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Strategic Plan

Lead On, University

The Next Phase



Message from President Harroz



For any institution to thrive, it must embrace change, anticipate challenges, and seize new opportunities with clarity and purpose. Progress demands a bold vision, a commitment to growth, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence.

At the University of Oklahoma, we refuse to stand still. As we reflect on our achievements and the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we recognize the need to sharpen our focus, maximize our impact, and build on our momentum. That’s why we embarked on a refresh of our “Lead On, University” Strategic Plan – to position OU for even greater success and ensure we continue to change lives for generations to come.

What you are about to read is the product of that effort – a vision for what OU can and will be, built upon a foundation more than a century in the making. More than a roadmap, this renewed Plan is a declaration of who we are and who we aim to be.

It reaffirms our commitment to the highest levels of academic excellence, research innovation, student success, and service to our state and beyond. It strengthens our resolve to push boundaries, unlock our greatest potential, and lead with purpose.

What follows is a summary of our refined Pillars and Strategies that will guide us forward in this next phase – grounded in our values, shaped by our aspirations, and driven by the shared determination of the OU Family. Our refreshed Strategic Plan unites us as One University, bringing together our campuses in Norman, Oklahoma City, and Tulsa, as well as OU Online, to move forward as a collective force for progress.

Together, we will shape a future for our University and our state that knows no bounds, championing opportunity, fueling discovery, and changing lives like never before.

Thank you for being part of this journey. The future of OU has never been brighter.


Live On, University,

Joseph Harroz, Jr.










Our Purpose:
We Change Lives!





Our Values:

Opportunity and Success
Freedom of Expression and Civility
Civic Commitment



Pillar 1 
Lead as a Top-Tier Public Research University

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  • Hire 300 new top-tier faculty who are leading researchers in their fields, objectively reflected in external funding, awards, and recognitions such as prestigious fellowships. Abandon “business as usual” methods of hiring to drive transformational institutional change by relentlessly and proactively recruiting the faculty who will elevate OU’s academic reputation.
  • Create a pervasive culture of excellence at AAU-level standards of performance across the institution. Establish and uphold measurable targets at the department, college, and University levels, while providing the resources, incentives, and mechanisms of accountability – from initial hiring practices to annual merit-based salary programs and post-tenure review – to achieve our institutional ambitions.
  • Recognize the centrality of graduate programs, especially doctoral education, to the teaching and research goals of the University, investing to increase graduate stipends and the number of Ph.D. graduates and post-doctoral researchers in areas critical to the state and nation.
  • Enhance support for instructional excellence and professional development by ensuring the Center for Faculty Excellence and related units have staff and resources equal to aspirational peer institutions.


  • Offer a life-changing experience for OU students, both inside and outside the classroom. With high academic standards, regular interaction with great teachers, innovative curricula, and an unrivaled in-person collegiate experience, empower students who are broad in knowledge and skills, ready to lead, and prepared for success in a rapidly changing world.
  • Ensure OU’s excellence is affordable and attainable by:
    • Securing $500 million in endowment funds for scholarships, fellowships, and student support via the Lead On Campaign.
    • Fully funding tuition and fees for qualified Oklahoma’s Promise students and eliminate net tuition/fees for Oklahoma students with adjusted gross income at or below $75,000.
    • Raising graduate student stipends to be competitive with peer institutions*. 
    • Work with the state government to reach public funding dollars at levels equal to the AAU peer average.


  • From first recruitment to graduation, ensure that OU fulfills the role of public universities to provide opportunity for any student with motivation and ability, regardless of their economic, geographic, or other circumstances.
  • Unlock potential by recruiting, supporting, and retaining first-generation students, veterans, and students from rural and other underrepresented communities.
  • Create a University-wide culture of student success and belonging, always setting a high bar and uplifting students to meet it.
  • Expand educational opportunities by growing enrollment to 40,000 total students across all campuses while providing OU’s distinctive collegiate experience:
    • Increase OU Norman’s (first-time, full-time) freshman enrollment by 3% annually.
    • Grow enrollments for University of Oklahoma Health programs by an average of 7% annually to meet the health care workforce needs of the state.
    • Increase enrollment at OU-Tulsa by 3% annually.
    • Grow enrollment for OU Online to over 10,000 students.
    • Grow enrollment in OU Polytechnic Institute programs to over 1,000 students.
    • Expand OU’s transfer student population by 3% annually.


  • Set the highest bar in the country for the meaningful partnership between a public flagship University and state and local government, federal delegation, private sector, non-profits, and Tribal Nations. Use the unique capabilities of OU to play a bold leadership role in developing, coordinating, and executing a “strategic plan” for the state of Oklahoma.
  • Drive Oklahoma’s economy forward with research, innovation, commercialization, and talent development, including the creation of a new biotechnology hub strategic plan.
  • Improve the health of Oklahomans by drawing from the resources of all three campuses and network partners, serving as the most comprehensive provider in the state, offering medical care that can be found only in an academic health system, and addressing systemic health disparities.
  • Support the development of community-engaged research activities, emphasizing outcomes that positively impact rural and Tribal Nation communities.
  • Collaborate with the K-12 education system and other stakeholders to enhance educational outcomes statewide.
  • Enrich the quality of life across Oklahoma via the arts, athletics, lifelong learning, and programs that inspire and engage citizens beyond the campuses.


  • Win championships, innovating in an era of disruptive change, to carry OU's distinctive legacy of athletic excellence into the next generation.
  • Ensure that OU Athletics continues to uplift the entire University with budgetary self-sufficiency and acts as a beacon for the OU brand.
  • Foster the holistic well-being and lifelong success of all student-athletes, including the delivery of a comprehensive athletic health care program.
  • Enrich the student experience and engage alumni and fans of all ages via distinctly exciting and positive experiences with OU Athletics.
  • Relentlessly and proudly tell the OU story through a dynamic multimedia marketing campaign aimed at increasing the national and international perception of OU.
  • Promote a championship culture across all parts of the University, measured by victories:
    • In the student experience, by student academic success, student satisfaction, and career outcomes,
    • By AAU-level research outcomes for faculty and top 50 rankings for academic programs and departments,
    • By improved health outcomes for the state driven by world-class patient-centered care, clinical and basic research, and health care workforce development,
    • By employee engagement, satisfaction, and success, and
    • With alumni, by a lifetime of connected success, learning, and discovery.


* Throughout the Strategic Plan, when we reference “peer institutions, “aspirational peers”, or “AAU-level benchmarks,” we refer consistently to a defined subset of public AAU and SEC universities that have been identified as our peer group.  

Pillar 2
Empower Students for a Life of Success, Meaning, and Impact

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  • Harness the unique educational environment of a top-tier research university and academic health system to connect students with leading scholars at the forefront of discovery and creativity.
  • Uphold a culture of academic excellence and high standards in all degree programs, combining the liberal arts core with innovative curricula and experiential learning opportunities.
  • Cultivate engaged citizens, exposing students to a broad range of ideas and viewpoints, developing their ability to participate in civil dialogue and debate, and encouraging a service mindset.
  • Prepare all students, regardless of major, for the impact of artificial intelligence, providing them with the breadth of skills necessary to thrive as professionals and citizens in a world of rapid technological change.
  • Embed experiential learning in the OU experience for every student, including participation in faculty-mentored research, service learning, leadership development, and internships.
  • Embrace global engagement by expanding participation in study abroad and other international learning experiences.
  • Envision a bold future for the Honors College as the center of an enriching intellectual and social environment that attracts and trains the brightest undergraduate students.


  • Build community and enrich the social, intellectual, and emotional growth of students, starting with a dynamic orientation program and a transformative residential experience.
  • Develop a suite of signature OU experiences, which support connectivity and community with a broad range of extracurricular programs, events, and organizations (e.g., visual and performing arts, lectures, cultural programs, student organizations, fraternities and sororities, athletics, esports, etc.).
  • Ensure that active participation in extracurricular activities is accessible and affordable for all students.
  • Commit to programs, student-led traditions, arts, and cultural events that foster global awareness and enrich all students, faculty, and staff perspectives.


  • Enhance and expand academic success initiatives to improve undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree completion.
  • Be a leader among peers for students’ overall satisfaction with the university experience.
  • Provide students with comprehensive academic success support at all levels through holistic advising, career services, tutoring, mentoring, and transition courses to improve student academic success outcomes.
  • Eliminate barriers that impede students’ access to OU or that hinder their academic success.
    • Improve time-to-degree metrics and overall student success rates by evaluating curricular, policy, and financial obstacles that impede progress.
    • Eliminate unnecessary doctoral and professional degree hours for eligible programs to improve completion and time-to-degree metrics.
  • Provide a comprehensive student health program on all campuses, including mental health resources, fitness programs and recreation sports, dining services and food support, and other health and well-being services.


  • Ensure that OU degrees lead to high-quality jobs and long-term professional success by tracking placement rates, rapidly addressing gaps and deficiencies, and offering a full suite of career services that utilizes the full potential of OU’s alumni and external networks.
  • Design and implement a plan for expanding high-quality applied learning opportunities, internships, and career engagement initiatives.
  • Develop a robust, centralized resource to track, expand, and promote external (industry, federal, and other universities) internships, fellowships, and mentorships across the University.
  • Draw from OU’s nationwide community of successful alumni to generate internships and job placements for current OU students.


  • Expand online program enrollment and credentials by delivering high-quality online and hybrid learning experiences across multiple degree levels and subjects to reach top five SEC-level performance.
  • Launch OU Pathways, an initiative focused on promoting and expanding the broad range of academic pathways for learners to engage with OU, including degree completion programs.
  • Create a University-wide strategy to expand OU’s portfolio of non-credit academic offerings (e.g., certificates, badges, micro-credentials), including projects with employers to solve workforce needs.
  • Expand affiliations with high schools, two-year colleges, and other higher education providers across the state to increase enrollments in online degree programs and other credit and non-credit academic offerings.

Pillar 3
Ascend as One OU – Unified by Our Purpose, Values, and Strategic Plan

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  • Build a unified institutional culture that constantly affirms our Values of excellence, opportunity and success, boldness, freedom of expression and civility, and civic commitment.
  • Realize the potential of OU’s broad range of capabilities through a University-wide initiative that will advance a more seamless and cohesive organizational structure, achieve efficiencies through integrated operations, and build community and collaboration across all campuses.
  • Promote a unified brand that integrates academics, research, medicine, and athletics, thereby elevating the pride and distinction for each embodied by the OU experience.


  • Adhere to OU’s commitment to academic freedom, freedom of speech, unfettered exploration, and intellectual independence, as affirmed in the Chicago Principles.
  • Build a culture of robust civil conversation, affirming that the University can serve as a vital forum for dialogue, cultivating skills and habits that prepare students for active life in a democracy.
  • Confront the polarization of American society by fostering both intellectual diversity and academic independence through curricular and extracurricular programs that are designed to equip students for citizenship and build trust and affinity with stakeholders on campus and beyond.


  • Develop and enhance events and resources that build community and provide opportunities for intentional engagement, collaboration, and support.
  • Pilot and assess a new mentoring initiative, pairing new students and employees with mentors from similar backgrounds or with similar goals.
  • Ensure that all OU campuses are safe, accessible, and welcoming to people of all backgrounds and abilities.


  • Strengthen our culture of engagement with a comprehensive new employee orientation, mentoring initiative, and a recognition program that celebrates achievements, contributions, and innovations.
  • Use annual employee engagement survey to create a cycle of honest assessment and active improvement.
  • Continue annual merit-based salary programs to ensure that salary and benefits packages for high-performing faculty and staff are highly competitive with peer institutions.
  • Develop a structured incentive program to recognize and reward faculty and staff for outstanding contributions aligned with the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Develop and implement a faculty and staff retention plan that standardizes best practices across the University.
  • Establish a staff position on each campus focused on advancing best practices in employee engagement.
  • Pursue opportunities to enhance employee quality of life, using the full resources and benefits of a comprehensive university, including a study on the potential for improved childcare services or support.


  • Develop and operationalize a multi-year financial pro forma that aligns with the Strategic Plan and is updated annually.
  • Adopt a balanced annual budget that is transparently communicated to key stakeholders and monitored regularly to ensure financial goals are achieved.
  • Ensure sufficient operating reserves and resources to invest in the Strategic Plan, while implementing long-term capital planning efforts across all campuses to support growth and stewardship of campus resources and infrastructure.
  • Conduct a thorough review of facility use and class schedules to ensure classrooms, meeting spaces, and other facilities are fully and efficiently utilized across OU’s campuses.
  • Launch an initiative to modernize OU’s information technology systems to enhance data-driven decision-making across OU’s campuses.
  • Support a robust strategic planning program that is integrated and scaled across all campuses.


  • Strengthen alumni engagement initiatives, focusing on new alumni events, a new Young Alumni Network, enhancements to existing alumni chapters, and expanded student mentoring opportunities, professional development, and social events/experiences.
  • Expand OU’s lifelong learning programs for alumni, friends, and community members.
  • Achieve $2 billion via the comprehensive Lead On Campaign by 2027 to advance the University’s Strategic Plan.

Pillar 4
Lift the Health of Oklahoma

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  • Attract and support world-class talent to advance biomedical discoveries, innovation, and health care practices for all Oklahomans, aligned with the performance benchmarks of the leading academic health systems in the nation. 
    • Achieve Blue Ridge Institute Ranking of Top 75.
    • Achieve Blue Ridge Institute Ranking for the College of Medicine of Top 50.
    • Achieve National Cancer Institute (NCI) Comprehensive Cancer Center status for Stephenson Cancer Center.
    • Achieve membership for Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in the Diabetes Centers Program of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
    • Achieve top quartile of Vizient Quality and Accountability rankings for OU Health’s adult, children’s, oncology, and ambulatory service lines.
    • Achieve a CMS Stars rating of 4 stars for OU Health (OU Medical Center).
  • Leverage expertise across all campuses in areas like fundamental science, bioengineering, and the social determinants of health to foster collaboration and advance the quality and impact of OU’s health-related education, research, patient-centered care, services, and outcomes.


  • Expand the presence of OU Health statewide, including a network of partners, to provide research-driven, highly specialized care that is only available through an academic health system.
  • Ensure that OU Health provides consistent, evidence-based, high-quality care regardless of the patient’s ability to pay.
  • Collaborate with OU Health on population-level wellness initiatives in addition to individual health care services – to support the well-being of the people who live, learn, work, and play on each of OU campuses.
  • Reduce cancer mortality in Oklahoma by 10% by markedly increasing access to clinical trials and cancer screening through the expansion of Stephenson Cancer Center.
  • Increase lung and breast cancer screening volume by 25% and use mobile cancer screening to increase access to cancer screening in rural communities and Tribal Nations.
  • Implement a plan for Harold Hamm Diabetes Center to reduce the cardiovascular complications and deaths from diabetes in Oklahoma by 30% over five years.
  • Virtualize and scale care while integrating generative AI and other emerging technologies and analytic capabilities across the health care enterprise.
  • Implement a teleneurology consultation service for all of Oklahoma, including telestroke services.
  • Be a leading member in the NIH-funded national stroke network.


  • Evaluate the current and future needs of Oklahoma’s health care workforce and use this data to prompt appropriate program expansion to meet OU’s responsibility as the lead provider of health care workforce development in the state.
  • Implement novel curricula, including a three-year M.D. curriculum, a one-year accelerated BSN, and others, that will attract and prepare students, residents, and fellows for 21st-century challenges in health care.
  • Be the lead provider in Oklahoma for the education of biomedical and public health research scientists.
  • Increase philanthropic support for stipends and scholarships for graduate students in biomedical and health-related research programs.
  • Increase the use of online education to deliver health professional education, emphasizing the “upskilling” of the existing workforce and employer-guided learning.
  • Be the premier provider in the state of continuing education and career development for health professionals and health research scientists.
  • Help grow the pipeline and expand capacity in programs at the K-12 and undergraduate levels to drive increased enrollment in health professional, public health, and biomedical research programs.


  • Recruit 150 new research faculty and use “cluster hiring” to drive research growth and excellence in the areas of cancer, diabetes and vascular diseases, and neuroscience. 
  • Achieve $30 million annually at a minimum in research funding from the National Cancer Institute.
  • Establish a Neuroscience Center and obtain a lead gift to name the center.
  • Increase the number of R25, T32, K08, K23, and other training grants to aspirational peer levels to develop independent research scientists and future faculty.
  • Use seed and bridge grants to strengthen and increase collaborative efforts across OU campuses to increase “team science” grants that advance cutting-edge health research.
  • Enhance community-engaged research to address social determinants of health, health care access, health outcomes, and health policy.


  • Double the number of patients enrolled in clinical trials in the next five years.
  • Strengthen the Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute (OCTSI) to support doubling the number of investigator-initiated clinical trial design, conduct, analysis, and reporting.
  • Strengthen the infrastructure to support doubling the number of industry-sponsored clinical trials of cutting-edge drugs and medical devices.
  • Recruit 50 new faculty with expertise in clinical trials and clinical-translational research.
  • Increase by 30% the number of high-impact publications (impact factor >10) for research that drives changes in clinical practice and improves health outcomes.

Pillar 5
Shape the Future through Discovery, Creativity, and Innovation

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  • Promote a University-wide commitment to reach AAU peer benchmarks in research expenditures and faculty achievement and recognition.
  • Dedicate resources to hire elite talent to elevate the institution’s profile and impact.
  • Expand the role of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships to coordinate research across campuses and drive growth and innovation.
  • Generate new resources and opportunities through public and private partnerships and advancement initiatives designed to support OU’s strategic research priorities.
  • Implement key performance indicators combined with strong incentives to reward faculty who lift OU’s research profile and to ensure continual progress on the Strategic Plan.  


  • Invest in OU’s strategic Research Verticals to achieve recognized global excellence in areas of institutional strength, such as: energy, environment, weather, health, aerospace and defense, and community and societal well-being.
  • Support interdisciplinary scholarship to address grand societal challenges that draw on creative and cultural expertise and scholars from arts, humanities, and social sciences.
  • Facilitate cross-campus collaboration to further advance a robust health research ecosystem, leveraging OU’s biomedical, clinical, and community-based research strengths.
  • Build OU’s capacity as a world-leading center for solving global energy and environmental challenges and grow collaborations between researchers with expertise in fundamental, technical, and social-behavioral domains. 
  • Position Oklahoma to be a leader in the ongoing revolution in computational fields such as artificial intelligence, pursuing an ambitious university that utilizes existing assets and identifies strategic opportunities across the University.
  • Leverage OU’s AI-related expertise across disciplines and in research centers and institutes, combining data and computational science expertise with leading scholars focused on AI's ethical, social, and cultural dimensions.


  • Invest in high-risk, high-payoff big ideas from multidisciplinary faculty teams and with enhanced financial incentives for faculty research excellence.
  • Create a President’s Moonshot program to generate energy, collaboration, and investment around areas of strategic opportunity.
  • Support the Big Idea Challenge program and make it a recurring event every two years.
  • Strengthen the Office of Innovation and Corporate Partnerships to translate big ideas and discoveries into Oklahoma’s economic growth through patents, licensing, technology commercialization, and start-up creation.


  • Significantly increase the scale and performance of OU’s high-performance research computing capabilities to support emerging computational and data science computing needs. Create a secure (CUI) computing environment that is robust and easily accessible to faculty, students, and staff.
  • Raise capital and establish state-of-the-art research facilities and cores in critical areas, such as nanofabrication, materials characterization, advanced manufacturing, transportation, data science, artificial intelligence/machine learning, life sciences, and biotechnology.
  • Support and expand research facilities in areas of OU strength where growth depends on new infrastructure.


  • Optimize administrative support for research, scholarly, and creative activity to minimize the administrative burden on faculty while ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations.
  • Appropriately resource and staff both pre-award and post-award services to ensure seamless, timely, and compliant execution of the University’s research and creative activity endeavors.
  • Implement user-friendly processes and software for grant submissions, reporting, and compliance tracking.