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Because you are a student, staff, or faculty at The University of Oklahoma,
you are a part of one of the largest resources of volunteerism and community engagement in the state. Volunteerism is a way for you to connect to the local community, serve people and causes you are passionate about, and gain vital experience and skills necessary for life after college.


GivePulse is the platform through which students, faculty, and staff can track and measure the impact of their teaching, research, learning, or volunteerism in our local community.

With GivePulse, you can manage your student organization, members, events, and fundraisers to measure your community engagement and economic impact.

Volunteer Opportunities

View our calendar of upcoming service opportunities. Click on each event to see more details for each.


Local Agencies

Explore our catalog of local agencies powered by GivePulse. Explore the list to find an organization you would be interested to volunteer with!


If you are a local agency and would like to share your volunteer opportunities or nonprofit internships, you must create a GivePulse page. Please email Vicky Bumgarner, OU Volunteer Coordinator, if you have any questions about GivePulse or sharing your volunteer opportunities with the OU Community.

Track Your Community Engagement Hours

As an OU student, staff, or faculty, we encourage you to keep track of your service hours, especially for future scholarships, awards, internships, and job applications.

OU values and encourages others to give back to the community. Acts of service done freely outside of academic requirements or work counts towards the OU Standard Award.

You can now track your service hours on GivePulse, just follow the link below!

Track Service Hours


Add your Registered Student Organization, University Department, or College Program

Would you like to track your group, department, or program's community engagement hours on GivePulse? Submit the form below to have your group added to The University of Oklahoma GivePulse Network.

Add group


GivePulse Support