Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (in press).
Pursuing a general model of recall and recognition.
In A.S. Benjamin (Ed.), Successful remembering and successful forgetting: A festschrift
in honor of Robert A. Bjork. New York: Psychology Press.
Kimball, D.R., Muntean, W. J., & Smith, T.A. (in press).
Dynamics of thematic activation in recognition testing.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
[Download PDF of manuscript]
Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2010).
Learning from feedback:Spacing and the delay-retention effect.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(1), 80-95.
doi: 10.1037/a0017407.
[Download PDF of manuscript]‡
Kimball, D.R. (2009).
Feelings of knowing.
In T. Bayne, A. Cleeremans, & P. Wilken (Eds.),
The Oxford Companion to Consciousness.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Kimball, D.R., Bjork, E.L., Bjork, R.A., & Smith, T.A. (2008).
Part-list cuing and the dynamics of false recall.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 296-301.
doi: 10.3758/PBR.15.2.296.
[Download PDF]
Kimball, D.R., Smith, T.A., & Kahana, M.J. (2007).
The fSAM model of false recall.
Psychological Review, 114, 954-993.
doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.114.4.954.
[Download PDF]
Sirotin, Y.B., Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2005).
Going beyond a single list: Modeling the effects of prior experience
on episodic free recall.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12, 787-805.
[Download PDF]
Kimball, D.R., & Metcalfe, J. (2003).
Delaying judgments of learning affects memory, not metamemory.
Memory & Cognition, 31, 918-929.
[Download PDF]
Kimball, D.R., & Bjork, R.A. (2002).
Influences of intentional and unintentional forgetting on false memories.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 131, 116-130.
doi: 10.1037/0096-3445.131.1.116.
[Download PDF]
Kimball, D.R., & Holyoak, K.J. (2000).
Transfer and expertise.
In E. Tulving & F.I. Craik (eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Memory (pp. 109-122).
New York : Oxford University Press.
Presentations at scientific meetings
Kimball, D.R., & Muntean, W.J. (2009, November).
Context matters: Thematic salience and test-induced false recognition.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Coker, W.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2009, November).
Part-set cuing effects suggest limitations on eyewitness interviewing techniques.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Smith, T.A., Kimball, D.R., & Mann, M. (2009, November).
Presentation rate and false recall: The roles of attentional and rehearsal limitations.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Landon, W.B., & Kimball, D.R. (2009, October).
Can texts be intentionally forgotten?
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, Houston, TX.
Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2009, October).
Reexamining the rise and fall of false recall.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, Houston, TX.
Coker, W.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2009, October).
Imagery, delay, and repetition in eyewitness interviewing.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, Houston, TX.
Muntean, W.J., & Kimball, D.R. (2009, October).
Varying the validity of thematic relatedness as a test cue.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, Houston, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2009, January).
Conjunctive and summative processes in human memory.
Paper presented at the Context and Episodic Memory Symposium, West Palm Beach, FL
(read by T.A. Smith).
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2008, November).
Delayed judgments of learning, improved restudy decisions,
and improved recall: A causal chain?
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
Kimball, D.R., Muntean, W.J., Smith, T.A., & Mann, M. (2008, November).
Dynamics of semantic priming in recognition testing.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2008, November).
Modeling part-set cuing of false memories.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2008, October).
Delaying judgments of learning leads to more--not more effective--restudy.
Paper presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, El Paso, TX.
Kimball, D.R., Muntean, W.J., & Smith, T.A. (2008, October).
Semantic associations and false memories for studied and unstudied lists.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, El Paso, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Coker, W.A. (2008, October).
Part-list cuing and inter-item semantic associations.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, El Paso, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2008, January).
Testing the fSAM model as a general model of false recall.
Paper presented at the Context and Episodic Memory Symposium, Tampa, FL.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2007, November).
Generalizing the fSAM model: Simulation of core false recall effects.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2007, November).
Feedback timing in semantic learning: Spacing and the delay-retention effect.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
Kimball, D.R., & Coker, W.A. (2007, November).
Impairment of scene recall due to part-set cuing.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2007, October).
Correlations among false recall, veridical recall, and association strengths:
Testing the fSAM model.
Paper presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Smith, T.A., & Kimball, D.R. (2007, October).
Feedback timing in semantic learning: A critical re-examination
of the delay-retention effect.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Coker, W.A. (2007, October).
Impairment in memory for everyday scenes with part-set cuing.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Kimball, D.R., Muntean, W.J., & Smith, T.A. (2007, October).
Dynamics of false memory during recognition of associative lists.
Poster presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Smith, T.A. (2007, August).
Testing the fSAM model of false recall: Association strengths and true-false
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Nashville, TN.
Kimball, D.R., Smith, T.A., & Kahana, M.J. (2006, November).
Modeling false recall: Semantic encoding and retrieval in associative
memory models.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.
Kimball, D.R., Smith, T.A., & Kahana, M.J. (2006, October).
Conjunctive semantic retrieval in an associative model of false memory.
Paper presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, Lubbock, TX.
Kimball, D.R., Smith, T.A., & Kahana, M.J. (2006, July).
Modeling false recall: Beyond a simple associative model.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology,
Vancouver, BC.
Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2004, November).
Modeling false recall: A simple associative model is not enough.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.
Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2004, July).
Modeling false recall of semantic associates requires more
than a simple associative model.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical
Psychology, Ann Arbor, MI.
Kimball, D.R. (2004).
Consideration of memory effects in metamemory research.
Paper presented at conference on Metacognition: Theory
and Application, New York, NY.
Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2003, November).
Modeling false recall: The eSAM model of associative semantic memory.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC.
Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2003, November).
Modeling episodic and semantic effects in free recall: The eSAM model and
false memory.
Paper presented at the Context and Episodic Memory Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Kimball, D.R., & Metcalfe, J. (2003, October).
Delaying judgments of learning affects memory, not metamemory.
Paper presented at the Armadillo Southwest Cognitive Conference, College Station, TX.
Kimball, D.R., & Kahana, M.J. (2003, July).
Modeling episodic and semantic effects in free recall:
The eSAM model and false recall.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Society for Mathematical Psychology,
Ogden, UT (read by M.J. Kahana).
Kimball, D.R., & Metcalfe, J. (2002, November).
Explaining the delayed-JOL effect: Evidence of a Heisenberg effect.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Kansas City, MO.
Kimball, D.R., & Metcalfe, J. (2001, November).
Directed forgetting: Evidence against a suppression mechanism.
Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Orlando, FL.
Kimball, D.R., Bjork, R.A., & Bjork, E.L. (2001, July).
Retrieval inhibition can increase or decrease false memories.
Paper presented at the International Conference on Memory, Valencia, Spain.
Kimball, D.R., & Bjork, R.A. (2001, June).
Intentional and counter-intentional retrieval inhibition affect false recall differently.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, ON.
Kimball, D.R., & Bjork, R.A. (2001, March).
Intentional and counter-intentional retrieval inhibition affect false recall
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Kimball, D.R., & Bjork, R.A. (2000, November).
Combined effects of memory-enhancement techniques and their
discernment during learning.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,
New Orleans, LA (read by R.A. Bjork).
Kimball, D.R., Bjork, E.L., & Bjork, R.A. (2000, November).
Effects of retrieval inhibition induced by part-list cuing on the occurrence
of false memories.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA.
Kimball, D.R., Bjork, R.A., O'Brien, T., Benjamin, A., & Murray, T. (1999, November).
Can a cue to forget influence false memories?
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society meeting,
Los Angeles, CA.
Kimball, D.R., Bjork, R.A., & Bjork, E.L. (1997, November).
Generation, spacing, variation, and levels of processing:
Are their effects additive?
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Bjork, E.L., Bjork, R.A., Stallings, L., & Kimball, D.R. (1996, November).
Enhanced false fame owing to instructions to forget.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
DaCosta, L.A., Bjork, R.A., Bjork, E.L., & Kimball, D.R. (1996, November).
Similarity versus depth of processing in a directed forgetting paradigm.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
‡Due to APA internet posting restrictions, we cannot post the final published version of articles published in APA journals after Nov 1, 2008. Manuscripts posted on this site are the final versions, as accepted for publication. They may not exactly replicate the final versions published in the APA journal, and they are not the copies of record.