemistry
Traci Kern—Broadcast Journalism
Kate Kientz-Political Science
Hugo Koch—Environmental Sustainability
Jyotsna Koduri—Psychology
Kelsey Kolbe—Letters/Women's and Gender Studies
Dane Korber—Microbiology
Melanie Kuriger—English
Amy Lantrip—Chinese/Asian Studies
Lauren Leaver—Public Relations
Ryan Lehr-Biology
Ella LePage—Microbiology
Audrey Lievens—International Studies
Stephen Lindstrom—Mathematics
Liane Linehan—Geology/German
Nathan Lobaugh—Philosophy
Paige Long-Wheeler—Asian Studies
Alina Lorant—Biology
Samuel Lower—Letters
Brendan Lushbough—Psychology
Michael Lutter-Economics
Bryan Lynch—Letters
Dania Maduro—Communication
Lucy Mahaffey-Anthropology/Intl Studies
Justin Mai—Letters/History
Stormee Massey—English/Russian
John Maxwell—Biochemistry
Kailee May—Microbiology
Uchenne Mbaraonye—Biology
Desia McCann—Psychology
Michael McCoy—Microbiology
Michael McCracken—Political Science/Philosophy
Zachary McDonald—Zoology/International Studies
Brooke McGarvin—Psychology
Lisa McKnight—International Security Studies
Logan Melot—Biochemistry
Jacob Mitchell—Zoology
Luis Molina—Linguistics/Letters
Elizabeth Monzingo—Psychology/Music Composition
Rebeka Morales—International Studies/Journalism
Jake Morgan—Microbiology/Italian
Susan Morrison—Health and Exercise Science
Jessica Murphy—Public Relations
Jaymes Myers—English
Delaney Nash—Letters
Hannah Neher—International Studies/French
Zachary Nicek—Biology
Joseph Nigh—Biology
David Oakley—Letters/Political Science
Samuel Ornell—Biology
Kelley Osborn—Zoology
Philip Osborn—Zoology
Annabelle Owens—International Studies/French
Alizay Paracha—Biochemistry
Kristin Pascoe—Psychology
Abigail Peak—International Studies
Andrea Pemberton—Anthropology
Vy Pham—Psychology
Stephen Pilkington—Psychology
Molly Priebe—Mathematics/Chemical Engineering
Matthew Prueitt—Advertising
Anita Ramirez—Psychology
Timothy Ramseyer—Health and Exercise Science
Louis Redfern—Chemistry
Melody Reese—Psychology
Stephanie Rehm—Health and Exercise Science
Kellie Reidlinger—International Studies/Letters
Tyler Rhoades—Chemical Biosciences
Kristen Ritchie—English
David Roberson—Classics/Art History
Katelyn Roberson—International Studies
Carl Roberts-Letters/German
Laura Rosenberger—Political Science
Andrew Ross—Biochemistry
Mark Roundtree—Microbiology
Elizabeth Schaulat—English
Gretchen Scheel—Zoology/International Studies
Emily Scheele—Math
Teresa Sciortino—Biology
Anna Searcey—International Studies
Peter Shadid—Letters
Aamina Shakir—Spanish
Barrett Shelley—Arabic/Spanish/Sociology
Trevor Shofner—Economics/Math
Taylor Shupert—Letters
Matthew Slief—Biochemistry
Katie Smith—Biology
Sarah Smith—Letters/English
Tory Smith—Biology/Spanish
Kara Snawder—Psychology/Sociology
Jordyn Snow—Women's & Gender Studies/Native American Studies
Ian Stewart—Linguistics
LaVerta Straham—Religious Studies
Alexis Taitel—Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's International Studies
Clara Tang—Chemical Biosciences
Katherine Taylor—Anthropology
Tyler Tennant—Letters
Sarah Thevatheril—Anthropology
Daniel Tinney—Philosophy
Shaun Tkach—Zoology
Philip Tolentino—Zoology
Quoc Tran—Biology
Stephen Tran—Biology
Erin Tsambikos—Zoology
Hannah Van Amburgh—Public Relations
Taylor Vandam—Biology
Lorna Vazquez—Letters
Elizabeth Vernon—International Security Studies
Jay Vinnedge—Biochemistry
Jordan Voth—Biology
Johannah Walker—Psychology
Caitlin Walsh-Math/Economics
Austin Warren—Film and Media Studies
Colton Warren—Film and Media Studies
David Westfall—Biochemistry
Aldon Whitehead—Russian
James Williams—Health and Exercise Science
Courtney Winchester—Linguistics
Jefferson Yahom—Film and Media Studies
Cody Yamamoto—Psychology
Hannah Young—International Studies
Traci Young—English
Nickolas M. Aguilera—International Studies
Emily N. Ahadizadeh—Biology
Austin Alford—Meteorology
Sydney M. Allen—Broadcasting and Electronic Media
Mary K. Allison—History of Science
Lauren E. Aragon—Economics/International Studies
Hallie E. Arias—International Studies/Multidisciplinary Studies/Spanish
Tracey D. Bark —Political Science
Kelly V. Barksdale—German/International Studies
Travis W. Bates—Biochemistry/Anthropology
Bailey K. Bedford—Physics
Sarah E. Beebe—Biochemistry
Timothy R. Benavidez—Chemistry/Mathematics/Religious Studies
Alyssa R. Bickford—Letters
Laura M. Boucher —Microbiology
Alyssa M. Boutelle—Planned Program/Marketing
Morgan L. Brokob—International Studies/Arabic
Katie M. Brown—History
Victor Q. Bui—Chemical Biosciences
Aili J. Butler—Letters
Robert C. Cail—Spanish/Chemistry
Brittany N. Carter—English
Lauren M. Casonhua—Professional Writing
Justin A. Cline—Psychology
Sarah A. Cocks—English
Richard H. Dao—Biochemistry
Lauren A. Davis—Classical Languages/Letters
Natalie D. Dickson—Anthropology/African & African American Studies
Thong H. Doan—Economics/Accouting/Finance/Geology
Emily E. Eby—English
Isaac A. Eicher—Spanish
Zachary D. Eldredge—Physics/Mathematics
Carly R. Ellsworth—Sociology
Dalton D. Fazekas—European Studies
Sheryl A. Fender—Public Relations
Evan S. Fields—Microbiology
John C. Fischer—Religious Studies/Accounting
Lindsay M. Fischer—Professional Writing
Jeannine N. Foster—Microbiology
Elizabeth D. Franklin—Zoology
Alison S. Frech—Psychology
Janny J. Gandhi—Letters
Kanika Garg—Biochemistry
Frank George—Public Affairs and Admininstration
Natalie J. Gilbert—Psychology
Rebecca A. Glover—Psychology
Cullen M. Grable—Zoology
Dominic R. Granello—History
Kyndra L. Gross—Health and Exercise Science
Carolin Haeusler—Microbiology
April C. Hamilton—Zoology
Brooke E. Hamilton—History
Cassidy E. Hamilton—Economics
Zohal Heidari—Psychology
Autumn C. Heigle—Professional Writing
Shelby M. Heise—Anthropology
Cathleen B. Hewett—Spanish/European Studies
Heather L. Hewitt—Psychology
Benjamin T. Hill—Economics/International Studies
Mason E. Hinsdale—International Studies
Alexander M. Hoelscher—Spanish/Pyschology
Kristina K. Hopkins—Biology
Nina K. Horne—Mathematics
Carleigh C. Houghtling—Religious Studies/Sociology
Jamie K. Huber—Health and Exercise Science
Rachel E. Hurt—Biochemistry
Sarah E. Jaeb—English
Trent N. Jarvis—Microbiology
Morgan E. Johnson—Microbiology
Caitlin E. Jones—Zoology
Branden Katona—Meteorology
Gurpreet Kaur—Psychology
Abigail F. Kinsinger—Professional Writing
Robin A. Kurzyna—Zoology
Devon R. Kysor—International Studies
Matthew P. Lambert—Biochemistry
Jacob T. Landers—Psychology
Jennie E. Lee—Zoology
Vyacheslav A. Lenkov—Biochemistry
Elizabeth F. Livesey—English/French
William D. Lonn—Mathematics
Joseph L. Loveless—Latin American Studies
Adrian B. Lucy—Astrophyiscs/History of Science
Alexander O. Mann—Microbiology
Hannah G. Maple—Pyschology
Mary M. Mason—Linguistics/International Studies
Andrew S. Matt—Public Relations
Dehra A. McGuire—Microbiology
Margaret M. McKee-Huey—History
Taylor J. McKenzie—German/European Studies
Lara McLellan—Environmental Sustainability
Katherine A. McPherson—Journalism
Patrick R. McSweeney—Political Science/Public Relations
Hillary E. Medina—International Security Studies
Katherine R. Metz—Health and Exercise Science
John C. Miller—Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies
Thomas R. Morgan—Mathematics/Piano
Brittany R. Munda—Anthropology
Sarah R. Nagy—German/International Studies
Christina Nguyen—Biology
Dang H. Nguyen—Philosophy
Linh N. Nguyen—Microbiology
Kelsey K. O'Grady—Anthropology
Jaclyn E. O'Neil—Public Affairs and Admininstration
Mary R. O'Neill—Human Relations
Baylie N. Ostler—Biochemistry
Thomas D. Parker Simpkins—Middle Eastern Studies/Arabic
Akash B. Patel—Political Science
Aaron W. Paul—Zoology
James W. Paul—Zoology
Taylor M. Paziuk—Biology
Laurel R. Persa—Spanish
Andy T. Phan—Biochemistry
Gavin A. Pharaoh—Microbiology/Multidisciplinary Studies
Daniel L. Phillips—Economics
Brian T. Pickens—Psychology/Russian
Richard T. Pody—Biochemistry
Drew M. Powell—Biochemistry
Maximilien L. Proctor—Film and Media Studies
Anna I. Przebinda—Women's & Gender Studies/International Studies
Adam Z. Ragsdale—English
Kelley L. Raines—Psychology
Brandon P. Ranallo—Political Science/French
Teresa M. Ratashak—Mathematics
Kathleen E. Reap—German/Zoology
Alex B. Reddy—Microbiology
Zachary A. Reed—International Studies
Kevin J. Reimnitz—Mathematics
Michael F. Reynolds—Physics
Lauren A. Rippetoe—Letters/History
Rebecca L. Ross—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment
Megan E. Rutland—Microbiology
Sarah Sandel—Economics/International Studies
Nicholas J. Schlekewey—International Studies/Arabic
Genevieve A. Schmitt—Arabic/Linguistics
Parker B. Selby—Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies
Austin R. Sell—Political Science
Alanna P. Sellinger—Spanish
Ajinur U. Setiwaldi—Political Science/Journalism
Maryum Shahzad—Microbiology
Laura E. Shapiro—Economics
Robert M. Shoup—Biology
Aneesh N. Shukla—Letters
Gabrielle D. Skillings—Political Science
Allison M. Smith—Biology
Bradley L. Snider—Zoology
Natalie M. Stanislav—Health and Exercise Science
Rebecca A. Stevenson—International Studies/Business Economics
Danielle L. Strawn—Biology
Shelby S. Stribling—Psychology
Anne M. Sutherland—Asian Studies
Molly E. Swann—Psychology
Blythe E. Taylor—Zoology
Kathleen J. Taylor—Biology
Robin T. Tipps—Criminology
Michaela E. Tomalin—International Studies
Jimmy Tran—Biochemistry
Boaz Vandever—Classical Languages
Alison M. Vaughan—Microbiology
Kristen L. Veal—Psychology
Pooja Vijayvargiya—Microbiology
Tamara M. Walker—Economics/Mathematics
Wesley W. Wehde—Economics/Public Affairs
Ashley K. Wensel—French/Public Relations
Andrew J. White—Pyschology
Liana K. Willis—English
Connor P. Wilson—History
William R. Womble—Biology
Kaitlyn M. Wyatt—International Security Studies
Rosemarie G. Zanabria—Biochemistry
Christiana M. Zipay—English/Letters
Caitlin E. Zuber—Biochemistry
Iman H. Abdallat—Middle Eastern Studies
Elizabeth I. Abell—Economics/French
Katherine Adham—Microbiology
Madeline Susan Alford—English
Andrew A. Ault—Mathematics
Jennifer A. Barnes—Psychology
Riley Shea Bell—Social Work
Holly G. Berrigan—International Studies
James P. Block—Mathematics
Zachary M. Boazman—Mathematics
Elizabeth Antonia Braden—History/Classical Studies
Benjamin D. Breazile—Biology
Jon David Brost—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Alexandra Browning—Geography
David W. Bryant—Letters-Constitutional Studies
Kaitlynn JoAnn Buettner-Scully—Latin/Psychology
Matthew C. Burget—Religious Studies
Hans L. Cao—Biochemistry
Don B. Carmichael—Astrophysics
Kael Travis Carter—Letters
Nicole Marie Catterlin—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Christopher M. Chapman—Biochemistry
Ian M. Christensen-Gibbons—International Studies
Sara Ciccolari-Micaldi—Political Science
Chelsea E. Cinotto—Anthropology
Samuel P. Clancy—Letters
James H. Cobb—Economics/Mathematics
Nicholas Michael Coffey—Letters-Constitutional Studies/Economics
Jerod K. Coker—Economics
Sarah Ann Colijn—Biochemistry
Madison D. Conklin—History
Jennifer Michelle Cosby—Microbiology
Caleb R. Cosper—Zoology
Rachel Nicole Davenport—Spanish
Lauren B. Decker—Economics
Evan Paul DeFilippis—Political Science/Economics/Psychology
Madeline Dillner—Environmental Sustainability
Carly R. Dillon—Economics/Mathematics
Jordan Faith Doerfel—Letters
Chelsea K. Donaldson—Psychology
Allison K. Douglas—Anthropology
Stuart Lloyd Downey—Political Science
Steven Neil Dragosljvich—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Christopher A. Eaton—Psychology
Adrienne M. Elias—Zoology
Michael S. Elliott—Microbiology
Meredith Moss Evans—Biology
Elliot S. Felton—Psychology
Martha Claire Fulton—Religious Studies
Megan M. Fuzzell—Mathematics
Holly L. Gaines—Zoology
Lindsay A. Gardner—International Studies/History
Garrett Matthew Gee—Political Science
John Clark Geller—Mathematics
Candace J. Grimes—Biology
Alyssa Denise Grimley—Journalism
Kramer Daniel Harrison—Mathematics/Physics
Christopher L. Harvey—Microbiology
Alexander W. Harvey—Mathematics/Biochemistry
Brian C. Herritt—Zoology
Jennifer M. Herrmann—Film and Media Studies/Professional Writing
Ashley J. Higgs—Biology
Martin David Hinrichs—Psychology
Cortland R. Hoge—Letters
Caleb James Holt—Physics
Haley Dawn Hoogendoorn—Psychology
Katherine Claire Horn—Political Science
Paulinna K. Huynh—Microbiology
Annabelle L. Irvin—Health and Exercise Science
Aditi N. Jalla—Psychology
Shyam R. Javvaji—Psychology
Katharine A. Jensen—International Security Studies/Russian
Ciara D. Johnson—Zoology
Helen C. Kerwin—International Studies
Ahrens G. M. Kerwood—International Studies
Grant T. Kirby—Biology
Vivek A. Koduri—Psychology
Connor Joseph Kristof—Microbiology
Richard S. Krysiak—Biochemistry
Kelsey A. Kuehn—Psychology
Lauren Nicole Lajos—Mathematics/Psychology
Lindsey M. Lambarth—Microbiology
Hannah J. Landreth—Spanish
Zachary D. Lanier—Letters-Constitutional Studies/Political Science
Ann K. Laudick—Film and Media Studies
McKenzie G. Lee—Spanish
Gina N. Leger—Microbiology
LaShaye Kuikolani Leopold—Mathematics
Tiffany M. Lepa—English
Li Lin—Journalism
Savannah Lee Logan—Astrophyiscs/Music
Joseph D. Lykins—Zoology
Katherine A. Mailey—Biochemistry
Alyssa Leigh Mannen—French/Architecture
Nicholas B. Marcott—Chinese/Computer Science
Megan Renee Marks—Political Science
Rebekah J. Martin—Zoology
Michael R. Masterson—Political Science/International Studies
Daniel F. Mensching—Letters
Michael G. Michalopulos—History
Melissa K. Mock—International Studies
Nathan Jon Moore—History/International Security Studies
Brooke A. Myers—International Studies/Journalism/Religious Studies
Alexander D. Nasr—Letters/Zoology
Jillian F. Neville—Letters
Katherine C. Newman—Psychology
Uyen Nguyen—Geology
Ngoc B. Nguyen—Microbiology
Katharine Ann Margaret Nutman—History
Mark E. Osborn—Letters
Carly E. Palans—Women's & Gender Studies
Rohan Alfred Thomas Papaly—Zoology
Arun George Philip—Microbiology
Morgan A. Pinkerton—Political Science
Kenny T. Quang—Microbiology/Spanish
Jared Lee Rader—Journalism
Christopher K. Ray—Microbiology
Eric Jason Ray—Biology
Shelby J. Richison—Anthropology
Geraldine S. Richlin—English
Dustin B. Rinehart—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Erica B. Romano—Biology
Madeline Meta Ross—German/History
Karl Bernard Schaettle—Mathematics/Biochemistry/Chemical Engineering
Kala N. Sellers—English
Mubeen Ahmed Shakir—Biochemistry
Matthew R. Shandy—Political Science
Katy E. Shannahan—Women's & Gender Studies/Psychology
Erin A. Shore—Health and Exercise Science
Katherine E. Shrauner—History
Montgomery J. Simms—Biology
Eric Steven Smith—Letters-Constitutional Studies
Ariel Bridget Stephenson—Letters
Lacey D. Stevenson—Political Science
Amanda Kate Stonebarger—Film and Video Studies/Professional Writing
Matthieu L. Sullivan—Biochemistry
Krishna H. Suthar—Microbiology
Juliet V. Sutton—Anthropology
Lena Tenney—Religious Studies/History
Nathan Erle Thomas—Biochemistry
Steven James Thorn—Journalism
Cassandra Ann Toney—Journalism
Skye A. Tylich—International Studies
Ashley N. Valentas—Psychology
Whitley Danielle Virgil—Letters
Erica F. Vlasic—Biology
John Walker—Chinese/International Studies
Heather Carlquist Walser—Political Science/History
Brian P. Ward—European Studies/French
Kaitlin A. Warta—Spanish
Joshua James Wegemer—Arabic/Russian
Katherine E. Wenzell—Botany
James F. West III—International Security Studies/Political Science
Michael Kent Wilkinson—Physics/English
Patrick Wayne Winterrowd—Classical Studies
Rebecca M. Wood—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment/Environmental Sustainability
Emma C. Woods—Anthropology
Jeff Kim Abbott—Zoology
Chinwe Ebere Ajalla—Zoology/Psychology
Brooke Caroline Allen—Spanish
Alexander Kumar Anand—Russian & East European Studies/Russian
Christine Rochelle Ariana—Communication
Dayana Arteaga—Microbiology
Yasmin Elyse Baksh—Chinese/International Business/Accounting
Kelsey Ann Barrow—Anthropology
Jonathan Leo Bateman—Psychology/English
Laura Kathryn Bock—Zoology
Julianne Bonifield—Microbiology
Jacquelyn Desiree Boyd—Zoology
Amy Nicholle Love Brackenbury—Classical Languages
Meghan Rosemary Bragers—Social Work/Political Science
Adam Scott Breipohl—Political Science
Lauren Carroll Brentnell—English/Political Science
Catherine Marie Brothers—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment
Brittney Marie Brown—Professional Writing
Joshua Dee Burks—Journalism
Jordan Cannon—International Security Studies/Arabic
Caitlin Elizabeth Capps—History
Katherine Nichole Carruth—Human Relations
Matthew Mars Chapman—Geography
Gina Marlene Circelli—Film and Media Studies
Kristen Maureen Cline—Native American Studies
Savannah Marie Collins—Political Science
Aaron Ross Conrado—Microbiology
Abigail Elizabeth Coppedge—Anthropology
Nathan R Crain—Math/Anthropology
Kelly Ann Crane—International Studies/Chinese
Maura Renee Cremin—International Security Studies
Sarah Gail Croft—Anthropology
Katherine A Cunningham—Advertising
Jared Michael Curran—History of Science/Philosophy
Natalie Daab—Meteorology
Rachelle Ann David—Zoology
Kimberlee Davies—International Studies/Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment
Matthew Day—Meteorology
Brett Taylor Deatherage—Zoology
Aubrey Nicole Delafield—International Studies/Chinese
Mary Catherine Dewers—Constitutional Studies
Thanh-Nhan Andrew Do —Math/Physics
John Titus Doerfel—Biochemistry
Paul Douglas Dollahite—English/Political Science
Lane Bradley Donaldson—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Haley Abigail Doran—Letters
Alisha Renae East—Public Relations
Breanna Michelle Edwards—Letters
Ashley E Edwards—Political Science
Patrick Clark Ernst—International Studies
Elena Eva—Russian & East European Studies/Russian
Kathleen Anne Evans—Journalism
Adam James Fallon—Math/Physics
Lacy Kathryn Fannell—Letters
Kathleen Mariam Fenwick—Zoology
Riane Taylor Fern—Letters
Michael Gene Fons—Classical Languages/German
Elizabeth Anne Forsythe—Letters
Sarah Nicole Franklin—Linguistics
Alexandra Elise Glavas—Political Science
Megan Nicole Godwin—Health & Exercise Science
John Cavanaugh Goetzinger—Zoology
Andre Markus Goran—Math/Physics
Kevin Michael Grabski—Zoology
Alexis N Graham-Stephenson—Zoology
Brian Taylor Graves—Microbiology
Sarah Lynn Graybill—International Studies
Amy Elizabeth Grosser—Chinese/Accounting
Brett Matthew Gudgel—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Erin Brittany Hampton—English
Rachel Christine Hardcastle—International Security Studies
Evan Michael Hardesty—Zoology
Angelica Renee Harper—Biochemistry
Audrey Emma-Elizabeth Harris—Advertising
Sarah Ruth Hauptman—Public Relations
Kaitlin Christine Hawkins—English
Dana Celeste Haymon—Math
Daniel Giles Helm—Philosophy/Linguistics
Millard La Fayette Henry—Zoology
Vianne Aje Hinsdale—Anthropology/International Studies
Stacey Hitchcock—Meteorology
Steven Hudec—English
Hilary Ann Hudson—English
Christine Carrie Hursh—Psychology
Alison Lauren Huskey—Psychology
Paige Jennifer Iven—Public Relations
Blake Andrew Jenkins—Letters - Constitutional Studies
Ashley Dawn Johnson—English
Peter Joseph Jones—International Studies/Spanish
Heather Hollen Jones—Geography
Blakeley Caroline Jones—Advertising
Bhargav Ram Karamched—Math/Biochemistry
Mohammed R Kayyali—Zoology
Jennifer Marie Keller—Math/Chemical Engineering
Randi Dawn Kennedy—Zoology
Jinwoong Kim—Math/History
Summer Kimbrough—Psychology/Science Education
Kathryn Nicole Kinser—Zoology/Spanish
Jay I Kumar—Planned Program
Sandra Lynne Kunzweiler—Public Relations
Charles Ryan Lackey—Psychology
Emily Margaret Langhorst—English/Philosophy
Cara L Lasley—Botany
Melissa Rhiannon Laub—Health & Exercise Science
Hilary Christine Ludwig—Zoology
Dilip Narayan Mahale—Math/Biochemistry
Logan Suneil Maingi—Math/Physics
Joshua Lee Malone—Biochemistry
Sara Marin—History
Melissa Jeane Mathewson—Advertising
Scott Matthew Mauldin—International Studies
Sean M McCormick—Economics
Alia Rae McCrite—Health & Exercise Science
Heather Marie McDonald—Health & Exercise Science
Amber Kathryn McKnight—Math
Trevor Alan McMichael—English
Caitlin Marie Miles—Communication
Sarah Lynne Miller—Zoology
Molly Jean Miller—Letters
Dana Mohammad-Zadeh—International Studies/Economics
Ganga S Moorthy—Microbiology
Anthony Miles Morris—Zoology
Aubrey Lynn Morris—English
Ashley Michelle Morris—Psychology
Mason Tanner Morrow—Letters/Art History
Allison Jean Mrasek—International Studies
Ellen Marie Mueller—Health & Exercise Science
Margaret Susan Mulcahy—English
Andrew Trong-Huy Nguyen—Microbiology
Kristy Doan Nguyen—Microbiology
Tuan Minh Nguyen—Professional Writing
Hoang Vinh Nguyen—Microbiology
Amanda M Niedzwiecki—Latin American Studies
Amy Michelle Oden—Economics/Chinese
Nathaniel Monnet Odor—Microbiology
Alexander Aaron Parker—Zoology
Sarah Caroline Parrish—Letters
Laura Anne Patterson—Health & Exercise Science
David Michael Pierce—Zoology
Chelsea Marie Pierce—Anthropology
Stephen Paul Pittman—Microbiology
Emily Megan Powell—Microbiology
Caleb Paul Prentice—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lauren Sylvia Lynn Price—Biochemistry
Lyssa Renae Prince—Information Studies
Alim F Ramji—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Richard Lynn Rhodes—English/Women's and Gender Studies
Casey Anne Richardson—Linguistics/Spanish
Shannon Grace Rickley—Linguistics
Meghan Elizabeth Riley—English/History
Jillian Jane Robinson—Psychology
Jose Antonio Roman—English
Elizabeth Erin Rucker—International Studies/Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment
Jacob Anton Rupert—European Studies
Annelise Russell—Political Science/ Journalism
Austin Michael Scheller—History
Taylor Granville Schmidt—History
Kevin James Scoggin—English
Preston Hamilton Seaberg—Astronomy
Lydia Laurel Sexton—English
Dhara K Sheth—Planned Program
Ashley Marie Shovanec—Public Relations
Anna Rebecca Skupin—English
Andrew Slagle—History
Cameron Levi Smithee—Zoology
Ali Z Somjee—Zoology
Sarah Stough—Meteorology
Jamie Reed Sykes—Biochemistry
Jessie Caitlin Tanner—Zoology/French
Lucas Cale Toho—Zoology
Michael B Treptor—Microbiology/Biochemistry
Evan Michael Trinidad—Chemistry and Biochemistry
Keely Margaret Voytovich—Zoology
Jillian Christine Ward—Public Relations
Emily Keogh Ward—International Studies/Economics
Lauren Elizabeth Weaver—International Studies/French
Elise Jane Wenzel—History
Shelly J Wernette—Geology
Kaitlin C West—History
Katherine E Wiarda—History
Tiegan Toran Willoughby—Linguistics/Arabic
Jennifer Lauren Wilt—English
Kalli M Wolf—Anthropology
Hailon Tan Wong—Zoology/Psychology
Ashleigh Theresa Woodall—Public Relations
Christina Nicole Auldridge—Psychology
Katie Allison Baker—Spanish
Corina Aurelia Balan—Psychology
Alice Jean Barrett—Anthropology
Chelsie Lea Baugh—Journalism-PR
Allyson Anne Beasley—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Shannon Michelle Behary—International Studies
Cassidy Smith Bennett—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jerry Matthew Berry—Classical Languages
John McCulloch Best—Asian Studies/Biochemistry
Lindsey Kaylin Boer—Psychology
Meredith Jeanne Boroughs—Psychology
Cathleen Hope Brantley—Sociology
Holli Anne Bruce—Linguistics
Matthew Don Bruenig—Philosophy
Carrie Elaine Bugg—Journalism-Public Relations
Ashley Courtney Bunce—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Anne Jeanette Burke—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Caitlin Christine Campbell—Women's Studies
Kelly Anne Campbell—Psychology
Michael Don Carlock—Anthropology
Thomas Michael Carwile—Letters
Jillian Elizabeth Chance—Letters/Religious Studies
Christopher Lloyd Chase—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Douglas Philip Chilstrom—International Studies
Aran Leigh Coleman—Journalism-PR
Eric Paul Dama—Journalism
Alex Joseph Dickson—Liguistics/English
Rees Hage Dooley—Math
Sarah Helen Drew—Journalism-Public Relations
Virginia Alice Duke—Film and Video Studies
Lora Paige Dyson—Spanish
Dustin Ashkawn Ehsan—Psychology
Lunden Bryce England—Film & Video Studies
Luke Dewayne Engelman—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Lindsey Claire Epperson—Letters
Johnston Kyle Fite—Chemistry
Alison Rea Ford—Psychology
Melissa Jalayne Foy—Journalism
Katlin Danielle Francis—Journalism-Public Relations
Niekia Monic Franklin—Zoology
Rachel Elizabeth Gallant—Human Relations
Aubrey K. Gamble—Math/Modern Dance Performance
Misheala Joelle Giddings—International Studies
Alyssa Michelle Giles—History
Thomas Albert Green—Psychology/Sociology
Patrick William Green—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Evin Scott Groundwater—English
Valerie Morgan Hall—Journalism-Public Relations
Chandler Ernest Hall—Microbiology
Joshua Harold Hammell—Communication
Hwa Rang Han—Microbiology
Molly Rebecca Hart—Letters
Brian Brendan Havens—Spanish
Leah Genet Henry—Microbiology
Cody Taylor Hensley—Communication
Nicole Marie Hill—Journalism
Hannah Meryl Hirsch—Interdisciplinary Persp on the Env
Kathy Hoang—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Christopher Warren Hollen—English
Megan Leigh Hulshizer—German
Furzanna Iqbal—Letters/International Studies
Merrill Elizabeth Jones—English/Advertising
Zackary Adam Kaplan—Asian Studies/Biochemistry
Andrea Marie Karch—Sociology
Victoria Lee Kay—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Christopher Keith Kelso—International Studies
Katherine Blaire Kerwin—Microbiology
Jason Rae Kim—Microbiology
Chelsea Nichole Knox—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Taylor Allison Krebs—Economics/International Studies
Jaimie Dawn Krycho—Journalism-Professional Writing
Katelyn Melissa Langwell—Political Science
Charles LeRoy Lee—Film & Video Studies
Trisha Marie Lepa—Psychology
Stephanie Erna Marie Lepp—Biochemistry
Megan Patrice Leseberg—Interdisciplinary Persp on the Env
Caroline MacLeod—Linguistics
Daniel Robert Martens—Letters
Kaitlin Simone Martin—Religious Studies
Sara Allene Maxwell—History
Lauren Allyse McBride—Public Affairs and Administration
Anthony William McCarthy—Chemistry
Megan Catherine McElrath—Psychology
Elizabeth Field McGehee—History
Madylan Ruth McGehee—Journalism-Advertising
Mary Elizabeth McMican—Linguistics
Madison Ruth Melon—Women's Studies
Lynn Elise Mercer—Biochemistry
Shannon Denise Merchant—International Studies
Valerie Lauren Miller—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Savannah Denise Mitchell—Psychology/Studio Arts
Ashley M. Moore—Microbiology
Allison Kay Morgan—Microbiology
Karen Emily Nielsen—Math/Psychology
Wilson Michael O'Donnell—Letters/International Studies
Ian O'Kidhain—Letters
Karmen Ka Chelle Ponder-Moore—Journalism-Public Relations
Emily Suzanne Powell—Philosophy
Megan Marie Powers—International Studies
Serena Lisette Prammanasudh—International Studies/Spanish
Joseph Michael Ptomey—Letters
Jamie Leones Quitoriano—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Trevor Michael Ramsey—Linguistics/German
Nicole Renee Ramsey—Meteorology
Amelia Catherine Redmond—Linguistics
Ashley Elisabeth Robbins—Biochemistry
Darwin Luke Roman—Psychology
Justin Scott Rosinski—Biochemistry/Math
Madison Brooke Russell—Chemistry
Jason Michael Samuels—Biochemistry
Neha Satyanarayana—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences/Ethics and Religion
Baxter Thomas Schooley—International Studies/Letters
Kristin Lois Schumpert—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Renee Ruth Selanders—Journalism
Dylan James Severson—English
Allison Rebecca Shadid—Social Work
Jonathan Conley Sharp—Physics/Math
Daniel Patrick Shenoi—Psychology
Mitchell Dean Shotts—International Studies
Austin Tanner Slaymaker—Political Sciences/International Studies
Zachary Daniel Smith —Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Chase Ewing Smithburg—Political Science
Roseanna Lee Sontheimer—Journalism-Public Relations
Desiree Cherie Spencer—Biochemistry/French
Hayley Michelle Spencer—Letters
Haley Michelle Sperry—Letters
Brittany Nicole Stidham—Journalism-Public Relations
Jordan Emerson Stone—Zoology/Psychology
Deanna Kathleen Strafuss—Spanish
Bryce Lee Stubblefield—Economics
John Michael Tauber—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Morgan Marie Taylor—Communication
Daniel Daye Terracina—Journalism-Professional Writing
Travis Hodges Tietze—Microbiology
Clark Michael Torbert—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Samantha Alison Toth—Economics/Intl Security Studies
Van Thanh Tran—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Michael Quang Tran—Microbiology
Amber Christina Leigh Uresti—Letters
Sydney Catherine Vanhooser—Letters
Staci Nicole Warren—Microbiology
Maxwell Joseph Wegman—Math
Kathryn Ann White—Psychology
Matthew Robert Whiteway—Math/Physics
Laura Michelle Wiederhoeft—Letters/French
James Boies Wilcoxen—Meteorology
Sarah E. Wiley—Letters
Kyle Edward Williams—Classical Languages/History
Sarah Susanne Williams—Social Sciences and Org Studies
Abby Jordan Williamson—Letters/English
Kaitlyn Beth Willit—Letters
Cindy Sue Woods—Spanish/Intl Security Studies
Benjamin Alexander Yarbrough—Microbiology
Claire Elizabeth Zeorlin—Linguistics
Dustyn Stone Addington—Philosophy
Kenneth A Agee—Letters/Economics
Marissa Ellen Alberty—International Studies
Mark Joseph Anderson—Zoology
Amanda Gray Baldwin—Physics/Math
Kimberly Michelle Beavers—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Samuel James Beer—Linguistics
Laura Michelle Bennett—Journalism-Public Relations
Summer Beth Boismier—English
Lauren E. Bowers—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Thomas Mark Brewer—Letters/Classical Languages
Sara Elizabeth Brown—Anthropology/Russian
Brian S. Burns—Professional Writing
Thelben Annyse Burrell—Biochemistry
Harika Caglayan—Microbiology
Megan J Carey—Economics
Leigh Anne Carson—Letters
Nena Sara Cavel—Political Science
Andrew Patrick Cease—Biochemistry
Jeffrey Luke Chitwood—Letters
Kendra Carol Clay—Math
Michael Tyler Coker—International Studies
Bryan K. Cole—Asian Studies
Jay Robert Coleman—Microbiology
Marci Love Collins—Psychology
Audrey Lynn Colvin—History
Meredith Anne Cowlishaw—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Matthew Paul Cox—Political Science
Amy Elizabeth Dalecki—Latin American Studies/Portuguese
Kaylee Patricia Davis-Maddy—Letters
Christopher P. Dearner—Linguistics/English
Thomas Harry Dernick—Psychology
Sarah Elizabeth Dorn—English
Michael Robert DuPont—Letters
Erin Zoe Dwinnell—Letters
Rachel Leigh Edgren—History/English
Jackson DeLea Eldridge—Letters/Latin
Cynthia Evelyn Engelbrecht—Latin
Lunden Bryce England—Film and Video Studies
Jessica Marie Erlingis—Meteorology
John Thomas Erne—Microbiology/Chemistry/German
Anne Murphy Eskridge—Letters/Latin
Alexander Justin Everett—Economics/Math
Ashley Linn Farrand—Zoology
John Clifford Ferguson—Psychology
Daniel Steven Fields—History
Shane Orin Folks—Chemistry
Rachel Lea Magruder Folmar—Linguistics
Bryce Matthew Fritzler—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Whitney Paige Fry—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Katie Elizabeth Gant—Letters
Jaklyn Faye Garrett—Letters
Timothy Ross Gilbert—Economics
Kathryn Elizabeth Gordon—Letters
Lauren Noelle Grace—French
Timothy David Graf—Linguistics
Benjamin Hess Graves—Letters
Matthew Owen Gress—Political Science/History
Natalie Denise Griffin—Anthropology
Jennifer Marie Grover—International Studies
Tyler Craig Gunter—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Motgahareh Hajimirzaei—Journalism
Amanda Helen Halabi—Psychology
Koby Clark Harrington—Journalism-Public Relations
Connor David Hasbrook—Planned Program
Leslie Caroline Haymon—Political Science
Meghan Aileen Hemric—Anthropology
Richard Tyler Herlihy—Psychology/Religious Studies
Rebekah Lynn Hillenbrand—German
Stephanie Nicole Holliman—International Studies/Economics
John Lundgren Holmes—History/Political Science
Victoria Rae Hoornstra—English
Joshua Michael Huff—Philosophy/Economics
Steven Lee Hunter—International Studies/Letters/Latin
Rebekah Ann Husted—Journalism-Public Relations
Samuel James Ikard—Political Science
Kiley Brook Ingram—English
Ashley Lauren Jain—Inter. Persp. on the Environment
Bethany Spring James—Health and Exercise Science
Andrea Marie Jordan—Zoology
Andeneshea Shacardia Kemp—Psychology
Spencer Douglas Kinzie—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kathryn Lee Kramer—Chemistry
Bobbi Omori Lakin—International Studies
Connie Lan Lam—Journalism-Advertising
Trevor Tarrasch Langston—Psychology
Tabitha Le —Psychology
Christopher Glen Leatherman—History/Political Science
Kate Ellen Leyendecker—Math
Matthew Reay Lippmann—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
John Gregory Lukeman—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Matthew Cole Madeiro—Professional Writing
Carolyn Marie Maher—Chemistry
Michael Patrick Mandeville—Letters/French
Marilyn Leigh Manolakas—Women's Studies
Victoria Jansen Martin—Asian Studies
Juan Marcellus Matthews—Microbiology
Ellen Elizabeth McCoy—Chemistry
Amber Renae McKinney—Linguistics
Elizabeth June McLane—French
Daniela Maria Mello De Almeida—Math/History/Anthropology
Clara Leann Mitcham—Journalism-Public Relations
Cheryl Lynn Mitchell—English
Nicholas Scott Moellman—Economics/Letters
Megan Leigh Morgan—Professional Writing
Shawn Michael Morisse—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Ashley Elizabeth Morris—Asian Studies
Becky Anne Myers—Chemistry/Greek
Ashley Taylor Myers—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kaitlin Elise Nicholas—Microbiology
Ian Alexander Nichols—History
Natalie Blaire Nichols—Psychology
Vanessa Vannoy Nixon—Communication
Benjamin Michael Norrick—Anthropology
Kathryn Elizabeth Oard—English
Ryan David O'Meilia—Zoology
Sara M Owen —Sociology-Crim
Christopher Carl Pack—Biochemistry
Valerie Marie Norris Pack—Biochemistry
Colton Jeffrey Perry—Psychology
Courtney Mik'kel Peters—International Studies
Tuan Ahn Pham—Zoology
Matthew J. Pierce—Political Science
Robert Louis Pillow—Philosophy
Amanda Leigh Plewes—Journalism-Advertising
Nataliya Valerievna Popokina—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences/Russian
Jordan Kade Poulson—Letters
Rachel Marie Price—Political Science
Melissa Rae Putman—Professional Writing
Heather Michelle Raymond—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Daniel Holtmann Reck—Economics/Math
Hilary Claire Redemann—French
Elizabeth Ann Rempe—Psychology
Holly Anne Roe—Letters
Elyse Nicole Roehrig—Psychology
Sarah Christine Rosencrans—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Nathan Victor Ruhl—History
Andrew Martin Santos—Engineering Physics/Math
Marika Nicole Sauter—Microbiology
Sarah Jane Savage—History
Bailey Elizabeth Schreier—English
Samantha Danielle Seaton—Chemistry
Andrea Marie Sellmeyer—Health and Exercise Science
Nabeel Ahmad Shakir—Biochemistry
Andrew Dean Shipley—English
Sarah Elizabeth Shook—Anthropology
Heath B Sims—Chemistry
Erin Michelle Smith—Microbiology
Sarah Ruth Smith—Sociology/Religious Studies
Megan Nicole Sneed—Zoology-Biomed Sci/Sociology
Alexander Kent Spray—International Studies
Susanna Clare Stamile—Letters
Chelsea Mari Steinauer-Scudder—Political Science/Religious Studies
Michelle Lynn Stuart—Spanish
Theodore William Swang—Math
Matthew S. Taylor—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Brittany Danielle Teel—History
Ellen Margaret Trebilcock—Journalism-Advertising
Amber Renee Tullos—International Studies
Megan Marie Vance—Math
Luanne Thanh Vo—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Loan T. Vu—Psychology
Cherrie Rene Warden—International Studies/Sociology-Criminology
Calin LaRhee Watt—Spanish
Erin Michelle Webb—Health and Exercise Science
Nicole Rae Williams—Political Science
Cassidy Danielle Williams—International Studies
Kelsey Nicole Witten—Journalism
Shaghayech Zakerion—Journalism-Public Relations
Saniya Ahmad—Microbiology
Lindsey Leigh Allgood—Journalism-Professional Writing
Brent Martin Arens—Asian Studies
Amanda Rae Arnold—Psychology/Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jian Paul Azimi-Bolourian—Chemistry
Amanda Gray Baldwin—Math/Physics
Lauren Ashley Ballinger—French/International Studies
Amanda Ann Barkley—Latin American Studies/Spanish
Savanah Dawn Barrett—Psychology
Emilie Anne Blanchard—Latin American Studies/Spanish
Katherine Elizabeth Blohm—History
Chase Anthony Bollig—English
Kelsey Steven Bourm—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Angela Michele Bowen—Journalism-Public Relations
Everett Zachariah Bowline—Psychology
Elizabeth Jo Bradford—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Nathan Andrew Brooks—Microbiology
Matthew Kemp Brown—Political Science
Melissa Jean Bugg—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Gina Michelle Bullock—Letters
Matthew Kyle Burris—Journalism-Public Relations
Erin Lindsey Byrnes—Math/Spanish
Michael Lee Cagle—Psychology
Kate Parry Callahan—International Studies/Letters
Aimee Christine Canavan—Journalism-Public Relations
Justin Varghese Chacko—Psychology
Mark William Chandler—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Whitney Kristine Coleman—Journalism
John William Colson—Chemistry
Eric Lee Combs—Journalism
Christopher Michael Conrad—History/Math
Thomas Edward Cooke—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kallie E. Cope—French/Linguistics
Rachel Marie Craddock—Letters/Political Science
William Doyle Cunningham—Chinese/English
Christopher Scott Czapla—Psychology/Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jay Benjamin Dalto—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Heather Michelle Daniels—Math
Jamel Daugherty—Chinese/Letters
Munim Hasib Deen—Microbiology
Lindsay Rae DeGuilio—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Maria Goretti Do —Anthropology
Jessica Lynn Dodrill—Political Science
Emily Jo Duda—Geography
Allison Janette Endicott—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Katherine Renee Evatt—Economics
Matthew Walter Fenwick—Chemistry
Christopher Kenneth Folmsbee—International Studies
John Stephen Gawey—Letters
Shaneen Alexandra Gilson—Psychology
David Randolph Gleason—History/Political Science
Lindsey Kay Goodnight—Psychology
Bryan Christopher Gorman—International Studies
Ryan James Grabowski—English
John Charles Greenert—Psychology
Lindsey Lee Haecherl—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kristin Rene Hale—Journalism
Sarah Elizabeth Hampton—Chinese/Letters
Taylor Parker Hansen—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Nathan Roswald Hardy—Letters
Amanda Kee Harris—European Studies
Elizabeth Eliot Harris—Psychology
Megan Tyler Heald—Journalism-Professional Writing
Elizabeth Wells Hendrix—Social Work
Michael John Hesseler—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Emily Bassett Higgins—Psychology
Jeffrey Blake Higley—Microbiology
Allison Leigh Hochstein—Journalism-Advertising
Amanda Nicole Holloway—Journalism-Advertising/Marketing
Baxter Tuckett Holmes—Journalism
Paige Elizabeth Hoster—Religious Studies
Leslie Irene Hotte—Health and Exercise Science
Derek Christopher Hottle—Asian Studies/Chinese
Robert Trent Hulse—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Caitlyn Brea Hutchison—Letters
John Aubrey Ice—Biochemistry/French
Jay Edwin Jamison—German/Linguistics
Christina Loreen Jensen—Asian Studies/Biochemistry
Charles Blaise Jones—Psychology
Sahar Jooshani—International Studies
Tyler W. Kallsen—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Lydia Kao—Biochemistry
Melissa Ann Karner—Zoology
Lacy Colleen Kelly—Political Science/Spanish
Cassandra Michelle Ketrick—Film and Video Studies
Samira Ahmad Khan—Biochemistry
Seth Bradon Kinast—Chemistry/Microbiology
Casey Yvonne King—Classics/History
Jessica Anne Kintigh—Communication
Danielle Nicole Kramer—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kayla Suzanne Krittenbrink—Latin American Studies
Christopher David Krycho—Physics
David Alan Larson—Botany/Zoology
Samuel Yoon Lee—Chemistry
Nanette Rebecca Light—Journalism
Logan Leann Lockhart—Sociology
Jordan Mariah Lohmeyer—German/Human Relations
Bradley Thomas Long—Biochemistry
Vivek Narayan Mahale—Meteorology
Vibitha Mani—Biochemistry
Lauren Michelle Markham—Microbiology
Stafford Andrew Marquardt—Microbiology
Adrian James Maurer—Letters
Brandon T. McClung—Meteorology
Beth Ann McDow—Chemistry
Sarah Elizabeth McGuffee—History
Nicole Danielle McMahon—Geophysics-Exploration
Rachel Elizabeth McMurray—English
Lauren Christine McPhee—Film and Video Studies
Melissa Marie Mercer—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
James Christopher Metelak—English
Shannon Nicole Miller—Journalism
Addison Ray Miller—Journalism-Advertising
Joe Dan Mitchell—Math/Physics
Ashley Ellen Moore—Letters
Amber Lea Mounkes—Linguistics
Whitney Megan Mullins—Sociology
Christopher Michael Murray—Political Science
Mark Daniel Nehrenz—Journalism
Lam Son Nguyen—International Studies
Sarah E. Norris—Public Affairs and Administration
Faith Diamond Oldenburg—Film and Video Studies
Sneha Bharat Patel—Microbiology
Preseta Susan Paul—Spanish
Michael Charles Perry—Philosophy
Vien Thuy Pham—Biochemistry
Teryn Louisa Piper—History
John Robson Portman—Economics
Casey Sehri Prammanasudh—Psychology
Bryan James Putnam—Meteorology
Celia Yen Quang—French/Microbiology
Erin Elizabeth Rapp—Microbiology
Courtney Celeste Rau—Journalism-Advertising
Larissa Joy Reames—Meteorology
Nathan Clifton Rhodes—Journalism-Advertising/Spanish
Samantha Brittany Rhodes—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Keshia J. Rogers—History
Heidi Christina Rogers—Microbiology
Benjamin Martin Russell—Political Science
Neema Mukesh Saraiya—Psychology
Kjell Joseph Sawyer—Math
Courtney Marie Scarpitti—Journalism
Albert Jan Schilthuis—French/International Studies
Stephanie Renee Schmidt—Letters
Christopher Alan Schroeder—Math/Physics
Sally Anne Schupack—International Studies/Russian
Garrett R. Schwab—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Diana Marie Scroggins—English
Kathryn Rae Sensenig—English
Palak Kishor Shah—Psychology
Kelly Taylor Sheline—Psychology
David Brooks Sherman—Meteorology
Christopher Aaron Shilling—Psychology
Sarah Dewi Shutts—International Studies
Anne Elizabeth Sickles—Letters
Lauren Alyse Sielert—Psychology
Sarah Grace Simon—Classics
Anant Prakash Singhal—Classics/Spanish
Anne Kathryn Siska—Journalism-Public Relations
Brendan Thomas Smith—Journalism-Professional Writing
Sidney Kayann Smith—Psychology/Spanish
Candace Leslie Smith—Sociology-Criminology
Kelsey Lawrence Snapp—Linguistics
Sarah Grace Snyder—Letters
Alisha Jean Solomon—Microbiology
Nicholas Pierce Southerland—English
William Chandler Spain—Political Science
Kameryn Kyle Stanhouse—Journalism-Public Relations
Sarah Joleen Steece—European Studies/German
Nicholas Joseph Stockdale—History
Carl W. Swart—English
Sarah Myers Thompson—English
Michael Loyd Tinsley—Zoology
Daniel Christopher Tippin—Political Science/Sociology
Kim Dinh Tran—Biochemistry
Michael Quang Tran—Microbiology
Valerie Lananh Truong—Biochemistry
Claire Victoria Turmelle—Economics
Jennifer Leigh VanDyck—Communication
Jalal Farhang Vargha—Biochemistry
Emily Marie Virgin—Political Science
Kristyn Anne Wagner—History
Jennifer Lindsey Wallace—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
James David Ward—Psychology
Alexander O'Rorke Warren—English
Amanda Leigh Waters—Chemistry
Kristin E. Weed—Communication
Jessica Marie Wells—Health and Exercise Science
Preston Taylor White—Biochemistry
Katie Elizabeth Wilder—Letters
Jessica Jane Wilkin—Microbiology/Psychology
Elwood Fray Williams III—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Royline N. Williams-Fontenelle—Sociology-Criminology
William King Wood—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kevin Andrew Woodson—Biochemistry
Ke'Yonna L. Wynn—Political Science
Scott Gregory Young—Health and Exercise Science
Christopher G. Abdo—Political Science
Erin Anne Marie Abreu—Zoology
Andrew Christian Ainsworth—Letters
Fernando Enrique Alonso—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Dennis Paul Ardis—International Studies/Finance/Accounting
Jesse Alan Asbury—Psychology
Timothy C. Baer—Religious Studies
Garrett Foster Baker—Film and Video Studies
Kristina Kian Ball—Political Science
Gregory Kirk Barron—Philosophy
Steven Kyle Battles—Letters
Daniel W. Bayless—Psychology
Aaron Fletcher Benham—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Baige Bian—Biochemistry
Bryan Lawrence Billings—Chemistry
Sydneyann Binion—Linguistics
Allison Beth Boemer—Health and Exercise Science
Shelly Elizabeth Bowles—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Erynn Marie Boyer—Biochemistry
Eileen Therese Briski—Psychology
Ethan William Brown—Physics/Mathematics
Matthew James Bruehl—Anthropology
Steven David Bryant—Political Science
Randi Michelle Burns—Psychology
Caitlin Eileen Byrne—Journalism
Krystina Lynn Cadenhead—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Amanda Michelle Cernosek—Microbiology
Brian Alan Chenoweth—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jordan Chiarchiaro—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Andrea Nicole Chrisman—International Studies/Spanish
Cara Lynn Christoffersen—Psychology
John Benjamin Cleaver—History
Helena Isadora Cohen—Anthropology
Megan Elizabeth Collier—Anthropology/Latin
Daniel Joseph Corbett—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Tessa Marie Crowl—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Christopher Robert Cunningham—Zoology
Rachel Lea Daniel—Letters
Charles Cullen Dansby—Journalism-Advertising
Matthew Rajan DeLouise—History
Andrea Mary Denhoed—Letters/International Studies
David Timothy Dewberry—Philosophy/Linguistics
Emily Katelyn Dewey—Spanish/European Studies
Brietta Kathleen Diede—English
Michael Paul Dirckx—Psychology
Sandra Lynn Domingue—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Lauren Nicole Donaldson—Anthropology
Brittany Marie Dray—Psychology
Adam James Drennan—Economics
Justin Daniel Dvorak—Linguistics
Ellen Gray East—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jessica Lauren Eastland—International Studies
Jessica Lauren Elmore—Social Work
Eric Reid England—History
Cherilyn Jenae Ewert—Microbiology
Ryan Schaffer Fair—English
Michael John Fite—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Alexandra Masterson Forney—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
David Henry Freeman—Biochemistry
Aaron David Friedman—Psychology
Kevin John Gaddis—Biochemistry
Jason Bradley Garman—Physics/Mathematics
Juliana Gay—Geophysics
Merlyn George—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Rosita Ghazanfari—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Steven Allen Gibbs—Psychology
Gary Dean Godman—International Studies/Spanish
Susan Marie Gosse—Physics/Mathematics
Richard Scott Greene—History
Katie Marie Gunderson—Geology/Chemistry
Christie Renae Gunn—Journalism-Public Relations
Cooper Edmund Hagedorn—Film and Video Studies
Matthew Graham Hale—Letters
Ryan Curtis Hall—History
Jeffrey Dane Hamilton—History/Political Science
Brian Thomas Hardzinski—Journalism-Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Lauren Nicole Harkrider—Management/Psychology
Michael Bailey Harrison—Economics
James Roy Hartline—Microbiology
Hayley Anne Hartman—Journalism-Public Relations
Jacob Asher Haynes—Microbiology
Joshua Kyle Hefner—Letters
Anayeli Herrera Morales—Spanish
Richard Von Ho—Microbiology
Jamie Lauren Jackman—Journalism-Public Relations
Lisa Kathleen Janssen—Journalism
Caroline Elizabeth Jennings—Psychology
Leann Marie Johnson—Chemical Engineering/Psychology
Joshua Brian Johnson—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Bianca Frances Johnson—Journalism-Public Relations
Karin Jonsson—International Studies
Jennifer L. Karavanic—Economics/Political Science
Shannon Mariee Kay—European Studies
Bradley James Kinder—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences/Spanish
Kristina Marie Koch—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
John Michael Krattiger—Political Science
Kacy Ann Krehbiel—Microbiology
Natalie Rose Kurkjian—Microbiology
Amanda Gail Laughlin—Microbiology
Courtney D'Ann Leach—Psychology
Emily Kristen Lester—Social Work
Joshua Caleb Li—Microbiology
Katherine Alexandra Luthey—Letters
Shannon Kathryn Macko—Political Science
Michael E. Maldonado—Journalism-Public Relations
Jonathan Edward Malone—English
Krysten Sanders Marshall—Journalism
Britney Lauren Martin—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Benjamin Elliot Martin—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Kathleen Lynn McAdams—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Jonathan Robert McFadden—Economics/Mathematics
Charles William McMahon—History
Kelly Ross Mercer—Letters
Garrett Ian Merle—Latin American Studies
Matthew Richard Middaugh—Biochemistry
Sara Ann Mowrey—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences/Psychology
Jessica X. Nguyen—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Filbert Lu-Duc Nguyen—Microbiology
Neda Nikpoor—Microbiology/Spanish
Victoria Belle Nittler—Biochemistry
David Allen Notley—Microbiology/Psychology
Katharine Carter Oakley—Political Science
Nicholas Edward O'Bright—Chemistry
Kristen Rene Ogan—Health and Exercise Science
Dustin Joe Page—History/Political Science/Economics
Lauren Whitney Parajon—Journalism
Joel Salvatore Pastor—Letters
Amber Mae Peavler—Linguistics
Barret Christina Phillips—Zoology
Matthew Ross Phillips—Microbiology
Joseph Carmine Picca—Meteorology
Lane Erin Pilkington—Zoology
Jamie Marie Powers—History
Nathan Lee Pratt—Philosophy/Zoology
Ashley Ann Prusator—Economics
Jennifer Diane Pyles—Spanish
Sara Lynn Rafferty—Political Science
James Edmund Ramsey—Asian Studies
Amanda Lynn Rinkenbaugh—Biochemistry
Emma Michelle Rippee—Letters
Shannon Nicole Rodgers—Sociology-Criminology/European Studies
Rachel Anne Romano—English/Political Science
Mary Adrienne Rose—Greek/Latin
Tyler Andrew Schmiedeberg—Psychology
Brittney Via Schumann—Health and Exercise Science
Rebecca Louise Selby—German/European Studies
Elizabeth Alexandra Sharkey—Spanish/Latin American Studies
Elizabeth Bonann Simpson—History
Monica Singh—Psychology
Aaron M. Singleterry—International Studies
William Trever Snodgrass—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment
Calvin Youngdae Son—Journalism
Aaron William Spaugy—Letters/Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Taylor J. Sprague—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Sarah Elizabeth Stark—Microbiology/Mathematics
Stacey Erika Steinmetz—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Timothy Cole Stephenson—Philosophy/Religious Studies
Rachel Michelle Strange—Asian Studies
Nicole Elizabeth Strong—Letters
William Toevs Sullivan—Meteorology
Tara Marie Tannehill—Political Science
Kathryne Blair Taylor—Journalism-Advertising
Sydney Nicole Teel—English
Anne Marie Terracina—Journalism-Public Relations
Kathryn Terry Thomas—European Studies
Cody Allen Thomas—Biochemistry
Thaian Thi Truong—Psychology
Lee Anna Tucker—International Studies/Planned Program
Laura Lynn Turney—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Loan Kim Vu—Journalism-Advertising
Matthew Wayne Walker—Political Science
Rachel Lee Walter—Communication
Kathryn Dianne Warden—Latin American Studies/Spanish
Stephanie Leigh Weathers—Biochemistry
Lynn Klopfstein Werner—Letters/Spanish
Emily Alice Westbrooks—Journalism-Public Relations
Daniel Robert White—Physics/Philosophy
Samuel Neal Whitson—Mathematics
Christopher Cody Willis—Psychology
Raychel Nicole Winstead—Linguistics/German
Scott M. Wise—Letters/Latin
Meimey Tan Wong—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Chalmers Rieger Wood IV—Zoology-Biomedical Sciences
Rachel Elizabeth Wright—Mathematics
Anisa Xhaja—Microbiology/Spanish
Vineetha Mariam Zacharia—Microbiology
Taiwo Adesoye
Mary Elizabeth Allen
Jessica Scott Ames
Brett Michael Anderson
Carey Bess Bachman
Charles W. Bailey
Chelsea Ann Baker
Mitchel Colby Barker
Brian Curtis Barnett
Miranda Lydia Barnett
Brooke Lawren Belanger
Sarah Christine Boyer
Peter Daniel Bradstock
Austin Sanford Brewer
Michael Leon Brooks
Kevi Joy Brown
Bradley Joseph Brown
Ashleigh Vaughan Burchfiel
Melissa Suzanne Caddell
Charles Keith Cahill
Stephen Wade Caldwell
Byron Alexander Campbell
Bailey Dawne Cato
Layla Nichol Chafi
Conor Patrick Cleary
Joshua Scott Crow
Christopher Jennings Crowder
Matthew James Dahnke
Rebecca Anne Davis
Ryan Christopher Davis
Jonathan Blake Davis
Wade William Dejager
Kathryn Paige Den Daas
Kelly S. Dillow
Adam Richard Donahue
Andrew Duane Dustan
Lisa Michelle Earls
Sarah Elizabeth Erhardt
Jessica Rochelle Evans
Whitney Michelle Farish
Anna Colleen Farish
Lindsey Jean Flewelling
Mykaila Tassin Foley
Patricia Ann Fortin
Julie Kristen Foster
Jessica Dawn Foster
Sara Marie Francis
Stevie Michelle Freeman
Regan Elizabeth Fried
Jeremy Alexander Fried
Spencer Mason Friedrich
Thomas C. Garrison
Melissa Gayley
Carilyn Joy Giuliano
Nora Steven Graves
Rachel Ann Griffith
Cassidy Marie Grigsby
Taylor Anne Grove
Lauren Denise Hairston
Nicholas Ronald Hall
Jerrod Scott Hampton
Heather Marie Hansen
Jessica N. Harness
Devin Randall Harper
Ashley Deloyrn Harris
Jeffrey Blake Hart
John Mark Hart
Brian Keith Hartley
Geoffrey Benjamin Hauger
Lindy Jane Hawes
Emily Jane Hawkins
Joseph Andrew Heaton
Ashley Nicole Heider
Jacqueline Marie Heim
Heather Lynn Helms
Justin Michael Hire
Carla Nicole Holcomb
Lindsay Nicole Holmes
Michael Philip Hood
Jennifer Clare Howry
Kristen Lynne Hudec
Hunter Collin Huffman
Amanda L. Janssen
Virginia Claire Jarrell
Andrew Nathan Jennings
Aaron M. Jennings
Ashley Elizabeth Johnson
Andrew Christopher Johnson
James Matthew Jones
Jessica Lee Juntunen
Loahn Lynne Kelley
Christine Marie Kenkel
Wesley Robert Ketchum
Adeel Azhar Khan
Travis James Kirk
Christine Nicole Klatt-Lasso
Sara Michelle Knight
Lane Marie Koenig
Matthew James Kole
Sarah Marie Kroll
Ann Idell Kruckeberg
Linn M. Kruckeberg
Matthew Kumjian
Shannon Renae Lee
Tina Yoon Joo Lee
Kitty Hyun Joo Lee
Haein Lee
Nicholas Hamman Lloyd
Sean Luchs
Patrick C. Maddox
Beatriz A. Maldonado Bird
Emily Margaret Malone
Matthew Riley Marshall
Stephen Chase Martin
Jared Lee Matthews
Hossein Maymani
Jeffrey Don McBride
Jack Miles McFadden
John Michael McGurk
Chelsea Lee McIntosh
Erin Lee McIntyre
Megan Leigh McMahan
Allison Christine Meier
Arissa Kathryn Meyer
Matthew Bryan Miller
Kayla Marie Mills
Matthew Miles Mitzner
Chris Ryan Moody
Jenna Brooke Morey
Kathryn Jan Morgan
Melissa P. Morgan
Camerann Michelle Mortonson
Amanda Renee Mullins
Niket Muni
Melissa Anne Musser
Alex Allen Nagelschneider
Kirtan Das Nautiyal
Jessica Diane Nelson
Patrick Lee Neville
Huyen-Tran Phuoc Nguyen
Ann Lili Nguyen
Thuy-Trang Thi Nguyen
Don Cong Nguyen
Dzung Phuong Nguyen
Eric John Nicar
Krista De Ann Nightengale
Meredith Blair Noonan
Sarah Taylor Oden
Shannon Ronit Odom
Richard Lane Olson
Brenna Nicole Deckert O'Neal
Justin Matthew Osborn
Jeffrey Weldon Owen
Julianna Hope Parker
Carl Anthony Pendleton II
Jessica Fontaine Pennington
Minh Duc Phan
Jessica Lee Plumley
Michael Warren Porter
Zachary Allen Privott
Rebecca Susan Provence
June Elsie Purcell
Shandhini Raidoo
Travis Benjamin Redmon
Jessica Ann Reynolds
Philip Matthew Rice
Patrick W. Risch
Emily Haynes Roberson
Kyle Robert Rock
Melinda Ann Roop
Whitney Rose Ross
Patrick Taylor Rottman
Emily Elaine Ruggs
Neda Sadeghi
Kristin Camille Sander
Caroline Patricia Schneider
James Gregory Scott
Amber Elaine Sears
Katie E. Seefeldt
Christine Kelley Shea
Cheeyoon Shim
David Andrew Shook
Nicholas Adrian Sloat
Nika Leigh Spaulding
Andrew David Spruiell
Molly Mae Staires
Emma Dorothy Steimel
Rebecca Delen Stewart
Elizabeth Helen Stinnett
Elizabeth Estelle Sullivan
Sean Michael Summers
Julie Beth Swagerty
Aaron Collingwood Tait
Rita Ashley Taylor
Emily Morgan Taylor
Brittany Nicole Teague
Ryan John Theobald
Richard Edward Thomas
Bonnie Jean Thompson
Lauren Olivia Titus
Derrick Richard Toth
Lauren Elizabeth Tucker
Holly Elizabeth Van Hoose
Natalie Gwen Wagner
Sarah Rachel Waldrop
Andrew John Walker
Carly Walker
Steven Patrick Walton
Amanda Joy Ward
Carrie Dawn Watson
Erin Elizabeth Weeks
Joshua Stephen Weingartner
Shaye Beth White
Andrew John Whiteside
Kellie S. Wilson
Brandon Richard Zellner
Jennifer R. Zimbal