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Sooner Parents

photo collage of Sooner Parents events with Sooner Parents written out in white lettering and a crimson overlay.

Sooner Parents

Sooner Parents keeps you connected to campus and enhances your student's OU experience. Explore the many benefits of becoming a member, today! 

Welcome to Sooner Parents!

The purpose of Sooner Parents is to:

  • Provide the parents, guardians and other supporters of University of Oklahoma students an opportunity to learn more about the organization and policies of the university.
  • Bring about closer cooperation between students, parents, faculty, administrative officials and regents of the university.
  • Provide an organization through which parents may collectively organize their efforts in support of students and their educational experience.
  • Provide an agency through which authorities of the university may more effectively present objectives, aims and needs to the public at large.

We hope that you’ll join Sooner Parents and benefit from the e-newsletters, access to purchase football tickets, scholarships and local discounts for students of members-only!

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Become a Member

Join Sooner Parents today!

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Discounts & Scholarships

Scholarship opportunities and discounts included with being a Member of Sooner Parents.


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Football Tickets

Football ticket deals exclusive to Members of Sooner Parents.

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Projects & Initiatives

Learn more about the ways Sooner Parents supports the campus community.

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Get Involved

Take advantage of opportunities to get involved and make a difference in the campus experience.


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Contact Sooner Parents

Questions? Contact Sooner Parents.


A Message from the Sooner Parents President

Welcome to the University of Oklahoma, a university with 130 years of Academic Leadership.  Your student has embarked on an amazing adventure and will blaze new trails into their future.  OU will provide your student with a rich sense of community that includes students, faculty, and staff.   

The Sooner Parents organization offers you a unique opportunity, as OU’s official parent’s association, and is here to assist and partner with you on your family’s extraordinary journey.  We offer many helpful resources for our members and their students including, among other things, the following:

  • Monthly Member-only e-newletters highlighting current information
  • Early Notification of Fall and Spring Parent’s weekends
  • Access to purchase identified home football tickets (when an allotment is available)
  • Scholarships available to students of Sooner Parents members, $30,000 allocated annually!
  • Discounts at area businesses
  • Opportunities to volunteer

As you begin your journey as part of our Sooner family I encourage you to become a part of the Sooner Parents organization.

Boomer Sooner!!

Dr. Melissa Medina
President of Sooner Parents

Sooner Parents logo.

Parent & Family Programs Store

Purchase your Parent & Family gear in the online store today!

Parent & Family Store

Parent and Family Programs shirt lineup.