1. Prayer List & TESTimony (post here) 2. Schedule of Events & Directions 3. Directions for a Broken Soul 4. Events Report (post here) 5. Jesus Week Purpose Statement 6. Information on Jesus Week's Council 7. Information on Volunteering 8. Purchase Jesus Week Merchandise 9. Photo Album 10 Contact Information 11. HOMEPAGE




How can I help out? Crockpot?

That is a good question. How can you help with Jesus Week? Well, besides all the necessary prayer, volunteering, passing out flyers, etc.; you might have access to some equipment like tables and chairs or sound and video equipment. You might even be able to talk your mom into handing over her Crockpot for a few hours to feed a couple thousand hungry college kids. Whatever it is, if you believe we might be able to use it, post it here along with some contact info 'cause hey if we don't know where you are, how are we supposed to get that Crockpot. Oh yeah, don't forget to tell your mom thanks from us and a BIG WE LOVE YOU!

(the mentioned posting board is not available presently. It will be set up later and will be accessible to all who visit the site. This access will be limited to the submission of new posts only. After being submitted, the post cannot be altered by any party not from the Council. The board will prompt the user for the title of the item(s) they want to offer, name, phone #, and email.)


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