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Why Volunteer?

Our History:
The Volunteer Office was created in 1996. The mission of the Volunteer Office was to promote "service to state and society," which is part of the mission statement of the University of Oklahoma. During the summer of 2007 the Volunteer office merged with the Center for Leadership Development. Now the office is one: Leadership & Volunteerism.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteerism offers tremendous rewards both to the volunteer and to those you help. By volunteering you are helping to improve yourself and making a difference in the world.
Volunteer Initiatives

How will you and your group give back to the community?

Serve on-campus throughout the year with this new opportunity
Nonprofit Studies
If you enjoy volunteering with local nonprofits and would like to learn more, check out the Nonprofit Studies program offered at OU. You can pursue a major or minor through the Department of Political Science.