Surface water data and groundwater data are collected by the OWRB for the Beneficial Use Monitoring Program, which plays an essential role in the state's water quality management decision-making process by helping to identify waters experiencing impairments as well as the cause of declining water quality.
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
The Oklahoma Conservation Commission's Water Quality Division is responsible for identifying waters impaired by nonpoint source pollution, which is pollution that comes from multiple sources, such as pesticides, fertilizers, sediment, and animal waste. Click a site on the map for a summary of the information collected on that particular stream.
Blue Thumb
Oklahoma’s Blue Thumb Program is a statewide citizen science program that trains volunteers to monitor creeks and streams and share their knowledge of water quality with others. Click a site on the map to access links to download data and written reports for site.
The EPA created the Storage and Retrieval (STORET) database to provide a public repository of water quality data. With the use of the Water Quality Exchange (WQX) data format, data are now easily shared with 400 federal, state, tribal and other partners through the Water Quality Portal as a single access point for over 300 million water quality data records.