Which Way Do I Go?!?



1. Prayer List & TESTimony (post here) 2. Schedule of Events & Directions 3. Directions for a Broken Soul 4. Events Report (post here) 5. Jesus Week Purpose Statement 6. Information on Jesus Week's Council 7. Information on Volunteering 8. Purchase Jesus Week Merchandise 9. PhotoAlbum 10 Contact Information 11. HOMEPAGE






1When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on (B)the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him.
2He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying,

Where is the path to Life in eternity?
Which road do I take to follow this One called Christ?
13"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.

14"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

(Matthew 5:1-2; 7:13-14 NASB)

These links are of websites constructed by trusted Believers in Christ who have the experience and the fruit or results in their lives to back up that experience. We encourage you to seek out the answers to those BIGQUESTIONS that so harass and pursue you. We encourage you to, instead, pursue God- give Him no rest until you have gained what you seek and find the peace that you so desire. Give us no rest until we have given you the help we can provide and you have your BIG ANSWERS.

"www.christiananswers.com -with over 1.4 million hits a day,







Here is a list of the Christian organizations on the Univ. of OK campus or that are serving the campus. Finding out who these guys are will allow you to come to know who Christ is.

35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35


Christian Student Organization links:

African Christian Fellowship http://www.ou.edu/acf/

Baptist Student Union http://www.oubsu.org/

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship http://www.ou.edu/student/xa/

Christ on Campus http://www.cocou.org

CRU- Campus Crusade Christ www.oucru.com

Fellowship of Christian Athletes www.okfca.org

I.D.E.A. Intelligent Design Evolution Awareness formerly Creation Science Society www.ou.edu/css

ISF- International Student Friendship www.ou.edu/student/isf

LifeStream - www.oulifestream.com

Maranatha Ministries newcovenanttours@aol.com

Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship-Sooner Impact website: www.ou.edu/mbsf

Nazarene Student Center www.ounsc.org

OU Christian Faculty and Staff www.ou.edu/faculty/organizations/ouchrfas

RUF Reformed University Fellowship www.ouruf.org

Sooners for Christ-University Outreach Center www.soonersforchrist.org

Wesley Foundation: Web Page: www.wesleyou.org

Matt Moynihan, Editor of The BeaconOU beaconou@ou.edu



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