The reports listed below have contents spanning several different data areas. These include the Facts at a Glance, the Factbook, and the Common Data Set (CDS) for current and prior years.
Facts at a Glance provides basic information about OU-Norman Campus students, faculty, and staff. Updated each Fall, it is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions in a convenient, one-page format.
Profiles of the University of Oklahoma – commonly referred to as the OU Factbook – provides a comprehensive overview of university activities, including organizational charts, student and employee headcounts, information about student outcomes, and financial data. The Factbook is updated in stages over the course of a year, with pages posted here as they are completed. Student and employee information will be as of the Fall 2023 semester. Data spanning an academic year will be as of 2022-2023, the most recently completed academic year. If you have questions or need any information about the fact book, please contact us at
The 2024 Factbook is currently being created. Pages will be uploaded as they become available. Last year's Factbook is available here. If you need data from a page that is not yet available please contact us.
Table of Contents | Page |
About the University of Oklahoma | Section Discontinued |
About the University of Oklahoma Campuses | Section Discontinued |
Highlights of 2020 | Section Discontinued |
Chronological History | Section Discontinued |
Establishment Dates | 1-21 (PDF) |
Institutional and Program Accreditation Status | 1-22 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Total Headcount Enrollment, All Campuses | 1-38 (PDF) |
Headcount Enrollment by Campus | 1-39 (PDF) |
FTE Enrollment by Campus | 1-40 (PDF) |
Headcount Enrollment Trends for All Campuses | 1-41 (PDF) |
FTE Enrollment Trends for All Campuses | 1-42 (PDF) |
Employees by Campus | 1-43 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Degrees Programs by Discipline and Level | 2-1 (PDF) |
Degree Inventory Statistics | 2-7 (PDF) |
Degrees Conferred by Major | Degree Report PDF and link to Power BI Interactive Report |
Degrees Conferred by College and Level | 2-13 (PDF) |
Number of Degrees Conferred by Level, 25-Year Trend | 2-14 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Admissions Guidelines | Link to OU Admissions |
Characteristics of First-Time Students | First-Time Freshman Analysis Report |
Characteristics of First-Time Students, 5-Year Trend | First-Time Freshman Analysis Report |
Retention and Graduation Rates | Undergraduate Retention Report Fall 2023 |
Table of Contents | Page |
Enrollment from Academic Year 2008 to 2023 (Graph) | 2-19 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Tuition Residency and by Gender, Trend | 2-20 (PDF) |
Enrollment by IPEDS Race/Ethnicity, 12-Year Trend | 2-21 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Full-Time/Part-Time and by Tuition Residency | 2-22 (PDF) |
Enrollment by College and by Class | 2-23 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Class within College | 2-24 (PDF) |
Enrollment by College, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-25 (PDF) |
Total Enrollment by College, Department, Level and Gender | 2-27 (PDF) |
Total Enrollment by College, Level and Gender | 2-29 (PDF) |
Graduate/Professional Enrollment by College, Department, and Level | 2-30 (PDF) |
Enrollment by County in Oklahoma | 2-32 (PDF) |
Enrollment by County in Oklahoma (Map) | 2-33 (PDF) |
Enrollment by State and U.S. Territories of Origin | 2-34 (PDF) |
Enrollment by State and U.S. Territories of Origin (Map) | 2-35 (PDF) |
Enrollment of International Students by Citizenship Country | 2-36 (PDF) |
Age Distribution of Students by Level, 11-Year Trend | 2-38 (PDF) |
New Students by Entry Type and Tuition Residency (11-Yr. Trend) and by Entry Type and Class | 2-39 (PDF) |
Undergraduate Organized Class Section Size by College | 2-40 (PDF) |
Annual Student Credit Hour Enrollment by Level and Funding Source | 2-41 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Total Employees by IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-43 (PDF) |
Full-Time Faculty by Rank, 11-Year Trend | 2-44 (PDF) |
Full-Time Faculty by Rank, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-45 (PDF) |
Full-Time Faculty Tenure Status by Rank and Gender | 2-46 (PDF) |
Full-Time Instructional Faculty Tenure Status by Department | 2-47 (PDF) |
Full-Time Instructional Faculty Tenure Status by Appointing Unit | 2-50 (PDF) |
Graduate Assistants by Major College, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-51 (PDF) |
Graduate/Professional Students with Assistantships by Student's Major College | 2-52 (PDF) |
Percent of Graduate/Professional Students Receiving Assistantships, 5-Year Trend | 2-52 (PDF) |
Full-Time Staff by Job Type, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-53 (PDF) |
Part-Time Staff by Job Type, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 2-54 (PDF) |
Average Instructional Faculty Salary by Rank, 10-Year Trend | 2-55 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
OU Allocations Compared to Statewide Total, 21-Year Trend | 2-57 (PDF) |
Operating Budget by Funding Source, 16-Year Trend | 2-58 (PDF) |
Educational and General Budget - All Sources of Funds, 16-Year Trend | 2-59 (PDF) |
Educational and General Budget - State Appropriations, 16-Year Trend | 2-60 (PDF) |
Educational and General Budget - State Appropriations per Student, 16-Year Trend | 2-61 (PDF) |
Educational and General Budget - State Appropriations for Law Center, 16-Year Trend | 2-62 (PDF) |
Sponsored Programs - Expenditures (Trend) | 2-63 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Annual Rates and Total Program Costs | 2-65 (PDF) |
Tuition and Mandatory Fees Detail | 2-66 (PDF) |
Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees for Selected Peer Universities (Trend) | Page Discontinued |
Tuition Rates per Credit Hour (Trend) | 2-68 (PDF) |
Financial Aid Awards, 5-Year Trend | 2-69 (PDF) |
Nonresidential Space by Room Use | 2-70 (PDF) |
Net Assignable Square Footage by Program | 2-71 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
About the University of Oklahoma HSC - Mission Statement | 3-i (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Enrollment by Tuition Residency and Full-Time/Part-Time, 17-Year Trend | 3-11 (PDF) |
Enrollment by County in Oklahoma | 3-12 (PDF) |
Enrollment by State of Origin | 3-13 (PDF) |
Enrollment of International Students by Citizenship Country | 3-14 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Career Emphasis, College and Class | 3-16 (PDF) |
Enrollment by College, Career Emphasis and Gender | 3-17 (PDF) |
Enrollment by College, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity and Gender | 3-18 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Career Emphasis, College, Age and Gender | 3-20 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Career Emphasis, College and Tuition Residency | 3-22 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Career Emphasis, College and Full-Time/Part-Time Status | 3-23 (PDF) |
Enrollment by College, Career Emphasis, Major and Gender | 3-24 (PDF) |
Headcount Enrollment by Level and College | 3-26 (PDF) |
Annual Student Credit Hour Enrollment by Level, College and Location | 3-27 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Operating Budget by Funding Source, 16-Year Trend | 3-41 (PDF) |
E&G Budget - State Appropriations, 16-Year Trend | 3-42 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Summary of Grants & Contracts Received by College and Department | 3-43 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Tuition and Fees | 3-45 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Distribution of Space by Program Classification - Oklahoma City Campus | 3-47 (PDF) |
Distribution of Space by Program Classification - Tulsa Campus | 3-48 (PDF) |
Distribution by College and Administrative Unit - Oklahoma City Campus | 3-49 (PDF) |
Distribution by College and Administrative Unit - Tulsa Campus | 3-50 (PDF) |
Distribution of Space by Room Use Category - Oklahoma City Campus | 3-51 (PDF)I |
Distribution of Space by Room Use Category - Tulsa Campus | 3-52 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Degree Programs by Discipline and Level | 4-1 (PDF) |
Degrees Conferred by Major | 4-3 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Enrollment by Degree Level and College | 4-5 (PDF) |
Enrollment by Full-Time/Part-Time, Tuition Residency, and Gender | 4-6 (PDF) |
Credit Hour Enrollment College, Department, and Level of Course | 4-7 (PDF) |
Table of Contents | Page |
Full-Time Faculty by Rank, IPEDS Race/Ethnicity, and Gender | 4-9 (PDF) |
Staff by Full-/Part-Time and Job Type | 4-10 (PDF) |
Norman Campus has historically been comprised of several organizational parts: Norman On-Campus program, Norman-based programs offered at the Tulsa campus, and non-traditional programs administered by the Extended Campus (formerly known as College of Continuing Education).
Prior to 2015, IRR provided enrollment data for Norman On-Campus only by default. Changes in location-based offerings, increase of non-traditional student populations, and the advancement of educational technology made that practice unrepresentative of overall campus activities. An overall Norman Campus reporting approach better reflects the interconnected nature of the campus's activities.
We realize that providing enrollment for all Norman Campus programs does not work for all purposes. If you are interested in the number of students living in and around Norman and attending classes in-person, using Norman On-Campus only data may be most useful. Please contact us if you need data summarized in a different manner than is presented here.
For prior years not listed, please contact our office.
The Common Data Set (CDS) is a set of clearly-defined data items developed through collaboration of publishers and higher education. These items are used to share standard information about a college or university, with emphasis on undergraduate education. Information covers data on admissions, enrollment, retention, classes, activities, policies and costs.
For more information about CDS terms, check out the Common Data Set Definitions (PDF).
For questions regarding when to use OU-Norman Campus vs. Total OU (Norman plus HSC), see our FAQ.
G. Annual Expenses (PDF) |
For any questions concerning our reports, or if you would like to request information from IRR, please use our general contact email: