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Institute for Environmental Genomics

Seminar Series

International Forum on Advanced Environmental Sciences and Technology (iFAST)

The International Forum on Advanced Environmental Sciences and Technology (iFAST) aims to provide an interactive forum to bring eminent scientists together to share their most recent advances in environmental sciences and technology with interested students, faculty, and other researchers. It also provides an opportunity to foster interdisciplinary networking among environmental researchers, engineers, and the general audience.

Invited speakers will consist of distinguished scientists from the international community to highlight grand challenges, frontier questions, and opportunities in environmental science and technology as well as potential solutions to on-going environmental challenges. The seminars will focus on fundamental research and will primarily pertain to topics such as climate change, environmental protection, theoretical ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, evolutionary biology, microbial ecology, geosciences, and environmental genomics.

The iFAST seminars will be presented via Zoom on most Wednesdays.  Times will vary due to our international presenters and audience. All seminars are free and open to the public. 

Upcoming Speakers

SpeakerTitleDate Time
Zhili HeMicrobially-driven nutrient cycling and coupling mechanisms in mangrove ecosystemsMar 4 (US, GMT),
Mar 5 (China),
3:30 pm CST
4:30 pm EST
9:30 pm GMT
5:30 pm China



Managing Pollution of Urban Waters: Sources and SolutionsMar 26,
8:00 am CDT
9:00 am EDT
1:00 pm GMT
9:00 pm China
David WardleTBDApr 16, 20258:00 am CDT
9:00 am EDT
1:00 pm GMT
9:00 pm China

Organizing Committee Chair

Jizhong Zhou (The University of Oklahoma, Chair)

Xueduan Liu (Central South University, Co-Chair)